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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads T H A N K G O D T H E Y O N L Y M A D E T H R E E O F T H E S E A N D A B S O L U T E L Y N O O T H E R S E Q U E L S

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Your content strategy means you know your brand, your customers, and your missed opportunities better than anyone else. @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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O R , W H Y C O N T E N T S T R A T E G I S T S A R E T H E C O O L E S T N E R D S Y O U ’ L L E V E R M E E T • you’ll know more about your offering than ever before • you’ll get new ideas for awesome new marketing campaigns • the content that gets you discovered organically will be better and more on brand than ever • you’ll genuinely understand your customers and be able to make old content better • you’ll stop recommending building new pages for launches without thinking about longevity. • pages you create will work harder for longer. • honestly like who doesn’t love a marketing efficiency?? don’t write a new blog post if you have a great one that just needs a little love @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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New content is important – but optimisation is not a dirty word. If you already have the Black Pearl, the most feared ship in the Caribbean, why trade her in? Audit your content. Make what you already have work harder, and then you can see what you really need… 9 @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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…or you risk cannibalisation across your site. 10 @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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Roleplay your customer journey. Have you got content for all of your pain points? Look for pages that have a good CTR – what is unique and pulling users onto your site? If a page you didn’t expect is converting well, why? Are you missing an opportunity or an insight? Which pages drive the most traffic outside of commercial landing pages? Check GSC for those SUPER relevant small- volume, high-intent long-tail keywords @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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There is no SEO magic wand. There is no silver bullet. If your content ain’t it then it won’t hit. But BY GOD there are basics! 1. Simple, straightforward, but catchy. This is your ad copy to users and to Google. Why rank you? 2. Make sure they’re not too long, or Google will cut them down for you. 1. Make sure your title is relevant and clear for the main topic/keyword you’re targeting 2. Use your headings to break up your copy and explain the content to search engines and users 1. Pick your keywords carefully. 2. Use them early in your piece, and use them naturally. 3. If you’re doing it right, you won’t need to fit them in – they’ll inform the content. 1. Plan your internal links – are you helping Google to understand? 2. Will your users want to read more? Will they click a CTA? 3. Will that CTA take them to the right place? @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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18 • Look at your landing pages • Optimise for commercial keywords • Build content around key products and pages, with good internal linking • Check your most popular queries on Search Console – are these pages giving the right brand experience? • Use reports like Ahrefs’ top pages to see where competitors are on SERPs you’re not playing on • Build out your keyword clusters with long-tail keywords • Focus on demonstrating EEAT • Look at quick wins, like pages ranking just outside #1-10

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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• Information gain refers to the value a searcher gets from a search – are they being presented with the same information, regurgitated? Or is there something unique that only your brand can offer? • Tap into your customer service team, customer help team, sales team – anyone with a unique take on your product, lived experience with your offering, or a different opinion about the brand. @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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It might be less immediately visible than your social media feed, it might not reach as many people as your email marketing can, but your organic content can be one of the most significant first touchpoints a user has with your brand, at different points of the funnel. @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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Your content can and should play across the entire customer journey, from the standard top-of-funnel consideration phase right through to incredibly niche queries at the tail end of the funnel. At every stage, ask yourself ‘do we have a page for this? have we answered that question’? @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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Your brand should appear in the same SERPs as your competition, helping users understand your place in the market Examples: How to guides, checklists, lifestyle content Why should someone choose your brand over any others on the market? Time to demonstrate your depth of expertise and trust. Examples: Product guides and features, best of/comparison content, specific use-case landing pages Time to put those CTAs to work! Shout about your USPs, use social proofing, and assure users that you’re trustworthy. Examples: Optimised product pages, success stories, customer reviews and case studies, very niche/longtail blogs Use user-generated content, talk about community onsite, and celebrate your customers in the way that’s right for your brand Examples: How-to guides for your products, troubleshooting, customer care pages, updates and launches, user generated content 28

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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If you can prove that your content has a multichannel life beyond ranking and organic visibility, it • Makes it easier to get signoff • Helps to connect you to other services • Builds the brand @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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SEO PR PAID MARKETING SOCIAL Quickly identify new potential landing pages or offerings from top- performing pages and SERP analysis Create evergreen SEO content that gets links and passes link equity, using content insights from top- performing blogs to help steer you towards trending topics that perform well in search. Use lifestyle and blog content in your email marketing to build your brand and break up conversion messaging Crosslink your content – add UGC and insights to your blogs to increase EEAT and that information gain Be tactical – if you’re ranking really well organically, save your CPC and make sure your paid team aren’t bidding on the same keywords @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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SEO PR PAID MARKETING SOCIAL Quickly identify new potential landing pages or offerings from top- performing pages and SERP analysis Create evergreen SEO content that gets links and passes link equity, using content insights from top- performing blogs to help steer you towards trending topics that perform well in search. Use lifestyle and blog content in your email marketing to build your brand and break up conversion messaging Crosslink your content – add UGC and insights to your blogs to increase EEAT and that information gain Be tactical – if you’re ranking really well organically, save your CPC and make sure your paid team aren’t bidding on the same keywords @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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SEO PR PAID MARKETING SOCIAL Quickly identify new potential landing pages or offerings from top- performing pages and SERP analysis Create evergreen SEO content that gets links and passes link equity, using content insights from top- performing blogs to help steer you towards trending topics that perform well in search. Use lifestyle and blog content in your email marketing to build your brand and break up conversion messaging Crosslink your content – add UGC and insights to your blogs to increase EEAT and that information gain Be tactical – if you’re ranking really well organically, save your CPC and make sure your paid team aren’t bidding on the same keywords @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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SEO PR PAID MARKETING SOCIAL Quickly identify new potential landing pages or offerings from top- performing pages and SERP analysis Create evergreen SEO content that gets links and passes link equity, using content insights from top- performing blogs to help steer you towards trending topics that perform well in search. Use lifestyle and blog content in your email marketing to build your brand and break up conversion messaging Crosslink your content – add UGC and insights to your blogs to increase EEAT and that information gain Be tactical – if you’re ranking really well organically, save your CPC and make sure your paid team aren’t bidding on the same keywords @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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SEO PR PAID MARKETING SOCIAL Quickly identify new potential landing pages or offerings from top- performing pages and SERP analysis Create evergreen SEO content that gets links and passes link equity, using content insights from top- performing blogs to help steer you towards trending topics that perform well in search. Use lifestyle and blog content in your email marketing to build your brand and break up conversion messaging Crosslink your content – add UGC and insights to your blogs to increase EEAT and that information gain Be tactical – if you’re ranking really well organically, save your CPC and make sure your paid team aren’t bidding on the same keywords @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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For every piece of content you audit or create, think about how you can help it to bloom… @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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For every piece of content you audit or create, think about how you can help it to Bloom… @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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For every piece of content you audit or create, think about how you can help it to Bloom… @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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@hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads

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C O N T A C T U S T O D A Y 0113 5312480 @hlrbrady @connective_3 /hannahlucyrosebrady #AllLeads