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How to break apart a monolithic system safely without destroying your team Matthew Skelton, Skelton Thatcher Consulting @matthewpskelton 07 November 2016, Amsterdam, NL - #velocityconf

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Today Cognitive load for teams ‘Monolith’ Code Forensics Team-first boundaries Monolith-splitting recipe

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For now, let’s forget: Microservices CQRS / Event Sourcing Queues (Architectural changes)

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Team-first digital transformation 30+ organisations UK, US, EU, India, China

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How to break apart a monolithic system safely without destroying your team

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Safer, more rapid changes to software systems (Business Agility)

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A ‘team-first’ approach to software subsystem boundaries

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TEAM capabilities appetite & aptitude understanding responsibilities

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(assumption) the team is stable, slowly changing, and long-lived #NoProjects

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Conway’s Law

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“organizations which design systems ... are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations” – Mel Conway, 1968

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Front-end developers Back-end developers

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‘Reverse Conway’ Tobbe Gyllebring (@drunkcod)

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homomorphic force (#Conway  #Yawnoc) HT @allankellynet (same) (shape)

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Cognitive load for teams

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Cognitive load the total amount of mental effort being used in the working memory (see Sweller, 1988)

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Cognitive load Intrinsic Extraneous (Irrelevant ) Germane (Relevant)

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‘Hacking Your Head’: Jo Pearce See @jdpearce

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We have SCIENCE!

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Science since 1988 (!) • Driskell et al, 1999 ‘Does Stress Lead to a Loss of Team Perspective?’ Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 3, no. 4 (1999): 291. • Fan et al, 2010 ‘Learning HMM-Based Cognitive Load Models for Supporting Human-Agent Teamwork’. Cognitive Systems Research 11, no. 1 (2010): 108–119. • Ilgen & Hollenbeck, 1993 ‘Effective Team Performance under Stress and Normal Conditions: An Experimental Paradigm, Theory and Data for Studying Team Decision Making in Hierarchical Teams with Distributed Expertise’. DTIC Document, 1993. • Johnston et al, 2002 ‘Application of Cognitive Load Theory to Developing a Measure of Team Decision Efficiency’. DTIC Document, 2002. • Sweller, John, 1994 ‘Cognitive Load Theory, Learning Difficulty, and Instructional Design’. Learning and Instruction 4 (1994): 295–312. • Sweller, John, 1988. ‘Cognitive Load during Problem Solving: Effects on Learning’. Cognitive Science 12, no. 2 (1988): 257–285.

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“stress impacts team performance … by narrowing or weakening the team-level perspective required for effective team behavior.” – Driskell et al, 1999 Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 1999, Vol. 3, No. 4,291-302

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(not just ‘pop’ science!)

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monolith μόνο λίθος “single stone” Reiner Flassig - CC BY-SA 2.0 de - Wikipedia

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“Don’t start with a monolith when your goal is a microservices architecture” – Stefan Tilkov, innoQ

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“Start monolithic and extract” – Tammer Saleh, Pivotal

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A ‘team-first’ approach to software subsystem boundaries

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Types of software monoliths •Application monolith •Joined at the DB •Monolithic build (rebuild everything) •Monolithic releases (coupled) •Monolithic thinking (standardisation)

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Application monolith Single block of code Deployed as a unit

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Joined at the DB Difficult to change separately (but not impossible) Risk is (probably) elevated Chris Collyer,

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Monolithic builds One gigantic CI build just to get a new version of any component

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Monolithic releases Smaller components bundled together into a ‘release’

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Monolithic thinking ‘One-size-fits-all’ for teams Assumption that minimising variation is A Good Thing

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Dangers of splitting a monolith •Reduced domain consistency •Data duplication (unintentional) •Additional operational complexity due to distributed system and async messaging •Degraded UX across the product

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Splitting a monolith Reiner Flassig - CC BY-SA 2.0 de - Wikipedia Choose the right technique for splitting Understand the nature of the monolith

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‘Fracture planes’ for code •Business domain bounded context •Regulatory compliance •Change cadence •Risk •Performance isolation •User personas •Team location

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‘Fracture planes’ for code Ask: Could we consume this thing as a service?

