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How You Actually Get Hacked 1 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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AKA Do you want ants? Because that's how you get ants! 2 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Who's this clown? 2 → Infrastructure security at Etsy. → Puppet Labs Operations alumni. → First used Puppet on the 0.26 branch. → Has only been in big trouble with the phone company once. 2 3 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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What this talk is about? → Risk and threat modelling. → Reality, and infosec's aversion to it. → What to actually focus on, to be more secure, but less hipster. → Security myopia and the best being the enemy of the good. 4 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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What this talk is not about? → Mad 0day. Go to Infiltrate → Vendor Sponsorship. (Note however, it is Black Friday soon → Me reading out breach reports. → Nessus. 5 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Mild audience participation warning! 6 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Google Syndrome Disclaimer! If you are Google/Facebook/BAE Systems/Raytheon/ Any part of Five Eyes/OPM, this hopefully and somewhat obviously does not apply to you. Also stop listening to funny haired people who work at yarn websites for your security advice! Smash the 1%, eat the rich! 7 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Threat modelling The who now? 8 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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H1B fashion model visa. 9 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Working out who might attack you and how 10 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Evaluating risks and reality (and impact) 11 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Are humans good at evaluating risk? 12 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Have you ever said: "Have a safe flight!" 13 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Has anyone ever said: "Have a safe drive to the airport!" 14 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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15 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Flying: → An entire spare pilot. → Computer controlled. → A spare engine! → 100s of hours training/qualifications. → regular safety checks. 16 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Taxis → .... → have the strange smelling pine tree thing? 17 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Every statistic says flying is 100x safer 18 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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19 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Security what is it? 20 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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"The state or condition of being or feeling secure." -- The Oxford English Dictionary (as HRH Queen Elizabeth the Second decrees) 21 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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"Being or feeling secure" 22 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Secure [from whom?] 23 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Who are you defending against? → Scripts (mass own wordpress, nmap/zmap looking for mongodb/mssql/etc) → Script kiddies (the above, but with a tutorial) → Bug Bounties (hand wave 80% of attacks on your website?) → Red Teams/Pen tests (every... 6 months? maybe?) 24 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Other attackers? → China!!!111 (though now Russia is in vogue) → Hackers in it for the lols (needs no explaination) → Hacktivists (I remain unconvinced these are real → Hacking for profit (not for fun. See China) 25 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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The main ones, ZOMG. → NSA. → now and then the FBI → everyone forgets about CSE (and all of Five Eyes) → GCHQ (who seem to have fewer morals..) 26 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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"How to NSA-Proof your Apple iCloud account. – Underground Network" "Blackphone 2: 'NSA Proof' Android Phone For Privacy Seekers Now Available For Preorder" "NSA-proof your e-mail in 2 hours" "How NSA-Proof Are VPN Service Providers?" 27 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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"An NSA-proof operating system. Yes, for real." "NSA-proof passwords" "NSA-proof SSH" "Physicists are building an NSA-proof internet" 28 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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The NSA should probably not be in your threat model. 29 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Whaaa? But shouldn't we defend against everyone? 30 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Once you can defend against everyone up to the NSA, then try to defend against the NSA. 31 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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*cough* (please infosec, stop this NSA fetishism & security nihilism) *cough* 32 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Which is also again saying Learn to threat model in reality. 33 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Impact! What is the business impact of this breach. 34 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Defacement vs. DDoS → If you're a real time trading house large DNS provider, DDoS is a really expensive thing, defacement is not as big. → A political party website, DDoS is just annoying, defacement could be huge. 35 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Mail doxing/spooling → If you're a hacker in the 90s, having your mail shared with a 'zine is annoying. → If you're a presidential candidate, your mail being public could endanger an election. 36 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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In just your company → Credit card processing done by you or someone else (hi Stripe) → PII or other user data. → Laptop being stolen (please tell me they're encrypted and passworded...) → Annoying people from Lizard Squad on IRC, and suffering a large DDoS. 37 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Breaches 38 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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39 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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How do systems get (0wned|compromised| breached) 40 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Well here's how it happened in the 90s. l33t$ cc -o humpdee humpdee.c l33t$ ./humpdee Humpdee c0ded by Tekneeq Crew! Local address: Return position: 678 Return address: 0x01423908 Got shell # id uid=0(root) gid=0(root) 41 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Big thanks to our teal 90s sponsor . . . .s$ '$&ty . . .s$$$sss..yssss. $$$' ,&ft,ysp ,sss. ,saaas. ,saaas. .ssuiis ss $$$' d$$',`$$b $$$ .$$f",`$$$P"Y$$b d$V" `$$b d$$' "$$b d$$" `$$$" $$$ $$$sss$$$ $$$$$K. $$$ ;$$$ $$$sss$$& $$$sss$$$ $$$ ,$$$ $$$ .,$$$, .ss $$$ `$$bs. $$$, $$$ $$$' .ss $$$' ,ss.$$$ .,;$$$ "Y$$" `Y$$sd$P",$$$, Y$$B.$$$i. $$$L`Y$bsd$P' `T$bsd$$P `V$baod$$$ `"" `"""""' '"""' """"'"""" """' `""""" `""""' `"""""Y$$ .$$$. . . . . . . . .y$$$b. . 'Y$P' . Y" .' 42 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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(I'm trying to be invited back next year) $shellcode = @("shellcodez"/L) \x31\xdb\xb0\x1b\xcd\x80\x31\xc0\xb0\x02\xcd\x80\x85\xc0\ \x75\x32\x31\xdb\x89\xd9\xb1\x01\x31\xc0\xb0\x3f\xcd\x80\ \x31\xdb\x89\xd9\xb1\x02\x31\xc0\xb0\x3f\xcd\x80\xeb\x1f\ \x5e\x89\x76\x08\x31\xc0\x88\x46\x07\x89\x46\x0c\xb0\x0b\ \x89\xf3\x8d\x4e\x08\x8d\x56\x0c\xcd\x80\x31\xdb\x89\xd8\ \x40\xcd\x80\xe8\xdc\xff\xff\xff/bin/sh |-shellcodez madexploit { "humpdee": ensure => shell, targer => '', shellcode => $shellcode, require => Date['90s'], } 43 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Timewarp to now! → 99% of servers don't have real routable IPs. → TEH CLOUD, NAT, Load balancers, &c. → A few people bought firewalls. → DEP, SEP, Stack cookies, ASLR, GENTOO!!!11 → Hopefully you've patched this vuln from 1997? 