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its-a me, maximo Hi everyone

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Maxime Fabre

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Maxime Fabre • 25 years old

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Maxime Fabre • 25 years old • Software Engineer at Madewithlove since 2013

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Maxime Fabre • 25 years old • Software Engineer at Madewithlove since 2013 • I take pics and do music and stuff

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I’m so French I breath baguettes and quote Baudelaire in my sleep

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only 00s kidz will remembhr

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// Administration if((isset($_SESSION['pseudo']) && isset($_SESSION['mdp'])) && (($_SESSION['pseudo'] == 'admin') && ($_SESSION['mdp'] == 'admin'))) { if(!isset($_GET['admin'])) echo '

Identifiants corrects, bienvenue sur l\'�cran d\'administration

'; //############################# //# COMMANDES, INSERTIONS ET MODIFICATIONS //############################# if(isset($_GET['admin'])) { if($_GET['admin'] == 'seq') { echo '

Gestion des s�quences

'; //############################# // AJOUT, MODIFICATION ETC //############################# // Suppression s�quence if(isset($_GET['delete'])) { mysql_query('DELETE FROM ovap_seq WHERE id=' .$_GET['delete']) or die(mysql_error()); echo '

S�quence supprim�e.

'; } if(isset($_POST['num']) && isset($_POST['lieu']) && isset($_POST['images'])) { // Modification s�quence if(isset($_POST['id'])) { mysql_query('UPDATE ovap_seq SET num="' .$_POST['num']. '", lieu="' .addslashes($_POST['lieu']). '", images="' .$_POST['images']. '", news="' .$_POST['news']. '" WHERE id=' .$_POST['id']) or die(mysql_error()); echo '

Entr�e modifi�e.

'; } // Ajout s�quence elseif(!isset($_POST['id'])) { mysql_query('INSERT INTO ovap_seq VALUES("", "' .$_POST['num']. '", "' .$_POST['lieu']. '", "' .$_POST['images']. '", "' .$_POST['news']. '", "' .time(). '")') or die(mysql_error()); require('rss.php'); rebuild_rss(); $fichier_pause = fopen('pause', 'r+'); fseek($fichier_pause, 0); // On remet le curseur au d�but du fichier fputs($fichier_pause, $_GET['pause']); // On �crit le nouveau nombre de pages vues fclose($fichier_pause); echo '

Entr�e ajout�e.


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Venn diagram of my experience in 2009 Things you should do in PHP Things I was doing in PHP

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What is a programmer?

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17 % 58 % 25 % Coding Important stuff Slice of cheese What is a programmer?

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17 % 58 % 25 % Coding Important stuff Slice of cheese What is a programmer? mr piechart i love wordpress

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The future

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The future The present

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The future The present The past

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Act like you’re your own mentor

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Act like you’re your own mentor señor developer

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Act like you’re your own mentor señor developer

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Act like you can’t code

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Act like you can’t code • Code review all the things

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Act like you can’t code • Code review all the things • Compare against the best

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Act like you can’t code • Code review all the things • Compare against the best • If my code were public, would I be scared?

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Act like you know nothing

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Act like you know nothing • We all know 10%

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Act like you know nothing • We all know 10% • Read things that don’t interest you

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Act like you know nothing • We all know 10% • Read things that don’t interest you • Read people hating the things you love

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Act like you know nothing • We all know 10% • Read things that don’t interest you • Read people hating the things you love • Read about stuff that seem unrelated

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Fever (

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“It’s fine”

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“It’s fine” Until it’s not.

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We work in a fast and furious 7 industry

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We work in a fast and furious 7 industry

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We work in a fast and furious 7 industry

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We work in a fast and furious 7 industry React Laravel Angular Backbone Grunt Gulp Webpack

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story of a webdevelopper’s life

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“Oh no you don’t have to learn everything” story of a webdevelopper’s life

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“Oh no you don’t have to learn everything” “Everybody knows what a repository is tho” story of a webdevelopper’s life

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Act like time is muh-neyz

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Act like time is muh-neyz • Don’t underestimate the weight of small repetitive tasks

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Act like time is muh-neyz

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Act like time is muh-neyz • Differentiate wasted time

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Act like time is muh-neyz • Differentiate wasted time • Your brain can rot, fast.

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me on holidays

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{foo: bar}

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{foo: bar} U WOT M8

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Love your future-self as much as Phil Sturgeon loves bikes

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Act like your future-self has the ability to go back in time,
 pick up a bat, and beat the shit out of you

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Act like your future-self has the ability to go back in time,
 pick up a bat, and beat the shit out of you SHOULD HAVE LEARNED ES6, YOU IDIOT dolan pls

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67 % 33 % Things I have time to talk about Thing I don't have time to talk about don’t forget to bring a towel

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The past is everyone behind you

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The past is everyone behind you • Look at your old code

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The past is everyone behind you • Look at your old code • Be wary of perceived progress

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The past is everyone behind you • Look at your old code • Be wary of perceived progress • Consider your past self

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“Just Heroku a Docker container over AWS and load balance the queue”

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“Just Heroku a Docker container over AWS and load balance the queue” “It’s simple, just use Webpack and Node the Ruby over the command bus”

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“Just Heroku a Docker container over AWS and load balance the queue” “It’s simple, just use Webpack and Node the Ruby over the command bus” “Just Google it”

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StackOverflow /r/reviewmycode Laracasts forums etc.

