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Ray AIR: A Scalable Toolkit for End-to-end ML Applications Richard Liaw, Anyscale Xiaowei Jiang, Anyscale SF Bay ACM Meetup 10/24/2022

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2 Who we are::Original creators of Ray What we do: Unified compute platform to develop, deploy, and manage scalable AI & Python applications with Ray Why do it: Scaling is a necessity, scaling is hard; make distributed computing easy and simple for everyone

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What is Ray → A simple/general-purpose library for distributed computing → A unified Python toolkit Ray AI Runtime (for scaling ML and more) → Runs on laptop, public cloud, K8s, on-premise 3 A layered cake of functionality and capabilities for scaling ML workloads

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A Layered Cake and Ecosystem 4 Run anywhere general-purpose framework for distributed computing Library + app ecosystem Ray core

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5 An anatomy of a Ray cluster Driver Worker Global Control Store (GCS) Scheduler Object Store Raylet Worker Worker Scheduler Object Store Raylet Worker Worker Scheduler Object Store Raylet … … Head Node Worker Node #1 Worker Node #N . . . Unique to Ray

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6 Python → Ray APIs def f(x): # do something with x: y = … return y @ray.remote def f(x): # do something with x: Y = … return y f.remote() for i in range(10000) f() Node … Task Distributed f() Node class Cls(): def __init__(self, x): def f(self, a): … def g(self, a): … Actor @ray.remote(num_cpus=2, num_gpus=4) class Cls(): def __init__(self, x): def f(self, a): … def g(self, a): … cls = Cls.remote() cls.f.remote(a) del cls Cls Node … Distributed Cls Node import numpy as np a= np.arange(1, 10e6) b = a * 2 Distributed immutable object import numpy as np a = np.arange(1, 10e6) obj_a = ray.put(a) b = ray.get(obj_a) * 2 Node … Distributed Node a a

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Ray AI Runtime (AIR) is a scalable runtime for end-to-end ML applications 7

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Project Overview 8 Ray team has worked with ML users and infra groups at e.g., Uber, Ant, Shopify, Cruise, OpenAI, etc. for several years. AIR is an effort to synthesize lessons learned into a simple toolkit for the community. - Built on Ray's existing scalable libraries - Unified APIs for e2e ML - Simplify ML Infra

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Challenges we hear from users about ML Infrastructure

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10 Still not easy to go from dev to prod at scale.

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11 What happens when your ML infra gets out of date?

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12 Scaling is hard, especially for data scientists. Key Problems of existing ML infrastructure Platforms solutions can limit flexibility. But custom distributed apps are too hard.

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Analogy from a simpler time Filesystem "single sklearn script"

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What AIR Provides Storage and Tracking "single AIR app" Preprocessing Training Scoring Serving ... ... ...

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HERE IS A SECTION HEADER Introducing Ray AI Runtime (AIR)

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Ray AI Runtime (AIR) is a scalable toolkit for end-to-end ML applications 16

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Ray AI Runtime (AIR) is a scalable toolkit for end-to-end ML applications 17 Built on Ray Core for open and flexible ML compute end-to-end.

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Ray AI Runtime (AIR) is a scalable toolkit for end-to-end ML applications 18 Built on Ray Core for open and flexible ML compute end-to-end. Since Ray focuses on compute, AIR leverages integrations for storage and tracking.

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Ray AI Runtime (AIR) is a scalable runtime for end-to-end ML applications 19 High-level libraries that make scaling easy for both data scientists and ML engineers.