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‘Fracture planes’ for code Ask: Could we provide this thing as a service?

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Code Forensics

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Forensics Your Code as a Crime Scene Adam Tornhill

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Adam Tornhill Code, Crime, Complexity: Analyzing software with forensic psychology Adam Tornhill TEDxTrondheim

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‘Code Maat’ tool

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Adam Tornhill, Code City plus Code Maat forensics

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Beware of badly-named subsystems

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"information-poor abstract names are magnets for extra [unwanted] responsibilities" – Adam Tornhill p.185, Your Code as a Crime Scene

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Team-first boundaries

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Team types Component team Platform / ’substrate’ team Supporting / ‘productivity’ team Product/Feature team

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Team types Platform / ’substrate’ team Product/Feature team

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Team types Component team Platform / ’substrate’ team Product/Feature team

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Team types Component team Platform / ’substrate’ team Product/Feature team Supporting / ‘productivity’ team

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Code repositories Align repositories to subsystem boundaries Avoid monolithic-y repos like TFS* * Don’t get me started on TFS, grrr…

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Code repositories Repo 1 Build Test Deploy Run Repo 2 Build Test Deploy Run Repo 3 Build Test Deploy Run

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“You can use a monorepo only if your organisation has published a scientific paper on Computer Science. Otherwise, use one repo per deployable runnable thing.” – Matthew Skelton LondonCD meetup group, 11 Oct 2016 

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Find natural or available ‘fracture planes’ for splitting a monolith (with the team in mind)

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Industry experience Examples from recent work with clients Different monoliths Different ‘fracture planes’

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Software for R&D teams Customers: over 80% of top 20 global pharma companies

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2014: Monolithic: builds, releases Pharma GxP: traceability Changes slow and tricky

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Fracture plane: business domain

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Fracture plane: technology

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Compose with packages Logging for insights Technology splits Improved traceability

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Major UK broadcaster (TV + online) Increasing digital delivery of content

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2014: Wide mix of technologies Need for visibility of changes Need for rapid turnaround

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Fracture planes: read-only, location & cadence

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Split off Reporting (read-only) Split on change cadence Increased change throughput

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UK’s second largest credit reference agency Customers: major banks + large orgs

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2014: 6-weekly monolithic release Outage-sensitive customers

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Fracture planes: risk & business domain

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Split releases based on risk Align teams to value streams More rapid release cadence

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Software for Internal Comms Customers: FTSE 100 & Fortune 1000

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2015: Successful system (monolithic) ISO 27001 compliance Aim to expand the org (x N)

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Fracture plane: business domain

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Optimise split for team engagement & personas Minimise ISO 27001 footprint Aided organisation expansion

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When not to split a monolith •‘Heritage’ ERP system (‘cloudified’) •No native Unit Test framework •20-30 min startup times •VMs need 56GB RAM (yes) •CI builds take 50 mins

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Monolith-splitting recipe Tried and tested!

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Monolith-splitting recipe 1. Instrument the monolith – logging 2. Grok data flows and fault responses 3. Align teams to available segments 4. Split off segments one-by-one

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Instrument the monolith

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Instrument the monolith

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Instrument the monolith

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search by event Event ID {Delivered, InTransit, Arrived}

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transaction trace Correlation ID 612999958…

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Technical Domain public enum EventID { // Badly-initialised logging data NotSet = 0, // An unrecognised event has occurred UnexpectedError = 10000, ApplicationStarted = 20000, ApplicationShutdownNoticeReceived = 20001, PageGenerationStarted = 30000, PageGenerationCompleted = 30001, MessageQueued = 40000, MessagePeeked = 40001, BasketItemAdded = 60001, BasketItemRemoved = 60002, CreditCardDetailsSubmitted = 70001, // ... }

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BasketItemAdded = 60001 BasketItemRemoved = 60002