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6 years ago I knew nothing

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import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'; import AbstractSubstep from './AbstractSubstep'; import './Story.scss'; export default class Story extends AbstractSubstep { static propTypes = { contents: PropTypes.string, label: PropTypes.string, placeholder: PropTypes.string, setStory: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; static defaultProps = { placeholder: 'Write description...', }; /** * Set the story for this step */ setStory() { this.props.setStory( this.refs.story.value ); } render() { const attributes = { className: 'story--content-editable', value: this.props.contents, onChange: this.setStory.bind(this), placeholder: this.props.placeholder, ref: 'story', disabled: !this.state.editing, rows: 3, }; return (
{this.props.label} {this.renderPencil()}
); }

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import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'; import AbstractSubstep from './AbstractSubstep'; import './Story.scss'; export default class Story extends AbstractSubstep { static propTypes = { contents: PropTypes.string, label: PropTypes.string, placeholder: PropTypes.string, setStory: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; static defaultProps = { placeholder: 'Write description...', }; /** * Set the story for this step */ setStory() { this.props.setStory( this.refs.story.value ); } render() { const attributes = { className: 'story--content-editable', value: this.props.contents, onChange: this.setStory.bind(this), placeholder: this.props.placeholder, ref: 'story', disabled: !this.state.editing, rows: 3, }; return (
{this.props.label} {this.renderPencil()}

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import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'; import AbstractSubstep from './AbstractSubstep'; import './Story.scss'; export default class Story extends AbstractSubstep { static propTypes = { contents: PropTypes.string, label: PropTypes.string, placeholder: PropTypes.string, setStory: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; static defaultProps = { placeholder: 'Write description...', }; /** * Set the story for this step */ setStory() { this.props.setStory( this.refs.story.value ); } render() { const attributes = { className: 'story--content-editable', value: this.props.contents, onChange: this.setStory.bind(this), placeholder: this.props.placeholder, ref: 'story', disabled: !this.state.editing, rows: 3, }; return (
{this.props.label} {this.renderPencil()}

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import React, {PropTypes} from 'react'; import AbstractSubstep from './AbstractSubstep'; import './Story.scss'; export default class Story extends AbstractSubstep { static propTypes = { contents: PropTypes.string, label: PropTypes.string, placeholder: PropTypes.string, setStory: PropTypes.func.isRequired, }; static defaultProps = { placeholder: 'Write description...', }; /** * Set the story for this step */ setStory() { this.props.setStory( this.refs.story.value ); } render() { const attributes = { className: 'story--content-editable', value: this.props.contents, onChange: this.setStory.bind(this), placeholder: this.props.placeholder, ref: 'story', disabled: !this.state.editing, rows: 3, }; return (
{this.props.label} {this.renderPencil()}

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Evolution of my experience as a web developper Things you should do in 2015

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Evolution of my experience as a web developper ou should n 2011 Things you should do in 2012 Things you should do in 2013 Things you should do in 2014 Things you should do in 2015

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Alright guys I finally know Grunt and– OH GOD DAMMIT NOT AGAIN ( ͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ °)

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Either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a Joomla developper ;_; :( :( :(

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If you were sleeping, I said:

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If you were sleeping, I said: • Stay on top of your game, learn new things

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If you were sleeping, I said: • Stay on top of your game, learn new things • Be prepared for radical changes in techniques, patterns and tools

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If you were sleeping, I said: • Stay on top of your game, learn new things • Be prepared for radical changes in techniques, patterns and tools • Keep your brain sharp

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If you were sleeping, I said: • Stay on top of your game, learn new things • Be prepared for radical changes in techniques, patterns and tools • Keep your brain sharp • Learn to stay focused and to compartmentalize your life

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If you were sleeping, I said: • Stay on top of your game, learn new things • Be prepared for radical changes in techniques, patterns and tools • Keep your brain sharp • Learn to stay focused and to compartmentalize your life • Remember your roots, be nice to newcomers, they could be better than you in 5 years

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If you were sleeping, I said: • Stay on top of your game, learn new things • Be prepared for radical changes in techniques, patterns and tools • Keep your brain sharp • Learn to stay focused and to compartmentalize your life • Remember your roots, be nice to newcomers, they could be better than you in 5 years • Don’t be afraid to learn everything from scratch

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Not whether facades should be named proxies Worry about the bigger picture

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thnk u • ◡• anahkiasen