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● Non-distributed systems / libraries ● Opinionated distributed systems / libraries Data science team High Friction Eng team Easy to scale with Ray AIR and libraries of their choice Data science team Eng team More performant, robust and scalable. Seamless handoff Development environment Production environment Development environment Production environment With non-scalable libraries With scalable libraries Importance of scalable library layer

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Ray AI Runtime (AIR) is a scalable toolkit for end-to-end ML applications 21 Scalable integrations with best-of-breed libraries/MLOps tools

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22 ● Built-in integrations Built-in integrations Integrations API Custom scalable components AIR Integrations ● Integrations API to easily add integrations ● Custom scalable components can be built on Ray Core

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23 AIR simplifies scalable ML infrastructure Integrations with best-of-breed libraries/ MLOps tools A unified end-to-end ML runtime Make scaling easy for both data scientists and ML engineers

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When would you use Ray AIR? 24 Scale a single type of workload Scale end-to-end ML applications Run ecosystem libraries using a unified API Build a custom ML platform

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AIR is for the entire ML org 25 Scale a single type of workload Scale end-to-end ML applications Run ecosystem libraries using a unified API Build a custom ML platform A scalable, unified toolkit for both data scientists and software engineers.

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Ray AIR vs Ray Core 26 Ray AIR Ray Core Who should use... Data Scientists & ML Engineers Advanced Infra & ML Groups If you want... Easy to get started and Ecosystem integrations Customizability and Control

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What comes out of the box with AIR? 27 Training Tuning Batch Prediction Data Preprocessing Serving

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Scalable Data Prep and Loading with Ray Data • Dataset library built for ML tasks • Seamlessly load distributed data from MB to TB scale • Preprocessors for unified training<>inference Trainer Worker Worker Worker Worker Dataset dataset =“...”) preprocessor = ["value"]) trainer = ray.train.TorchTrainer( ..., preprocessor=preprocessor, dataset=dataset)

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• Single API to run the most popular ML training frameworks • Seamless integration with other AIR libraries Scalable Model Training with Ray Train Trainer Checkpoint Datasets Tuner trainer = ray.train.TorchTrainer( train_loop, scaling_config=ScalingConfig( num_workers=100, use_gpu=True) preprocessor=preprocessor, dataset=dataset) result =

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Scalable Hyperparameter Tuning with Ray Tune • Run multiple concurrent Training jobs • Cutting edge optimization algorithms • Fault tolerance at scale trainer = TorchTrainer(...) tuner = Tuner( trainer, param_space={ “batch_size”: tune.grid_search( [1, 2, 3])}) results = Trainer Tuner Trial Trainer Worker Worker Worker

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Scalable Batch Prediction with AIR's BatchPredictor • Execute inference on distributed data using CPUs and GPUs • Bring your own model or load existing checkpoints from Train predictor = BatchPredictor.from_checkpoint( checkpoint, XGBoostPredictor)(...) results = predictor.predict(dataset) results.write_parquet("s3://...") Model Batch Predictor Worker Worker GPU Worker predict Ray Dataset Shard Shard Shard

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Scalable Online Inference with Ray Serve • Deploy single models as HA inference services in Ray • Build multi-model pipelines with custom business logic deployment = PredictorDeployment.options( name="XGBoostService") deployment.deploy(XGBoostPredictor, checkpoint, ...) print(deployment.url) Model Predictor Deployment Prediction requests

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How to use AIR?

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When would you use Ray AIR? 34 Scale a single type of workload Scale end-to-end ML applications Run ecosystem libraries using a unified API Build a custom ML platform

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35 Using Ray AIR for a single workload Preprocess Training Batch Prediction on Ray Data loading Orchestrator Kubernetes/Cloud Prediction Results

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Batch Prediction Prediction results Here’s an example of using Ray for one part of your ML pipeline. Scalable Batch Prediction on Ray AIR 36 Ray AIR data_url = "s3://YOUR_IMAGE_DATA” model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True)

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Batch Prediction Prediction results Here’s an example of using Ray for one part of your ML pipeline. Scalable Batch Prediction on Ray AIR 37 Ray AIR data_url = "s3://YOUR_IMAGE_DATA” model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True) dataset = ImageFolderDatasource(), paths=[data_url])

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Batch Prediction Prediction results Here’s an example of using Ray for one part of your ML pipeline. Scalable Batch Prediction on Ray AIR 38 Ray AIR data_url = "s3://YOUR_IMAGE_DATA” model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True) dataset = ImageFolderDatasource(), paths=[data_url]) ckpt = TorchCheckpoint.from_model(model) predictor = BatchPredictor.from_checkpoint( ckpt, TorchPredictor) outputs = predictor.predict( dataset, column=["image"])

