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@stopsatgreen Peter Gasston rehabstudio

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CSS3: Layouts for the Multi-screen World

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1. The web has changed 2. Our tools are outdated

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What is CSS3 doing about it?

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1. The web has changed

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12 years ago…

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By Anna Debenham:

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2. 320x480 4. 768x1024 2106

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User-centric design, but device-centric development

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Responsive Web Design

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Future of Web Design = Knowing How to Code

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Carpenter != Dendrologist

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@media screen {…} @media screen and (min-width: 800px) {…} @media (orientation: portrait) {…} Media Queries

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width / device-width height / device-height orientation aspect-ratio / device-aspect-ratio Media Queries

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@media (min-resolution: 2dppx) {} Media Queries

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Categories are obsolete. Parameters are the future.

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script pointer hover luminosity Future* Media Queries * Possibly

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@media (orientation: portrait) { … @media (max-width: 48em) { … } } Conditional Rules

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Device Adaptation

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Device Adaptation @viewport { initial-scale: 1; maximum-scale: 2; width: 500px; }

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Device Adaptation @viewport { width: device-width; } @media (max-device-width: 420px) { @viewport { width: 500px; } }

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CSS3 has your back!

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2. Our tools are outdated

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float: left HTML & CSS1

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position: absolute display: inline-block display: table CSS2

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B A C B C A B C A The Three Stages of RWD

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A product of its limitations (adjacent possible?)

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New layout methods:

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Inspired by 1000 years of printing…

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… but purely digital.

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Multi-columns article { column-count: 3; } article { column-width: 20em; }

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A B .b { flow-from: 'foo'; } foo Regions .a { flow-into: 'foo'; }

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B C D .b, .c, .d { flow-from: 'foo'; } foo Regions

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Flexbox .parent { display: flex; } .child { width: 30%; } .child { flex: 1; }

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Flexbox A B .a { flex: 2; } .b { flex: 1; } A B .parent { flex-direction: column; } .a { flex: 2; } .b { flex: 1; }

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Flexbox .parent { flex-direction: column; } .a { order: 2; } .b { order: 1; } A B B C A

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“Media queries can be used to do more than patch broken layouts: with proper planning, we can begin to choreograph content proportional to screen size, serving the best possible experience at any width.”

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Grid Layout .parent { display: grid; grid-definition-columns: 1fr 1fr 2fr; } .parent { grid-definition-columns: 1fr 1fr 2fr; grid-definition-rows: 10em auto 40px; }

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Grid Layout A B .child { grid-column: 2; grid-row: 2; } .a { grid-column: 2 / 4; } .b { grid-row: 1 span 3; }

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.child { position: absolute; } Exclusions wrap-flow: both;

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.child { shape-outside: circle(50%,50%, 400px); } Shaped Exclusions

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.child { shape-inside: circle(50%,50%,400px); } Shaped Exclusions

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CSS3 has your back!

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… and much more to come.

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With great power comes blah blah blah you know this by now.

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In conclusion

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1. The web is everywhere

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2. Web design is constrained by the tools we have

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3. Better tools are on the way

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4. Start to think how you can make beautiful sites that work everywhere

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Some of the CSS properties shown in this talk are experimental and subject to change. Check and for latest implementation status. Peter Gasston @stopsatgreen