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How to use looker studio for more than monthly reports Amanda Jordan RicketyRoo @amandatjordan

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SEOs are Detectives #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Relying on one data source or one view is like relying on one clue to solve a mystery. There’s a chance you’re missing the bigger picture #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Why go beyond monthly reporting with looker studio? ➔ Combine sources into one report ➔ Enhances the big picture ➔ Superior filtering capabilities ➔ Speeds up analysis and discovery processes #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Enhances the big picture One source: new view provides more context #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Superior filtering capabilities Create customer filters with SQL CASE statements #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Superior filtering capabilities #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Speeds up analysis and discovery processes #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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CRIME SCENE #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Client has spent a significant amount of time creating blog content that ranks, but brings in no leads. Client competing for keywords highly associated with IT certification quizzes. #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Learn from who is winning ➔ Identified terms with clear conversion intent (Google Ads data can help a lot with this) ➔ Determined top competitors for these terms ➔ Analyzed top competitors current topical and content strategies #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Identified the winningest local competitor #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Compared content/topical intent #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Got in the nitty gritty of each key topic #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Results #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Same data, different chart, big difference #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Data manipulation is your friend How our internal links are distributed across all page types. #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Data manipulation is your friend ➔ Categorization with CASE statements ➔ Filters other charts on the same page #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Data manipulation is your friend #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Data manipulation is your friend ➔ Choosing a category determines which target URLs are shown ➔ Clicking on a target URL provides additional information #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Drilling down into deeper insights #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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CRIME SCENE #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Duplicate content issue but you’re not sure how many pages are competing for the same term or topic #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Cross-filtering to drill down ➔ Connect to Google Search Console ➔ Create a chart using Query and Landing Page ➔ Set Landing Page to COUNT ➔ Create a second chart for Landing Page, impressions and clicks ➔ Set up cross-filtering #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Cross-filtering to drill down #brightonSEO @amandatjordan Create categories or add an advanced data control for more views

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Are you ready to become a true SEO detective? #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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More reporting ideas Created by @MediaSesh ➔ Competitor internal linking strategy analysis ➔ CrUX dashboard ➔ Google Business Profile dashboard ➔ SERP visibility summary #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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➔ Embrace Constraints ➔ Prioritize & Simplify ➔ Stay Adaptable #brightonSEO @amandatjordan

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Thanks! Amanda Jordan RicketyRoo @amandatjordan