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Hi !

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So, Who am I?

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Serialization Serialization is the process of 
 translating data structures or object state into a format that can be stored (or transmitted across a 
 network connection)

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Client Server

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const person = {
 firstName: 'Haggai',
 lastName: 'Yaniv',
 age: 30

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"{"firstName":"Haggai"," lastName":"Yaniv","age": "30"}" JSON.stringify(person);

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Deserialization The opposite operation, extracting a data structure from a series of bytes

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const person = JSON.parse(response);
 "{"firstName":"Haggai"," lastName":"Yaniv","age": "30"}"

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const person = JSON.parse(response);
 const person = {
 firstName: 'Haggai',
 lastName: 'Yaniv',
 age: 30

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const person = JSON.parse(response);
 console.log(person.firstName) // 'Haggai'
 console.log(person.lastName) // 'Yaniv'
 console.log(person.age) // 30 const person = {
 firstName: 'Haggai',
 lastName: 'Yaniv',
 age: 30

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Pretty simple, right?

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Jaco What’s that?

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Slide 13 text (Jaco installed) Server Player JSON.parse() JSON.stringify()

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Serialisation has it's toll Converting a JSON into JavaScript loads both the CPU and the memory The impact might be crucial 
 when the device is mobile!

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An object's serialized format is important

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An object's deserialized format is also important

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• Started in 2015 as a project by 
 “Fun Propulsion Labs” - A Google group dedicated to Android Tools • Originally was oriented for game 
 development on Android • Today being supported for 
 9 programming languages The answer

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JSON.parse(response); JSON.stringify(person);

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Flat Buffers

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"{"firstName":"Haggai"," lastName":"Yaniv","age": "30"}"

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1400 0000 0000 0e00 1000 0800 0c00 0600 0000 0000 0e00 0000 0000 1e00 1400 0000 0400 0000 0500 0000 5961 6e69 7600 0000 0600 0000 4861 6767 6169 0000

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Looks good for storage/network But how am I supposed to work with this format?

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First, We need to define a schema

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 namespace Demo.Person;
 table Person {
 root_type Person; Note: this is not a JavaScript File person.idl

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Now let it generate our getter and setter access code ./flatc --js -o ./output ./sample/person.idl

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// getters
 Demo.Person.prototype.firstName = function() { ...}
 Demo.Person.prototype.lastName = function() { ...}
 Demo.Person.prototype.age = function() { ...}
 // setters
 Demo.Person.addFirstName = function() { ...}
 Demo.Person.addLastName = function() { ...}
 Demo.Person.addAge = function() { ...}
 // init methods
 Demo.Person.startPerson = function() { ...}
 Demo.Person.endPerson = function() { ...}
 // extract the person from the received data
 Demo.Person.getRootAsPerson = function(buff) { ...} We'll get a file called 'person_generated.js' with the following methods

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// this is how we used work
 function getResponse(response) {
 const person = JSON.parse(response);
 console.log(person.firstName); // 'haggai'
 console.log(person.lastName); // 'yaniv'
 console.log(person.age); // 30
 } Reminder

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const Demo = require('./person_generated.js').Demo;
 // now the new way
 function getPerson(response) {
 // Get access to the root:
 const person = Demo.Person.getRootAsPerson(response);
 console.log(person.firstName()); // 'haggai'
 console.log(person.lastName()); // 'yaniv'
 console.log(person.age()); // 30
 } The new way is:

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Let’s take a look a under the hood

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Person Instance 00a0 0020 1000 001E

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Person Instance vtpr 0020 1000 001E

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Vtable (shared between other Person instances) firstNameOffset lastNameOffset age 4 5 6 Person Instance vptr firstName reference lastName refernce 30[short] firstName h a g g a i

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What about backward/forward compatibility?

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 namespace Demo.Person;
 table Person {
 root_type Person;

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 namespace Demo.Person;
 table Person {
 root_type Person; 
 enum Department:byte { RnD = 0, Product, Finance = 2 }
 company:Company; // NEW FIELD
 department:Department = RnD; // NEW FIELD
 table Company {

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 Person.Company.prototype.companyName = function() {...}
 Person.Company.prototype.companyStreetName = function() {...}
 Person.Company.prototype.streetNumber = function() {...} Additional methods at 'person_generated.js'

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• To gain the full benefits you must use generated code getters • Not very human readable • Not ideal for mutating objects • Eco system in JS has a way to go Caveats

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Main Benefits Cross platform code with no dependencies No need to parse/stringify Efficient in memory - no extra memory beside the data itself Enables efficient random access memory

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./flatc —[lng] -o ./output ./sample/person.idl

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FlatBuffers is super fast!

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Slide 41 text flatbuffers_benchmarks.html

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Intriguing… Tell me more

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Improving Facebook's performance on Android with FlatBuffers

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Let's talk about FPS

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Browser rendering optimaztion

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Graph representing relations between the Objects

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JSON representation of the relations Story: { Actor: John, Feedback: { Likers:[Mary], Comments: [ { Author:Mark Text:... } ] } Attachment: { Pictures: [ { PictureUr:... },

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Parsing 20kb JSON object took 35ms In order to achieve sleek 60fps parsing needs to take less than 16.7ms

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After switching to FlatBuffers • Time to load each story reduced from 35ms to 4ms
 • Transient memory allocations are 
 reduced by 75%.

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What about Jaco?

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No content

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After switching to FlatBuffers • Mobile recording launched successfully • Memory consumption on the player reduce by 80%

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Let's wrap it up • FlatBuffer has impressive performance abilities. • But remember, use it wisely :) • Major factor with limited resource devices

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Learn More • See the official FlatBuffers page at: • Sample code from our talk can be found here: • Facebook's tech blog about FlatBuffers

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So, what do you think?

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Thank you! [email protected]