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Summer Intern 2015
 Final Report September 30, 2015 Yuki Ito

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Who am I? • Yuki Ito • Master’s student, Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo • msgpack-erlang and fluent-logger-erlang maintainer

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TreasureData Summer Intern • 2015/08/03 ~ 2015/09/30 • @ TreasureData Tokyo office

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What I did

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What I did • Nanosecond timestamp in Fluentd • Perfect Monitor

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What I did • Nanosecond timestamp in Fluentd • Perfect Monitor

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Nanosecond timestamp in Fluentd

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Current Fluentd timestamp • Unix Timestamp • Second resolution • 2015-09-29 15:55:43 +0900 => 1443509743

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Problem • Some storages and platforms (Elasticsearch, GCP…) expect/want sub-second (millisecond, nanosecond) as timestamp. • But current Fluentd timestamp cannot hold sub-second. • If we support nanosecond resolution, it will be able to cover all requirements because it is minimum resolution generally. (but there will be a little more overhead than millisecond/microsecond)

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New Fluentd Timestamp with nanosecond resolution

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Implementation - EventTime • Two attributes • @sec: second integer (same with current Timestamp) • @nsec: nanosecond integer • In most cases, it behaves just like current Timestamp • It is serialized as MessagePack Ext type • and built-in parsers returns EventTime

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Difficulties - EventTime • Backward compatibility • Performance

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Difficulties - EventTime • Backward compatibility • Performance

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Backward compatibility 1 • There are many plugins. They must works fine just as it is. • EventTime behaves like current Timestamp in most cases. • If a plugin doesn’t want to loose sub-second, it may need additional code to handle EventTime. • I have checked many many plugins.

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Backward compatibility 2 • To keep sub-second resolution across nodes (forward plugins), external data format (MessagePack) have to serialize EventTime as a different type from old timestamp, but this may breaks old nodes. • Introduced time_as_integer option to output forward plugin to force timestamp to be serialized as Integer (same with the current timestamp).

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Difficulties - EventTime • Backward compatibility • Performance

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Performance concerns 1 • When time_as_integer is true and output forward plugin receives PackedForward, it is deserialized and serialized for converting EventTime to Integer. • By keeping source nodes old or keeping time_as_integer true on them, we can set false to time_as_integer on relay node.

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Performance concerns 2 • If timestamp format of logs include sub- second part, it is difficult to cache results of Time.strptime (Time.strptime is heavy task). • Introduced strptime gem, which can precompile a format string.

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Benchmark Results - strptime • Measured in_tail parsing performance • Used dummer/flowcounter_simple • machine spec • CPU: Core i5 5250U • Memory: 8GB • Disc: SSD 256G • OS: OSX Yosemite DBDIF OPDBDIF OPDBDIF XJUITUSQUJNF JO@UBJM MJOFTTFD

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Elasticsearch DEMO

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Summary • Current Timestamp have only second resolution. • Some storages and platforms want nano(milli)second resolution. • I introduced new Timestamp which can have nanosecond resolution called EventTime.

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Future work • Documentations for users and plugin developers. • “This branch will be merged in master branch about next month.” by Fluentd commiters

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EventTime will be released as a part of v0.14!

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What I did • Nanosecond timestamp in Fluentd • Perfect Monitor

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Perfect Monitor Prototype of monitoring service for TD customers

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What for? - Perfect Monitor • Visualize used computing resources for customers in near real-time • e.g. number of records/bytes over event collector
 number of running jobs
 number of allocated CPU cores for a particular job • Reduce support cost by making customers to understand how they are using our computing resources • Make TD staffs known what/how our customers are doing data processing

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What is? - Perfect Monitor • Dashboard for customers to know how they are using our computing resources • Collector for various metrics sent from workers • Storages to store metrics (InfluxDB/TD) • API server to handle requests from dashboard and query backend storage • Dashboard Application

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Use Cases 1 - number of records - • Almost system administrator doesn't know about how many logs they are generating. • The number of logs are affected by many events, like release of new services, new versions of apps, and so on.

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Use Cases 2 - number of running tasks - • Customers doesn’t know how many are CPU cores is used by their each jobs now.

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Use Cases 3 - support/sales team side - • A support/sales engineer found the cause of problems more easily.

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System Architecture

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 4FSWFS )BEPPQ 8PSLFS 1SFTUP 8PSLFS "1* 4FSWFS 5% 1SFTUP *OqVY%# "1* 4FSWFS 3FEJT %BTICPBSE send metrics 6TFS query cache Architecture query (only old data)

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 4FSWFS )BEPPQ 8PSLFS 1SFTUP 8PSLFS "1* 4FSWFS 5% 1SFTUP *OqVY%# send metrics How to collect metrics • Workers send metrics to monitoring Server. • Monitoring Server filters and aggregates (if needed) metrics, then store them to InfluxDB and TD.

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5% 1SFTUP *OqVY%# "1* 4FSWFS 3FEJT %BTICPBSE query (only old data) query cache How to show metrics • Dashboard asks API Server for metrics based on its configuration. • API Server queries InfluxDB or TD(Presto) based on the time window. • Dashboard renders graph for query results.

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 4FSWFS )BEPPQ 8PSLFS 1SFTUP 8PSLFS "1* 4FSWFS 5% 1SFTUP *OqVY%# "1* 4FSWFS 3FEJT %BTICPBSE send metrics 6TFS query cache The Point of Architecture 1 query (only old data)

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The Point of Architecture 1 • Perfect Monitor store same data to InfluxDB and TD(presto) • InfluxDB hold only recent data(e.g. 30 days) • TD(presto) hold all data • Why I chose InfluxDB? • It is fast enough. • We can write time-series data in a hash and query it on the fly flexibly, so it makes trial and error easy. 5% 1SFTUP *OqVY%# query query store store

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 4FSWFS )BEPPQ 8PSLFS 1SFTUP 8PSLFS "1* 4FSWFS 5% 1SFTUP *OqVY%# "1* 4FSWFS 3FEJT %BTICPBSE send metrics 6TFS query cache The Point of Architecture 2 query (only old data)

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The Point of Architecture 2 • API server interprets queries from dashboard and queries InfluxDB or TD(presto) • Only when old data is needed, API Server queries TD(presto), otherwise InfluxDB • It can cache query results in redis. "1* 4FSWFS 3FEJT query cache query (only old data)

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Failure case 1 • InfluxDB tends to be overloaded • When InfluxDB is down, just launch new InfluxDB node and load data from TD(presto). 5% 1SFTUP OFX*OqVY%# restore

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Failure case 2 • When InfluxDB is down or its response is delayed, API Server query TD(presto). 5% 1SFTUP *OqVY%# "1* 4FSWFS query

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For operation • The API server returns results even if happening InfluxDB degradation. • Because then API server uses TD(Presto) automatically. • To add new metrics, you just need to add configuration to monitoring server and dashboard application. • Of course, workers need to be able to send the metrics.

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Summary • Show more metrics about computing resources to customers for customers and TD. • Perfect Monitor makes it easy.

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Impression of Summer Intern • I have thought about “data“ seriously everyday. This is my first experience. So excited. • I have learned a lot by trying both of OSS and TD internal task.

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Thank you!