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Unless otherwise indicated, these slides are © 2013-2014 Pivotal Software, Inc. and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial license: What’s new in Spring Data? Thomas Darimont, Software Engineer, Pivotal Inc. @thomasdarimont

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Agenda Overview Repositories Store modules Q&A

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Release train

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Release train • Similar to the eclipse release model • Modules still versioned independently • Single canonical name —> Evans - SR1 • Communicate compatibility between modules • Helps to avoid confusion with versions • Now used by Spring Boot

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Spring Data Release train BOM spring-data-releasetrain Evans-SR1 import pom

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Release train 03/2013 Arora 09/2013 Babbage 02/2014 Codd 05/2014 Dijkstra 09/2014 Evans 11/2014 Fowler*

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Spring Data Modules Commons Neo4j Gemfire JPA Solr ElasticSearch REST Cassandra Couchbase Redis MongoDB Community
 modules Core

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Module setup - Codd Commons Neo4j Gemfire JPA Solr ElasticSearch REST Cassandra Couchbase Redis MongoDB Community
 modules Core

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Module setup - Dijkstra / Evans Commons Neo4j Gemfire JPA Solr ElasticSearch REST Cassandra Couchbase Redis MongoDB Community
 modules Core

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Evans SR1 Released in Oct 2014

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Spring Data Release Train Evans - Major Themes • Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.0 • Support for Java 8 • Additional keywords to statically restrict results • Enhanced support for Spring Security • Improved multi-store configuration • MongoDB 2.6 features • Redis Sentinel • ALPS and except Projections for Spring Data REST

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Spring Data
 Repositories Pragmatic data access APIs

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Quick refresher

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Spring Data
 Repositories Pragmatic data access APIs

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Interface based programming model No custom implementations required, but possible

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Base Abstractions Repository, CrudRepository, PagingAndSortingRepository Store specific variants

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Query derivation List findByFirstnameAndLastname(String first, String last) ! select u from User u where u.firstname = ? and u.lastname = ?

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defined Queries @Query Annotation JPA named queries Spring Data named queries

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Flexible predicates QueryDSL - type safe queries for Java QuerydslPredicateExecutor

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Custom Repository Implementations interface FooRepoCustom - List someJdbcBatchOperation(…) class FooRepoImpl extends JdbcDaoSupport implements FooRepoCustom interface FooRepo extends CrudRepository, FooRepoCustom

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New & Noteworthy

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Query methods

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Slices Paging without the overhead

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Page example interface UserRepository extends Repository { //findByLastname("Matthews", new PageRequest(1, 5, ASC, "firstName")) Page findByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable); } • 1 query for count • 1 query for page data

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Slices example interface UserRepository extends Repository { //findSliceByLastname("Matthews", new PageRequest(1, 5, ASC, "firstName")) Slice findSliceByLastname(String lastname, Pageable pageable); } • 1 query • but for 5 + 1 records

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Java 8 support Optional and default methods

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Optional example interface PersonRepository extends Repository { //findByLastname("Darimont").orElse(johnDoe); Optional findByLastname(String lastname); } No more NullPointerExceptions with Java 8 or Guava

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default method example ! ! interface CustomerRepository extends Repository { ! Optional findByLastname(String lastname); ! default Optional findByLastname(Customer cust) { return findByLastname(cust == null ? null : cust.lastname); } } Lean way to add custom functionality to a Repository

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Future support Async repository method executions

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Future example interface UserRepository extends Repository { //findByLastname("Darimont").get(5, SECONDS); @Async Future findByLastname(String lastname); } Uses async task execution infrastructure —> @EnableAsync

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Caching support

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Caching example @CacheConfig("users") interface CachingUserRepository extends Repository { @CachePut(key="#user.username") S save(S user); ! @Cacheable User findByUsername(String username); } ! ! Uses Spring’s caching infrastructure —> @EnableCaching

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deleteBy… support Query derivation for delete methods

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deleteBy… example interface UserRepository extends Repository { List deleteByLastname(String lastname); } • Deleted items are returned • Considers @PreRemove, @PostRemove

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SpEL in @Query Generic queryMethods

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SpEL in @Query ! @Modifying @Query("update #{#entityName} u set :activeState”) void updateActiveState(@Param("activeState") boolean state); • Define generic queries in common repository interfaces • In Spring Data JPA - support for other stores follows

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Limiting result sets You’re only interested in the top ones anyway, right?

