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Where's the value in Cloud Native High value cloud native practices, and how to sell them to your boss

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Who are we Billie Thompson Cloud Native Consultant at Armakuni @PurpleBooth Zenon Hannick COO at Armakuni @ZenonHannick

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Contents ● Value Stream Mapping ● Deployment Pipeline ● PaaS ● OpenTracing ● Conclusion

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Value Stream Maps

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Value Stream Maps Visualising the flow of value

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Value Stream Maps Creating desire for change

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Run your own How to run your own VSM session

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Key Values: Raw ● Lead Time ● Process Time ● Complete & Accurate ● Number of Dependant Systems

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Key Values: Calculated ● Activity Ratio ● Totals

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Key Values: Observed ● Work that falls outside VSM (Unplanned Work) ● Variance in PT ● Variance in LT ● Common adjectives ○ “Confusing” ○ “Fast” ○ “Boring”

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Take it further You can make future streams too!

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Where’s the value?

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Practitioner ● Numbers don’t lie ● Only work on problems ● Focus on value to customer

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Manager ● The (difficult) conversation ● Shared understanding & agreement ● Identifies best areas to focus effort ● Shows flow of value! ● Numbers & Data ● Allows you to track progress ● Can set future desired state

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Objection! ● I can’t get everyone together ○ Gather the statistics one to one ● I don’t know all the times ○ Find someone who does ○ Educated guess ○ Dig it out of a tool ■ VCS ■ Deployment Tool ■ Ticketing System

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Apply your discoveries Evidence first!

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Deployment Pipeline All the way to production

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The Symptoms ● Merging processes ● Test Deployment processes ○ High PT ● Deployment processes ○ High LT ○ High PT ○ Low C&A ○ High Variance of LT

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Where’s the value?

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Practitioner ● Building software vs Building a system ● We share the codebase ● My laptop won’t fit in a server rack ● Oops I forgot to… ○ Run the tests ○ Check the migrations ○ Run the security tests ○ etc

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Manager ● Visualises flow of code (value) ● Encourages constant flow ● Speed ● Smaller batch sizes ● Reduces risk ● Fully auditable trail

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Objection! ● I need to press a button ○ Illusion of confidence in manual step ○ Lack of trust in automated testing ● I need to review changes ● Governance ○ Pipeline automatically provides audit trail ○ Can automate governance checks as part of the pipeline ● Security ○ Add to pipeline

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PaaS That developers can personally push to

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The Symptoms ● Deployment Process ○ High LT ○ High PT ○ Poor C&A ● Unplanned Work ○ That happens at 3am ○ Easily recoverable errors ○ Scaling ● Large % of time & effort operating platform/infrastructure, (i.e. non-value adding work)

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Don’t forget! Use a pipeline to deliver this

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Where’s the value?

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Practitioner ● No need to learn about servers ● My code, my responsibility ● Prototyping is easy ● I no longer need to think about: ○ Reliability ○ Scaling ○ Monitoring

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Manager ● Focus on business value delivery ● Abstracts complexity ● Standardise across organisation ● Software delivery practices for platforms ● Turns platform team into a product team ● Speed ● Less things for people to worry about

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Objection! ● I need to know everything that is going on! ● I need to control the whole stack ● We are very special unique snowflake

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Request Tracing OpenTracing (Jaeger)

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The Symptoms ● Development processes ○ High variance ○ Poor C&A ● Common Adjectives ○ “Confusing” ○ “Complicated” ● Unplanned work ○ Misunderstanding system ○ Wrong prioritization

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The nitty gritty Set some additional headers, with HTTP: ● X-B3-TraceId ● X-B3-ParentSpanId ● X-B3-SpanId ● X-B3-Sampled or X-B3-Flags (Or a bunch of other alternatives) Optionally an API call to the OpenTracing service.

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Where’s the value?

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Practitioner ● What calls what is no longer a mystery ● Makes me think about users ● O(n) calls become really obvious ● I can prove it!

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Manager ● Observability ● Evidence of areas needing improvement ● Enables association of user activity to system activity

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Objection! ● Not heard any arguments against this

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Conclusion You can do it

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Conclusion Evidence can drive change

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Links ● ream-mapping-session-5e1d43fba0 ● e-stream-mapping ● ● ● g-started/

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Any Questions? Billie Thompson @PurpleBooth Zenon Hannick @ZenonHannick