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Research Design Inferential Stats & Regression PADMN 6289// WEEK 11

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Inferential stats 03 Regression 02 Examining relationships recap 01 This Videocast

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Examining Relationships (Recap) 01

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Examining Relationships Differences in measures of central tendency (means, medians, modes) Measures of association • Appropriate correlation analysis for level of measurement (i.e. nominal, ordinal, interval); Johnson, pg. 208 • Direction of relationship • Strength of relationship (correlation coefficient = r); Johnson, pg. 206 Crosstabs • Controlling for a third variable in crosstabs

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Detecting Relationships Analysis types Example criteria Differences between means or medians ✓ Found differences ✓ Controlling for rival explanations (confounding variables) Correlations ✓ Direction of relationship ✓ Strength of association (Johnson, pg. 206) Crosstabs ✓ 10% difference (or more) between groups (Johnson, pg. 199) ✓ Controlling for rival explanations (confounding variables) Statistical significance ✓ Alpha level

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Regression Analysis 02

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Simple Regression Hours studying GPA IV DV

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Simple Regression = intercept + + error bx Y

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Simple Regression = a + + e bx Y + b = mx Y intercept Regression coefficient Slope

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Hours studying GPA Simple Regression intercept Regression coefficient

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Simple Regression Simple Regression: Hours Studying & GPA Hours studying 0.03 *** Constant (aka intercept) 0.04 R2 0.05 N 101 Note: ***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.10 Regression coefficient • Positive • Statistically significant Model fit • 5% of variance explained Intercept Number observations

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Hours studying GPA intercept Regression coefficient

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Hours studying Classes attended GPA GPA

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GPA Hours partying Hours studying GPA

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Multiple Regression Hours studying GPA Classes attended Hours partying

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Multiple Regression Multiple Regression: Hours Studying & GPA Hours studying 0.03 *** Classes attended 0.01 Hours partying -0.01** Constant (aka intercept) 0.06 R2 0.15 N 99 Note: ***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.10

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Inferential Stats 03

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Indicates whether a finding can be generalized to a population, within a specified degree of confidence Statistical Significance The confidence level (chosen by the researcher) at which a finding is to be considered statistically significant 95% confidence level; a=0.05 90% confidence level; a=0.10 Alpha Level “Probability value,” or probability of a specific result, calculated for a specific result and compared with the chosen alpha level. P-Value If a calculated p-value falls below (is smaller than) the alpha level, the result in question is considered a statistically significant finding.

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Understanding Associations & Statistical Significance Association Statistical Significance Interpretation Strong Significant Relationship; Generalizable Strong Not significant Relationship; Not generalizable Weak Significant No/weak relationship; Generalizable Weak Not significant No/weak relationship; Not generalizable

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Research Design Inferential Stats & Regression PADMN 6289// WEEK 11