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Functional iOS Architecture for SwiftUIɹɹɹ 2020/09/21 iOSDC Japan 2020 (translated in English) Yasuhiro Inami / @inamiy

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Reactive State Machine (2016) • MVVM to Redux / Elm Architecture (Mealy Machine) ΁ • Reducer = (Action, State) -> (State, Output) • Output = Publisher • Unidirectional dataflow for easy state management and testability • Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) for side-effects

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Reactive State Machine (2016) • Proof of Concept • ReactiveAutomaton (ReactiveSwift) • RxAutomaton (RxSwift) • Misc • React & Elm inspired frameworks in Swift • SwiftElmɿVirtual View on top of UIKit (experimental)

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SwiftUI Combine

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Published "Harvest" (successor of Reactive State Machine)

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Agenda Functional iOS Architecture for SwiftUI • inamiy/Harvest • pointfreeco/swift-composable-architecture • bow-swift/bow-arch • Common points & differences in 3 frameworks • Comparison with Web frontend: React, Elm, etc

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! Harvest

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! Harvest • Successor of Reactive State Machine (Elm Architecture-like) • SwiftUI + Combine support (HarvestStore) • Works as a Dependency Container • Effect cancellation support • Effect Queue Management using FRP • Optics (Lens & Prism): Modularization of State, Action, Reducer, and their compositions

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Effect Queue Management • Publisher (Observable): Stream of effects over time • Stream of Stream ( Publisher>) is same as effects being enqueued by Effect Queue • Queued effects can be flattened into a single stream • FlattenStrategy for Effect Queue • merge, concat, concurrent(max:), switchLatest, race, etc (derived from ReactiveSwift)

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Elm Architecture × FRP • The essence of FRP is to build a dataflow pipeline with hiding the internal states of Publisher • But more hiding will cause harder state management • Use Elm Architecture together with FRP to ignore trivial state management • Examples: Rx.throttle to memorize previous time, or Effect Queue (State) Management

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Optics (Lens & Prism)

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Optics (Lens & Prism) • Lens: 2 operations for State (struct product type) • Example: Get user name & set user name • Prism: 2 operations for Action (enum sum type) • Example: Build command & get command's option value struct User { enum Command { var name: String case rm(rf: Bool) } }

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struct Lens { /// struct member getter let get: (Whole) -> Part /// struct member setter let set: (Whole, Part) -> Whole } struct Prism { /// Getter for enum case associated values let tryGet: (Whole) -> Part? /// case func (enum constructor) let build: (Part) -> Whole }

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Use Lens & Prism for Reducer transformation and composition

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If Reducer is composable We can decompose States and Actions in each module

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/// Converts Reducer<_, ChildState> /// into Reducer<_, ParentState> func contramapS (_ lens: Lens) // Parent to child -> Reducer // From child -> Reducer // to parent /// Converts Reducer /// into Reducer func contramapA (_ prism: Prism) // Parent to child -> Reducer // From child -> Reducer // to parent Contravariant: "Parent to child" changes to "child to parent"

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Summary (Optics) • Optics allows us to maintain app's State (struct) and Action (enum) modular per UI component, and keeps manageable by forming a tree structure • Lens and Prism becomes important when combining each UI component's Reducers into one AppReducer (better version of react-redux) • Beauty of Optics can be found in Functional Programming and Category Theory

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Harvest-SwiftUI- Gallery

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Composable Architecture

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Composable Architecture (TCA) • Elm-like Architecture by Point-Free Team • Multi-Store Architecture: Child components communicate with parent components and reactively synchronizes states • swift-case-paths as Smart Prism • WritableKeyPath (Swift standard type) as Lens • Over ˑ2000, good documentation & video tutorials

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Case Paths struct User { var name: String } // WritableKeyPath let keyPath = \ // Backslash enum Command { case rm(rf: Bool) } // CasePath let casePath = /Command.rm // Forward-slash

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struct CasePath { // Same shape as `Prism` let embed: (Value) -> Root let extract: (Root) -> Value? } prefix func / ( embed: @escaping (Value) -> Root ) -> CasePath { /* Magic inside */ } " prefix func / " Internals: Uses Swift reflection to automagically derive extract from embed (case function). No codegen needed.