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Limiting result sets • Previously Pageable/Page to dynamically restrict results • first / top equal stylistic variants interface StudentRepository extends Repository { List findTop10ByNameLikeOrderByAgeAsc(String name); ! //findFirst5By(new Sort(DESC, “score")); //top 5 students List findFirst5By(Sort sort); }

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Sort by QueryDSL Define your sort criteria via QueryDSL expressions

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Sort by QueryDSL type-safe order criteria use QSort if you need sort only QUser user = QUser.user; ! List users = repository.findAll( user.lastname.eq("Borat") , user.dateOfBirth.yearMonth().asc() );

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CDI improvements custom implementations and eager instantiation

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Common geo-spatial types

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Null-Handling in Sort Support for nulls first - nulls last

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Null handling in sort new Sort(new Order(“foo").nullsFirst()) new Sort(new Order(“foo”).nullsLast()) new Sort(new Order(“foo”).nullsNative()) new Sort(new Order(“foo”).with(NullHandling.NULLS_FIRST))

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 configuration We know what you were thinking!

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Improved multi-store configuration ! • Triggered if multiple Spring Data modules are detected • Modules only register for interfaces that a assigned to the store • Annotations on domain types (@Entity, @Document) • Store specific repository base interface (not recommended)

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Debug output … DEBUG … - Multiple Spring Data modules found, entering strict repository configuration mode! ! … DEBUG … - Spring Data JPA - Could not safely identify store assignment for repository candidate interface ….OrderRepository. ! … DEBUG … - Spring Data JPA - Registering repository:
 Interface: ….CustomerRepository Factory: ….JpaRepositoryFactoryBean

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Hidden Gems Some helpful constructs

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Repositories Collection of all discovered Repositories

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RepositoryPopulator Preload your Repositories at start-up

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Store module

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JPA Java Persistence API 2.1 support

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JPA Improvements • Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.0 • JPA 2.1 support • Execution of stored procedures • Support for entity graph definitions • Integration with Spring Security • Support for deleteBy queries • Support for findTopK / findFirstK

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Spring Security integration • Expose current Spring Security context in @Query • Gives access to the SpringSecurityExpressionRoot • SPI to extend the SpEL context for Repositories

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MongoDB Improvements • Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.0 • Support for Slices • Support for deleteBy queries • Lazy-loading for @DBref’s • Aggregation Framework enhancements • Query modifiers via @Meta • Support for MongoDB 2.6 • Support for TextSearch

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Neo4j Improvements • Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.0 • Support for Neo4j 2.0 • Support for Slices

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Redis Improvements • Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.0 • SCAN support • Spring Boot integration • Sentinel support

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SCAN Support • Non-blocking alternative to • KEYS • SMEMBERS ScanOptions options = ScanOptions.scanOptions().count(99).build(); Cursor cursor = setOperations.scan(key, options); ! while(cursor.hasNext()){ process(; }

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Sentinel support Redis Master Redis Slave1 Redis Slave2 Sentinel Node1 Sentinel Node2 Sentinel Node3 Redis Master Redis Master* Replication

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REST Improvements • Upgrade to Spring Framework 4.0 • ALPS support • Enhanced Projections • JSON Patch

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ALPS support and excerpt projections • Application Level Profile Semantics • Spring Data REST exposes resources describing the service • Interface based programming model to define custom projections • Configuration to define except projections

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Community Modules

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What’s next?

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Spring Security++

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Reactive Repositories

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Spring Data Examples

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Related talks

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Spring Data Track ! • 12:30 Caching with Spring - Michael Plöd • 14:30 Boot your search with Spring - Christoph Strobl, Artur Konczak • 15:45 Spring Data REST: Repositories meet Hypermedia - Oliver Gierke

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Q & A