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iOS architecture Bryan Irace August 5, 2014

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Purpose of this talk • The iOS codebase should not be this magical, black box that you’re scared to look at or touch • All engineers should feel comfortable reading through the code (and opening pull requests)

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Relational DB File system Tumblr API Local storage Networking and storage Run loop (waits for user interaction)

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Sync engine UI Sync engine User requested posts User created a post, liked/followed something, etc. New posts persisted No Internet? No problem Local storage Outgoing posts are queued, retried when connected Fetch new posts if connected, no worries if not

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Core Data Basically an ORM, but don’t call it that

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Our database is (mostly) just a cache Provides speed plus a nice offline experience without complication

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Controller Controller View View MVC Controller View View View View What you see on screen and interact with Exists in a hierarchy Drawn programatically or using a visual editor (Interface Builder) Manages a screenful (or so) of information Responds to user interaction Contains only presentation logic Has a single view Populates its view with data

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Adaptive layout • iOS 1-7 • Check if we’re running on an iPhone or iPad • Check if we’re in portrait or landscape • iOS 8 • At any point, app will be either vertically/horizontally “regular” or “compact” • This can change based on rotation, other factors

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Post rendering


The site may crash. 16- bitch met david.

Tumblr - making dreams come true (for David)

API response XML parser Mapping of character ranges to semantic section types (and attributes) Output string + data structure Or “Why inline embeds and stuff don’t show up”

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The site may crash. 16-bitch a> met da vid.

Tumblr - making dreams come true (for David)

(0, 4): [ { type: 'link', attributes: { url: ‘…’ } } ], (0, 6): [ { type: 'paragraph' } ], (46, 45): [ { type: 'paragraph' } ], (6, 40): [ { type: 'blockquote' }, { type: 'paragraph' } ], (26, 8): [ { type: 'link', attributes: { url: ‘…’ } } ], (39, 5): [ { type: 'link', attributes: { url: ‘…’ } } ] ryan:\nThe site may crash. 16-bitch met david.\nTumblr - making dreams come true (for David)

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TextKit NSMutableAttributedString *string = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString: @"ryan:\nThe site may crash. 16-bitch met david.\nTumblr - making dreams come true (for David)"]; ! // Loop through ranges, add the right attributes to each range ! [postContent addAttributes:@{ NSLinkAttributeName : [NSURL URLWithString:@“…”] } range:NSMakeRange(0, 4)]; ! // Lots of work required to support things like nested blockquote indentation, nested lists, inline images, etc.

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Yes, I realize we’re kind of implementing a web browser here All in the name of performance

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GIFs • Save each individual frame as a JPEG (plus a metadata file) • Play by looping through the individual frames • Don’t read them all into memory at once

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• Think Gems/Bundler, NPM, etc. • Used for both internal and third-party dependencies • Downloads as well as integrates with Xcode project file, compilation settings, etc.

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Internal libraries BRYMailToURIParser*
 TumblrCommon * Open source

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Third-party libraries CHTCollectionViewWaterfallLayout

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Application lifecycle • Apps can be purged from memory at any time, if iOS needs to reclaim memory • iOS 7 added “background fetch” – app can periodically update itself even if it had previously been killed • Apps can perform “background tasks” (within reason) • e.g. User creates a post and then backgrounds the app – post will continue uploading

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Push notifications Notification App is foregrounded App is backgrounded App is foregrounded and given payload App is given payload immediately iOS displays notification without app’s involvement

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Inter-app communication • Apps define protocols that they can handle, e.g. “tumblr://“ • We’ve support a number of URLs, including: • tumblr://x-callback-url/tag?tag=gif • tumblr://x-callback-url/blog?blogName=bryan • tumblr://x-callback-url/quote? quote=Quote&source=Source • x-callback-url is an unofficial specification for how iOS URLs should be structured • x-success and x-error URL parameters are used to return the user to the app where they came from

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Inter-app communication Apps can also register to open files of a certain type, e.g. JPEG or MP4

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Inter-app communication iOS 8 allows apps to expose “share extensions”