44 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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iOS (not IOS, that is somewhat less secure) 45 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Things we know → FBI bought an "exploit" for $1M. → Zerodium had a $1M bounty for full remote end to end compromise. → Apple's own bug bounty for certain things in in the $100,000s range. → Maybe someone in your company has one of these iPhone devices? 46 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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ZOMG! an attacker could get a foothold in your network for a cool $1m dollars! 47 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Reality → So for the quick simple payment of $1m dollars you're totally getting owned. → if your attacker has $1m spare to spend on just an exploit. → and owning you is worth >$1m. → oh yeah, and there's no cheaper way to do it. 48 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Reality 2 → Attackers have budgets. → Majority of attacks have financial motives. → Defense is about raising those costs. → (whilst still allowing your company to continue to make money) 49 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Zero day is not your biggest worry. 50 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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So how do we fix this? with threat modelling 51 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Say you have N months allocated to a security project. Which of these will give a better return on your overall security? 52 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Rolling out the awesome Grsecurity on all your linux servers. 53 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Rolling out a password manager to everyone in your organisation. 54 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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One of these is awesome cool tech, which stops mad 0day. (and I really love the work of GRSec) 55 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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The other involves talking to people in the company and helping them with a password manager. 56 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Arbitrary pie chart 3D DOUGHNUT CHART! 57 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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"The use of stolen, weak or default credentials in breaches is not new, is not bleeding edge, is not glamorous, but boy howdy it works" - Verizon 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report 58 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Passwords 59 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Passwords == keys 60 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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More question time! If you care about lock security, do you: → buy cheap crappy keys but replace your locks in your whole house every month? or → buy decent (cough European) locks and not worry about it. 61 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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No one does the former right? (not that many people do the latter either, but anyway) 62 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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(also no ones house gets broken in to with lockpicks either, but stop poking holes in my analogy) 63 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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64 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Which of these is better? → "Password1234oct" or → "ainwobchiFatodFeb0WrorckyishroocsyacIsAfby" 65 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Which will be better next month? → "Password1234nov" or → "ainwobchiFatodFeb0WrorckyishroocsyacIsAfby" 66 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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You're wrong Ben because reasons → Guessing the first one, you can guess the others. → It'll be written down as it changes all the time. → Has much less entropy so they can remember it. → Second one is hashcat proof, the first one is not. 67 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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If you want more than just passwords! Spend money on Duo and buy Yubikeys 68 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Duo → gives you secure second factor over iPhone/ Android push notifications. → backup of SMS or phone call. → backup codes too. → more secure than TOTP 2FA. 69 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Yubikeys == <3 → Tiny USB cryptographic tokens that can tie in to Duo to be a second factor. → no more having to find your phone (I know, life is hard...) → Can also generate & store SSH/GPG RSA keys. → Now have U2F/FIDO for, well, Dropbox, GitHub, and Google 70 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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But most importantly... 71 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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STOP MAKING YOUR COLLEAGUES HATE YOU! 72 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Be nicer? Madness At Etsy, we try, really hard, to make the security team approachable and friendly! (In spite of hiring me) 73 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Why do this? (Other than working for a hugging company) 74 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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75 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Phishing This is pretty new, has anyone heard of it? 76 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Solving phishing! → Can't be done, despite what Barracuda may want to sell you. → 99% of people entering details vs. 9% of people entering details isn't all that helpful. → (But still try to reduce it) 77 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Solving phishing IR Having people tell the security team when a phishy email comes in, even if they've clicked on everything and shared their passwords, is great. 78 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Not solving phishing IR Having a holier than thou, mad leet security team who talk down to people when they report a phishing email. That will be the last time they bother to report anything to you. 79 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Love always finds a way. → If security block everything, people will just do it anyway. → "Shadow" teams spin up, and just avoid all your safeguards. → you block all outbound traffic bar the proxy, someone will run corkscrew. 80 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Security people, be nicer ❤ 81 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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And now the second half 82 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Conclusions → Start from securing from least skilled attacker up, not most skilled down. → Be realistic about your threat model. → Whilst its cool to defend against people with bigger budgets. Actually defending is better than trying and failing. 83 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Conclusions deux → Pick the boring definite wins, not the exciting maybe wins. → Yes, you won't get a BlackHat talk out of them, but you will be more secure. → Attackers want to win, Defenders can definitely win if they pick the right fight. 84 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Thank you → Twidder: @benjammingh → LinkedIn: → SpeakerDeck: → JitHub: → Etsy: Careers --- CodeAsCraft <--- our blog → Fax: pending. 85 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016

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Wham! 86 — @benjammingh for PuppetConf 2016