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Reinventing the bootcamp idea

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Damir Svrtan Rails Team Lead @ Infinum

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0 30 60 90 120 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 INFINUM Employee growth

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C / C++ / C#

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C / C++ / C#

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Infinum Student Academy

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Goal Build a full blown app in a month.

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3 Classes

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3 Classes 4 Weeks

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3 Classes 4 Weeks 8 Lectures

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3 Classes 4 Weeks 8 Lectures 8 Homeworks

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3 Classes 4 Weeks 8 Lectures 8 Homeworks 15 Students Per Class

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The Building Blocks

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Practical knowledge

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No official certificates

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Employment opportunity

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100% FREE

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Preparations with a strict deadline

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A month.

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240 Candidates

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45 Students

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Rails Course

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A Reddit Clone

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Curriculum Intro to Ruby Intro to Rails Active Record Action View Authentication Optimisations /ActionMailer / Image Upload API Testing

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Curriculum Intro to Ruby Intro to Rails Active Record Action View Authentication Optimisations /ActionMailer / Image Upload API Testing

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for i in 0..5 puts i end For loops

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..but in Ruby..

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(1..5).each { |i| puts i } Enumerators

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..but in Ruby..

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(1..5).each do |i| puts i end Blocks with do-end

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-5.abs() Everything is an object

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..but in Ruby..

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-5.abs Parenthesis are optional

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this Current object

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..but in Ruby..

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self Current object

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null Non-existing value

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..but in Ruby..

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nil Non-existing value

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Ruby is weird.

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Curriculum Intro to Ruby Intro to Rails Active Record Action View Authentication Optimisations /ActionMailer / Image Upload API Testing

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Curriculum Intro to Ruby Intro to Rails Active Record Action View Authentication Optimisations /ActionMailer / Image Upload API Testing

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Curriculum Intro to Ruby Intro to Rails Active Record Action View Authentication Optimisations /ActionMailer / Image Upload API Testing

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No content

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AJAX The Rails Way

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Curriculum Intro to Ruby Intro to Rails Active Record Action View Authentication Optimisations /ActionMailer / Image Upload API Testing

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Curriculum Intro to Ruby Intro to Rails Active Record Action View Authentication Optimisations /ActionMailer / Image Upload API Testing

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Curriculum Intro to Ruby Intro to Rails Active Record Action View Authentication Optimisations /ActionMailer / Image Upload API Testing

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Curriculum Intro to Ruby Intro to Rails Active Record Action View Authentication Optimisations /ActionMailer / Image Upload API Testing

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The Pull Request Ping Pong

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Tools / Services

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Be really specific?

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Poor estimates

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Poor estimates 300h

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Poor estimates 300h 600h

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“Taste the meal before you serve it.”

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let(:post) { create(:post) } ... it 'creates a post' do post :create, post: { title: 'Hello World' } expect(response).to be_success end

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Cover git basics.

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No content

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30 Graduates

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10 Employed

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No content

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Student Feedback

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“The Academy was oriented on practical work and it was the first time I had specific feedback on the code I wrote.”

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“In a month, I’ve learned more useful things than three-years-worth of college, and I had no previous experience in the technology.”

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Average student rating: 4,6/5

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Comfort zone.

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Different viewpoint.

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Scaled onboarding

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Build your community

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Damir Svrtan Rails Team Lead @ Infinum Organizer @ Ruby Zagreb @DamirSvrtan