It allows you to build your location-based
applications under the AWS environment.
Available features include map display,
geocoding, routing, geofence, and
tracking functions.
Amazon Location Service
Slide 10
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This feature is part of AWS Amplify that
makes it easier to build Amazon Location
Amplify Geo
Slide 11
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Comparison of Building methods
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Amazon Location Service MapLibre GL JS AWS Amplify Vue.js
Slide 13
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Building a login function with AWS Amplify, Amplify UI Vue, and Vue 3
Prepare the settings for the AWS Amplify
and Vue.js login functions.
Advance Preparation
Slide 14
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Various background maps are available
by selecting the map style.
View the map
Building an Address Search Function with Amplify Geo
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Amplify Geo
● Easier to build than Amazon Location Service
● No need to configure AWS console and roles
● Some functions, such as routing, are still not available
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Amazon Location Service
● More challenging to build than Amplify Geo
● Need to set up AWS console and roles
● Available to customize directly using MapLibre GL JS
Slide 29
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Wanna build it easily? - "Amplify Geo"
Want your own customization? - "Amazon Location Service"
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Last Update – 5th Feb.2021
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