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Batch Prediction Prediction results Here’s an example of using Ray for one part of your ML pipeline. Scalable Batch Prediction on Ray AIR 39 Ray AIR data_url = "s3://YOUR_IMAGE_DATA” model = models.resnet18(pretrained=True) dataset = ImageFolderDatasource(), paths=[data_url]) ckpt = TorchCheckpoint.from_model(model) predictor = BatchPredictor.from_checkpoint( ckpt, TorchPredictor) outputs = predictor.predict( dataset, column=["image"]) outputs.write_s3(...)

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Compared to SageMaker Batch Inference… → Create Airflow DAG → Create Docker Image → Test Locally → Push docker image to ECR → Decide how many machines → Partition work across all machines → Copy files from S3 to local → Read all results from machines → Collate results → Tear all down Ray AIR vs Sagemaker Batch Inference Ray AIR in 3 steps → Start a Ray cluster → Submit your Python script → [Maybe] Shut down your Ray cluster

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When would you use Ray AIR? 41 Scale a single type of workload Scale end-to-end ML applications Run ecosystem libraries using a unified API Build a custom ML platform

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42 Using Ray AIR for E2E ML Workflows Hyperparameter Tuning on Ray Batch Prediction on Ray Distributed Training on Ray Data Processing on Ray

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Scalable Data Processing (Ray Data) Using Ray AIR to scale E2E ML Workflows 43 dataset = train_ds, valid_ds = train_test_split( dataset, test_size=0.3) test_ds = valid_ds.drop_columns(["target"]) preprocessor = StandardScaler(columns=["mean radius"])

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Scalable Data Processing (Ray Data) Using Ray AIR to scale E2E ML Workflows 44 dataset = train_ds, valid_ds = train_test_split( dataset, test_size=0.3) test_ds = valid_ds.drop_columns(["target"]) preprocessor = StandardScaler(columns=["mean radius"]) Scalable Model Training (Ray Train) trainer = ray.train.xgboost.XGBoostTrainer( scaling_config=ScalingConfig(num_workers=128), label_column="target", datasets=dict(train=train_ds, valid=valid_ds}, preprocessor=preprocessor) result =

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Scalable Data Processing (Ray Data) Using Ray AIR to scale E2E ML Workflows 45 dataset = train_ds, valid_ds = train_test_split( dataset, test_size=0.3) test_ds = valid_ds.drop_columns(["target"]) preprocessor = StandardScaler(columns=["mean radius"]) Scalable Model Training (Ray Train) trainer = ray.train.xgboost.XGBoostTrainer( scaling_config=ScalingConfig(num_workers=128), label_column="target", datasets=dict(train=train_ds, valid=valid_ds}, preprocessor=preprocessor) result = Scalable Model Tuning (Ray Tune) tuner = ray.tune.Tuner( trainer, param_space={"params": {"max_depth": tune.randint(1, 9)}}, tune_config=TuneConfig( num_samples=5, metric="logloss", mode="min"), ) checkpoint =

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Scalable Data Processing (Ray Data) Using Ray AIR to scale E2E ML Workflows 46 dataset = train_ds, valid_ds = train_test_split( dataset, test_size=0.3) test_ds = valid_ds.drop_columns(["target"]) preprocessor = StandardScaler(columns=["mean radius"]) Scalable Model Training (Ray Train) trainer = ray.train.xgboost.XGBoostTrainer( scaling_config=ScalingConfig(num_workers=128), label_column="target", datasets=dict(train=train_ds, valid=valid_ds}, preprocessor=preprocessor) result = Scalable Model Tuning (Ray Tune) tuner = ray.tune.Tuner( trainer, param_space={"params": {"max_depth": tune.randint(1, 9)}}, tune_config=TuneConfig( num_samples=5, metric="logloss", mode="min"), ) checkpoint = Scalable Batch Prediction (Predictors) batch_predictor = BatchPredictor.from_checkpoint( checkpoint, XGBoostPredictor) predicted_probabilities = batch_predictor.predict(test_ds)