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Instrument the monolith Correlation ID Logs Event ID

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use logging as a channel/vector to make distributed systems more testable use logging as a channel/vector to make distributed systems more testable

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Grok data flows and fault responses

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Grok data flows and fault responses Correlation ID Event ID Unexpected collaborating subsystems Undetected fault condition

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Grok data flows and fault responses Correlation ID Event ID Adjust subsystem boundaries Fix poor fault responses

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Align teams to available segments

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Align teams to available segments

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Align teams to available segments Map to business domain

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Align teams to available segments Identify likely components or ‘platform’ elements

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Split off segments one-by-one

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Split off segments one-by-one

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Split off segments one-by-one Separate: - Builds - Infrastructure - Deployments - Versions - Lifecycle

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Team needs / responsibilities / capabilities come first

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use logging as a channel/vector to make distributed systems more testable Invest in Build & Release Engineering

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Monolith-splitting recipe * 1. Instrument the monolith – logging 2. Grok data flows and fault responses 3. Align teams to available segments 4. Split off segments one-by-one (5. Invest in Build & Release Engineering) * The simplistic version

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Monolith-splitting recipe * 1. Instrument 2. Grok behaviour 3. Align teams 4. Split off segments 5. Invest in Build & Release * The simplistic version

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Monolith-splitting recipe * * The simplistic version 1. Instrument 2. Grok behaviour 3. Align teams 4. Split off segments 5. Invest in Build & Release

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Determine monolith type (Apply ‘Code Forensics’) Find ‘fracture planes’ Assess cognitive load for teams Use the monolith-splitting recipe How to break apart a monolithic system safely without destroying your team

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Further material

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Books & articles • Working Effectively with Legacy Code, by Michael Feathers • Building Microservices by Sam Newman (O’Reilly, 2015) • Managing Cognitive Load for Team Learning by Jo Pearce for-team-learning/ • Continuous Delivery with Windows and .NET by Matthew Skelton and Chris O’Dell (O’Reilly, 2016) • Team Guide to Software Operability by Matthew Skelton and Rob Thatcher (Skelton Thatcher Publications, 2016) • Ye Olde Monolith by Pter Pilgrim monolith

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Training • From Monolith to Microservices (online training) – Sam Newman, author of Building Microservices microservices.html • Run Book template & Run Book dialogue sheets

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Talks & slides • Hacking Your Head – Managing Information Overload, by Jo Pearce - head-managing-information-overload-45-mix / eu/public/schedule/detail/53013 • Principles of Microservices by Sam Newman @ Devoxx 2015

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Research papers • Driskell, James E., Eduardo Salas, and Joan Johnston. ‘Does Stress Lead to a Loss of Team Perspective?’ Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice 3, no. 4 (1999): 291. • Fan, Xiaocong, Po-Chun Chen, and John Yen. ‘Learning HMM-Based Cognitive Load Models for Supporting Human-Agent Teamwork’. Cognitive Systems Research 11, no. 1 (2010): 108–119. • Ilgen, Daniel R., and John R. Hollenbeck. ‘Effective Team Performance under Stress and Normal Conditions: An Experimental Paradigm, Theory and Data for Studying Team Decision Making in Hierarchical Teams with Distributed Expertise’. DTIC Document, 1993. • Johnston, Joan H., Stephen M. Fiore, Carol Paris, and C. A. Smith. ‘Application of Cognitive Load Theory to Developing a Measure of Team Decision Efficiency’. DTIC Document, 2002. • Sweller, John. ‘Cognitive Load Theory, Learning Difficulty, and Instructional Design’. Learning and Instruction 4 (1994): 295–312. • Sweller, John. ‘Cognitive Load during Problem Solving: Effects on Learning’. Cognitive Science 12, no. 2 (1988): 257–285.

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Determine monolith type (Apply ‘Code Forensics’) Find ‘fracture planes’ Assess cognitive load for teams Use the monolith-splitting recipe How to break apart a monolithic system safely without destroying your team

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thank you Matthew Skelton @matthewpskelton