Slide 12
Slide 12 text
Chambers of the heart tube:
-Three constrictions are formed in the tube will form 4 chambers:
Sinus venosus, Primitive atrium, Primitive ventricle and Bulbus
-Elongation of the tube leads to formation of U-shaped tube.
-More elongation of the tube leads to formation of S-shaped tube.
-Sinus venosus comes caudal to primitive atrium which is dorsal to
primitive ventricle. Bulbus cordis on the right of primitive ventricle.
-Sinus venosus, pulmonary vein and primitive atrium will form the common atrium
which is divided into right and left atria by interatrial septum.
-Primitive ventricle with proximal and middle parts of bulbus cordis will form right and
left ventricles, while distal part (truncus arteriosus) will form ascending aorta and
pulmonary trunk.