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For more information, see also this session

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Bow Arch

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Bow Arch • A new UI Architecture by Tomás Ruiz-López (47 Degrees) • Bow: Functional programming library using "Lightweight Higher Kinded Polymorphism" technique • Can write e.g. func foo • cf. inamiy/HigherKindSwift (experimental) • Comonadic UI: UI Architecture on top of Category Theory (Mathematics)

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Comonadic UI

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Comonad ≈ OOP − Mutable Reference • SwiftUI.View as Comonad • Comonad: Holds internal state and calculate output • Ex: Iterator pattern outputs next value from internal state • Ex: Builder pattern accumulates state and output • Ex: React Component (SwiftUI) owns state and render (body) VirtualDOM (View)

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struct Component: View { // Current state. var state: S // Calculates virtual view from current state. let _body: (S) -> V // Note: Actual type signature is `Self -> V` var body: V { _body(state) } } Let Component = W, then we get: body: W -> V ɾɾɾ Comonad's extract property

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// NOTE: Pseudo-Swift // Monad M = UF (Context-generating compuation) protocol Monad[M] where Functor[M] { static func `return`(_ c: C) -> M // η = unit static func join(_ mmc: M>) -> M // static func flatMap(_ f: C -> M) // -> M -> M } // Comonad W = FU (Context-consuming computation) protocol Comonad[W] where Functor[W] { static func extract(_ wd: W) -> D // ε = counit static func duplicate(_ wd: W) -> W> // static func extend(_ f: W -> D2) // -> W -> W }

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Comonad // NOTE: Pseudo-Swift protocol Comonad[W] where Functor[W] { static func extract(_ wd: W) -> D static func duplicate(_ wd: W) -> W> } • extract: From object W to consume context to output Dʢe.g. Use state to output viewʣ • duplicate: Generates all the possible futures of object

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duplicate in nutshell (Ex: Infinite Stream) let stream = [ 0, 1, 2, ... ] // Current infinite stream // Stream of streams: Infinite stream having // current & future states of infinite streams duplicate(stream) = [ [ 0, 1, 2, ... ], // Duplicates current `stream` [ 1, 2, 3, ... ], // Duplicate + shift [ 2, 3, 4, ... ], // Duplicate + shift 2 times [ 3, 4, 5, ... ], // Duplicate + shift 3 times ... ] // ...and infinitely many more

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duplicate in nutshell (Ex: SwiftUI / React) let makeComp: (S) -> Component = Component(_body: ...) // Note: Partial apply let component: Component = makeComp(state: ...) // Current Component // Component that generates all possible futures of Component duplicate(component) = Component(_body: makeComp, state: component.state) ≈ [ /* Duplicates current component */, /* Duplicate + some state changes */, /* Duplicate + another possible state changes */, ... ] // Forms a "space" of all possible states for Component

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Component ≅ Store Comonad struct Component { /// Current state var state: S /// Calculates virtual view from current state let _body: (S) -> V } struct Store { let state: S let render: (S) -> A }

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Actual Component (with Event Handler) struct Component { /// Current state var state: S /// Calculates virtual view /// from current state AND event handler let view: (S) -> (EventHandler) -> V } typealias EventHandler = (Action) -> IO /* Effect */

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Let typealias UI = (EventHandler) -> V Then we get: struct Component { var state: S let view: (S) -> UI } Component can now be expressed as Store>.

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Modifying Comonad's state from outside In infinite stream example, shift (n = 0, 1, 2, l) is the state- mutating (can be expressed as monadic query) // Infinite stream (Comonad) // Shift query (Monad) indirect enum Stream { indirect enum Shift { case cons(A, Stream) case done(A) } case shift(Shift) } Q. What is the relationship between these two?

