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"With we want to provide the best experience brokering cottage homes in Denmark."

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• Company started in 1993 • Small team (2 developers*, ~20 in total) • Working business model • Complex business logic and data Context *2015

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Goals • Responsive Design • Re-enable team to feasible add new features • Attract new developers

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Contraints • Existing system brings in the money • Minimise Risk • Limited amount of resources

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–Old Klingon Proverb “Just extract a µ-Service for each of the identified bounded context and you're golden.”

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We built a new Monolith

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We built a new Monolith with Ruby on Rails…

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…and are not finished yet !

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Monolith µ-Services

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Except, it's not!

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Business Driven Development

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Small company Small business needs ≭

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Modularisation /ˌmɒdjʊlərʌɪˈzeɪʃn/

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"That's not the motivation you're looking for."

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–Wikipedia “Modular programming is a software design technique that emphasises separating the functionality of a program into independent, interchangeable modules, such that each contains everything necessary to execute only one aspect of the desired functionality.”

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Design decoupled components Design for Replacement Separation of Concern Systemic enforcement of modular structure

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Systemic enforcement of modular structure

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• Requires more discipline • Supported by • Strict code reviews • Tests / Linter / Structure* • Imagine natural vs artificial border *

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Separation of Concern

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Legacy Encapsulation

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• Dedicated areas in both Code and Data • Extend legacy system with "modern" API • Encapsulate and transform data between systems • Emulate the interface of the new system

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Importer System

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• Data includes • Facilities • Description • Images • Prices and availabilities • From over 40 different partner

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Retrieval Aggregation Mapping Enrichment Persistence Queries DB Saves to DB Queries DB Saves to DB Exceptions go here

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Retrieval Aggregation Mapping Enrichment Persistence

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Retrieval Aggregation Mapping Enrichment Persistence Explicit Process Model

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Retrieval Aggregation Mapping Enrichment Persistence Explicit interfaces & data format Exceptions go here

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Design for Replacement

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" in #

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Legacy Encapsulation

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Importer System • Easily remove partner who quit • Easily change specific importer logic • Remove temporary exceptions

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Decoupled Components

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Importer System

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module ImageServer !class App < Sinatra::!Base configure :production do disable :show_exceptions end not_found do respond_with_404 end set :public_folder, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'public') set :available_image_sizes, !{ !!:mini => [106, 71], !:klein => [138, 92], !:mittel => [145, 108], !:mail => [175, 117], !:gross => [645, 430], !:grundriss => [617, nil], !:grundriss_mit_legende => [415, nil] !} before do expires !86400, :public # expire after one day end get '/' do, 'index.html')) end !get %r{/hausbilder/(.*)_(#{settings.available_image_sizes.keys.join("|")})\.!(\w+)} do image_path = params[:captures][0] requested_size = params[:captures][1].to_sym image_extension = params[:captures][2] if settings.available_image_sizes.keys.include?(requested_size) original_filename = File.join(settings.public_folder, 'hausbilder', "#{!image_path}.#{image_extension}") if File.!exists?(original_filename) thumbnail = width, height = settings.available_image_sizes[requested_size] unless image_extension.downcase.include?(!"svg") !!if requested_size == :grundriss_mit_legende || requested_size == :!grundriss thumbnail.combine_options do |c| c.resize "#{width}x>" end elsif requested_size != :gross || is_landscape?(thumbnail) thumbnail.combine_options do |c| c.resize "#{width}x#{height}^" c.gravity !"center" c.extent "#{width}x#{height}" end else thumbnail.combine_options do |c| c.resize "#{width}x#{height}" c.gravity !"center" c.bordercolor !"#ffffff" c.border "#{!width/2}x#{!width/2}" c.extent "#{width}x#{height}" end end end content_type thumbnail.mime_type status 200 expires !!86400*365, :public # expire after one week thumbnail.to_blob else respond_with_404 end end end get !"/photos/*" do |image_path| original_filename = File.join(settings.public_folder, 'dropbox_sync', !image_path.downcase) requested_width = request[!"w"].to_i if original_filename != photo_lookup(original_filename) if requested_width > 0 image = image.combine_options do |option| option.resize "#{requested_width}x>" end content_type image.mime_type status 200 image.to_blob else send_file original_filename end else respond_with_404 end end helpers do def !is_landscape?(image) image[!"width"] >= image[!"height"] end def respond_with_404 content_type !"image/png" status 404 expires 600, :public_folder # expire after 10 Minutes, 'images', '!missing_house_picture.png')) end def photo_lookup(filename) !if File.!exists?(filename) !return filename elsif File.extname(filename) == !".jpg" filename_jpeg = filename.gsub(/\.jpg$/, !".jpeg") return filename_jpeg if File.!exists?(filename_jpeg) end end end end end Image Server

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We ended up with a quite modular system

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Best Tool for the Job

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Polyglot Programming and Persistence • Acknowledge different requirements within the application • We're building a web application ! • But: Harder to share knowledge

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SELECT calculate_house_price(houses.price_data, $PEOPLE, $PETS) AS price FROM houses WHERE = $HOUSE_ID Stored Function Call

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Modern Infrastructure requires µ-Services

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Modern Infrastructure • Modern (Dev)Ops tooling • Automated infrastructure • Deployment Monolith • Still using services (Workers, Image Server)

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Checklist Team size Business driven development Modularisation Best tool for the job

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Outlook & Remarks

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You can still deploy smallish services in a Monolith

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The Modular Deployment Monolith

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“…you shouldn't start a new project with µ-services, even if you're sure your application will be big enough to make it worthwhile.” Monolith First –Old Vulcan Proverb (by Martin Fowler) $

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Future steps • Search & Scoring • Booking Process • Remaining parts of Import Process

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Sum it up • Deliver business value with new system • Operate within reasonable risk for company • Apply modern infrastructure practises • Don't neglect your frontend

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Aside: Frontend Architecture

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$ tree app/components/house_search_button app/components/house_search_button ├── _house_search_button.html.haml ├── _house_search_button.scss ├── └── house_search_button.js

30.485 Häuser anzeigen

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• > 150 components • Explicit styling for each component • Usage of Custom Elements to isolate JavaScript • Events to communicate between components • ROCA style to reduce dependency on JavaScript

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Thanks! Questions? Dirk Breuer (@railsbros_dirk) – Sebastian Cohnen (@tisba) PS: Find us at the StormForger booth!