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Trees everywhere Gabriele Petronella Software Engineer @ buildo

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me, hi! @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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stuff I do (by day) @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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stuff I do (by night) @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Why this talk @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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@gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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More seriously @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Summary 1.AST? 2.AST workflows 3.A real-world example @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Let's start from the answer const answer = 42; @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Tokens const answer = 42 ; // | | | | | | | | | | // \_'const'_/ \_name_/ \_'='_/ \_num_/ \_';'_/ @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Grammar const answer = 42 ; // | | | | || // | \_Identifier__/ \_NumericLiteral_/| // | | | // | \_________VariableDeclarator________/ // | | // \____________VariableDeclaration____________/ @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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So... AST? @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Abstract Syntax Tree @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Why Abstract? const answer = 42; const answer = 42 const answer = 42 const answer = 42 @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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AST? ASTs! parser AST ES2015 ES next acorn ESTree ✅ ❌ babylon Babylon AST ✅ ✅ espree ESTree ✅ ❌ esprima ESTree ✅ ❌ flow ESTree + custom ✅ ✅ TypeScript TypeScript AST ✅ ✅ @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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AST Workflows @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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basic @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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babel @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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demo: literal transformation @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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codemod @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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hey, doesn't babel do the same thing? @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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codemod tools » recast » jscodeshift @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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eslint @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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ESLint uses espree, so... What about ES next? @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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babel-eslint @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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demo: no-console- log @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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What about eslint --fix @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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prettier @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Prettier... for TS? @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Meanwhile in the real world @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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// MyContainer.js import t from 'tcomb'; import container from 'buildo-react-container'; import MyComponent from './MyComponent'; export default container(MyComponent, { connect: { isFlag: t.Boolean, name: t.String, label: t.maybe(t.String) } }); @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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// state.js export default { isFlag: t.Boolean, name: t.String, label: t.maybe(t.String) } @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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// MyContainer.js import t from 'tcomb'; import container from 'buildo-react-container'; import MyComponent from './MyComponent'; export default container(MyComponent, { connect: ['isFlag', 'name', 'label'] }); @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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DEMO @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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We've seen @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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AST: what and why @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Competing AST standards in JS @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Typical AST-based workflows @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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going custom @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Some resources » » Babel Handbook @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Thank you @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017

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Questions? ping me on Twitter: @gabro27 or @gabro on Slack ( @gabro27 - MilanoJS 14/06/2017