90% of businesses say the
cross-channel experience is
critical to their business’s
- Foviance & Econsultancy, “Multi-channel Customer Experience Report”, Nov 2010
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90% of businesses say the
cross-channel experience is
critical to their business’s
- Foviance & Econsultancy, “Multi-channel Customer Experience Report”, Nov 2010
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What is it anyway?
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Cross-Channel Experience Design is
the process of designing for all the
touchpoints a person has with a
business regardless of channel.
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Wait, aren’t you just talking about:
● User Experience Design
● Customer Experience Design
● Service Design
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“70% of U.S. online customers
research products online &
purchase them offline.”
- Forrester, “Profiling The Multichannel Customer”, July 2009
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“65% of search visitors are
looking for further info on
something they saw via
another channel.”
- Andrea Resmini & Luca Rosati, “IA for Ubiquitous Ecologies”, 2007
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“53% of mobile searches on
Bing have local intent.”
- Greg Sterling, Search Engine Land, November 2010
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Three types of touchpoints
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Static touchpoints
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Interactive touchpoints
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Human touchpoints
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You might think of your work in
the context of a channel but your
customers do not.
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So how do we craft a good
cross-channel experience?
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Observe how people use it
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Know the context of use
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Attention to detail counts
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Look for hacks
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Follow the whole engagement
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Learn the business process
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Understand how employees work
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Support processes and systems
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Customer Journey Map
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Experience Map
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Service Blueprint
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Two Examples
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No content
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I needed a lift to the airport
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I decided to use Uber
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My location is inherent in the mobile app
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In 8 minutes a car pulled up
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Payments are automated & you can rate the driver
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Receipt is emailed
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I can track my trips online
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● Web - Account creation, trip history
● Mobile - Request car, rate driver, tracking, phone verification
● Environment - The towncar
● Email - Receipt, follow-up
● Staff - The driver, customer support
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No content
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I wanted to get a mountain bike
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So I researched them online
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I wanted to try them out in-person
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They had many mountain bikes
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...and places to test them!
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Photo credit: Hien Nguyen
● Web - Product research, check inventory locations
● Product - The bikes
● Staff - Subject matter expert, sales support
● Environment - Retail store, test trails
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Not everyone’s boss is David Brent
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...they are more like Neil Godwin.
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“We can't solve problems
by using the same kind of
thinking we used when
we created them.”
- Albert Einstein
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We must break down the silos
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We must cross-pollinate
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We must work more like a hive
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...with a unified vision.
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Thank you.
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● Employer Site: projekt202.com
● Personal Site: NickFinck.com
● Email: nick.fi[email protected]
● Twitter: @nickf
Contact me