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Scalable Data Processing (Ray Data) Using Ray AIR to scale E2E ML Workflows 47 Scalable Model Training (Ray Train) Scalable Model Tuning (Ray Tune) Scalable Batch Prediction (Predictors) dataset = train_ds, valid_ds = train_test_split( dataset, test_size=0.3) test_ds = valid_dataset.drop_columns(["target"]) preprocessor = StandardScaler(columns=["mean radius"]) trainer = ray.train.xgboost.XGBoostTrainer( scaling_config=ScalingConfig(num_workers=128), label_column="target", datasets=dict(train=train_ds, valid=valid_ds}, preprocessor=preprocessor) result = tuner = ray.tune.Tuner( trainer, param_space={"params": {"max_depth": tune.randint(1, 9)}}, tune_config=TuneConfig( num_samples=5, metric="logloss", mode="min"), ) checkpoint = batch_predictor = BatchPredictor.from_checkpoint( checkpoint, XGBoostPredictor) predicted_probabilities = batch_predictor.predict(test_ds) Scale out to a cluster with 1 line change.

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When would you use Ray AIR? 48 Scale a single type of workload Scale end-to-end ML applications Run ecosystem libraries using a unified API Build a custom ML platform

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49 Integrations with: ● Data Ecosystem ● ML frameworks ● Optimization Libraries ● Model Monitoring ● Model Serving

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Custom Integrations with Ray AIR 50 Scalable Data Preprocessing (Ray Data) Scalable Model Training (Ray Train) Scalable Model Tuning (Ray Tune) Scalable Batch Prediction (Predictors) from ray.train import DataParallelTrainer class JaxTrainer(DataParallelTrainer): # define custom training logic trainer = JaxTrainer(dataset={..}) from ray.air.callbacks import Callback class CustomMLflowTracker(Callback): # define custom training logic tuner = Tuner(trainer, run_config=RunConfig( callback=CustomMLflowTracker()) from import Datasource class DeltaLakeDatasource(Datasource): # define custom data source ds.read_datasource(DeltaLakeDatasource(...)) ds.write_datasource(DeltaLakeDatasource(...))

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When would you use Ray AIR? 51 Scale a single type of workload Scale end-to-end ML applications Run ecosystem libraries using a unified API Build a custom ML platform

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52 Case study: Merlin at Shopify

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53 Using Ray AIR as the compute core for your ML platform Ray AIR program

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Ray AIR program 54 Using Ray AIR as the compute core for your ML platform KubeRay / Anyscale Ray AIR program Ray AIR program

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Ray AIR program 55 Using Ray AIR as the compute core for your ML platform KubeRay / Anyscale Ray AIR program Ray AIR program Model Registry Monitoring Experiment Tracking Feature Store Lakehouse Notebook Service Job Scheduler

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Current status with AIR

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Ray AIR Roadmap In Ray 2.0, Ray AIR is released as beta In future releases, we plan to add: ● Improved integrations with data sources, feature stores, and model monitoring services ● Improved scalability and performance benchmarks for data-intensive use cases 57

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“ “ 58 Users are excited about Ray AIR! I’d say the productivity at least doubled if not more… I can’t wait until AIR is released. I’m using the nightly builds and it’s already a massive productivity boost. - Data Scientist from large music streaming company Ray AIR has greatly improved my developer experience … through intuitive abstractions like Ray Datasets and Train. In two weeks I was able to recreate and outperform a data ingest pipeline I built by hand over the course of 6 months. - ML Engineer at telematics startup

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- Chat with the developers on the Ray Slack (#air-dogfooding channel!) - Come talk afterwards -- maybe we can form a recurring meetup in Seattle! How to get involved? 59

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Thank you. Contact: rliaw @ (@richliaw)