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By using Pairing, monad query can select the future of comonad. /// Selects future of `stream` from `shift`. func select(shift: Shift<()>, stream: Stream) -> Stream { pair({ _, stream in stream })(shift)(duplicate(stream)) } /// In general, any monad query can select /// the future of pairing comonad. func select(monad: M<()>, comonad: W) -> W where Monad[M], Comonad[W], Pairing[M, W] { pair({ _, comonad in comonad })(monad)(duplicate(comonad)) }

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For SwiftUI's Component (Store comonad), State monad can be used as monad query (explained later). struct Store { let state: S let render: (S) -> A } struct State { let runState: S -> (A, S) } extension Pairing[State, Store] { ... }

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Stream comonad → Shift monad Store comonad → State monad Q. How do we find the pairing Monad from Comonad?

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Summary (Comonadic UI) • Comonad extract generates virtual view from state • Comonad duplicate makes possible futures of comonad • struct Co creates state-updating monad query from comonad W • func select picks one of the future of comonad by using pairing monad query

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Comonad × Side Effects (IO) // Wrapper of comonad to `select`, mutate comonad reference, and run effects class EffectComponent: ObservableObject where Comonad[W] { @Published var comonad: W> func explore() -> V { W.extract(comonad) { (action: IO>) in action.flatMap { (monad: Co) in let nextComonad = select(monad, self.comonad.duplicate()) return IO.invoke { self.comonad = nextComonad } } } } }

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Comonad × Effects = Object-Oriented Programming • EffectComponent is an "object" in OOP, separating the concerns into "comonad" and "side-effect" • If W = Store comonad, State monad querying with side- effects means calling React's setState • Equivalent to SwiftUI's @State mutation • Note: Components can be nested using comonad transformer

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Q. Can EffectComponent be used for other comonads W? !

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Moore Comonad indirect enum Moore { // I = Input, A = Output // Current output and "input to future comonad" case runMoore(A, I -> Moore) } Same type as ∃S. (initial: S, reducer: S -> I -> S, render: S -> A), also known as Moore State Machine. Example: Elm Architecture, Redux

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Cofree Comonad // Comonad that can be built from any functor `F`. // `F(X) = I -> X` will be Moore, `F(X) = ()` will be `∃S.Store` indirect enum Cofree { case runCofree(A, F>) } Free Monad (Free) will be the pairing query DSL. Example: PureScript Halogen

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Comonad → Architecture Store → React Moore → Elm Cofree → PureScript

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Comonad defines Architecture

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Recap • The essence of SwiftUI is Comonad • Comonad structure defines UI architecture patterns • SwiftUI, React, Elm, PureScript Halogen, etc... • Optics for modularizing states, actions, reducers, and combine them all in an elegant way • Functional Programming (and Category Theory): A tool for understanding the essence of programming

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Harvest TCA Bow Arch GitHub Stars ˑ 300 ˑ 2000 ˑ 100 Author's activity ❓ Difficulty Medium Medium Hard Effects Combine Combine BowEffects Optics FunOptics WritableKeyPath & CasePaths BowOptics Comonadic UI Moore Moore Any Comonads Inspired from Elm Elm & React PureScript & Category Theory

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References (Libraries & Optics) • ! Harvest: Apple's Combine.framework + State Machine, inspired by Elm • Composable Architecture • bow-arch: Comonadic UIs • Brandon Williams - Lenses in Swift • Lenses and Prisms in Swift: a pragmatic approach | Fun iOS

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References (Comonadic UI) • Declarative UIs are the Future — And the Future is Comonadic! • The Future Is Comonadic! - Speaker Deck • Comonads for user interfaces - Arthur Xavier • A Real-World Application with a Comonadic User Interface • The Comonad.Reader » Monads from Comonads

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References (My related old talks) • ! Reactive State Machine • ! Reactive State Machine - iOS Conf SG 2016 - YouTube • " Make Elm Architecture in Swift • ! React & Elm inspired frameworks in Swift • " Higher Kinded Types in Swift • " Category Theory in Swift / iOSDC Japan 2018 • " Category Theory and Programming

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Thanks! Yasuhiro Inami @inamiy