Slide 7
Slide 7 text
Next.js 13
G app/ Directory (beta@
G Layout2
G React Server Component2
G Streamin'
G Turbopack (alpha@
G New next/image (stable@
G New @next/font (beta@
G Improved next/link
Next.js 13.1
G app Directory (Beta) Improvement2
G Built-in Module Transpilatio
G Edge Runtime (Stable@
G Turbopack Update2
G Middleware Improvement2
G SWC Import Resolution
Next.js 13.3
G File-Based Metadata AP
G Dynamic Open Graph Image2
G Static Export for App Routep
G Parallel Routes and Interception
Next.js 13.5
G 22% faster local server startu¦
G 29% faster HMR (Fast Refresh@
G 40% less memory usagº
G Optimized Package Import2
G next/image Improvement2
G And over 438 bugs patched!
Next.js 13.2
G Built-in SEO Suppor
G Route Handler2
G MDX for Server Component2
G Rust MDX Parsep
G Improved Error Overla
G Statically Typed Links (Beta@
G Turbopack Improvements (Alpha@
G Next.js Cache (Beta)
Next.js 13.4
G App Router (Stable@
G Turbopack (Beta@
G Server Actions (Alpha)
Next.js 14
G TurbopacV
G 53% faster local server startu¦
G 94% faster code update2
G Server Actions (Stable@
G Partial Prerendering (Preview@
G Next.js Learn (New)