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Laravel 6: What's New and What's Changed Justin Yost Lead Software Engineer Wirecutter CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 1

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Laravel 6 Dropped Tuesday Morning Major Version Change (but not like what it was in the past) CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 2

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Laravel 6: What's New — SemVer (Major.Minor.Patch) — Same Major Version means API Backwards Compatible CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 3

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Laravel 6: What's New — PHP 7.2 CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 4

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Laravel 6: What's New — Laravel Vapor CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 5

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Larave 6: What's New — Laravel Ignition CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 6

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Laravel 6: What's New — Improved Authorization Error Handling/Responses CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 7

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Laravel 6: What's New — Job Middleware CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 8

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Laravel 6: What's New — Lazy Collections CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 9

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Laravel 6: What's Changed — Eloquent Subqueries CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 10

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Laravel 6: What's Changed — Laravel UI CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 11

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Laravel 6: What's Changed — Laravel str_/arr_ helpers CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 12

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Laravel 6: What's Changed — Carbon 1.0 Removed CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 13

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Laravel 6: The Summary — SemVer — PHP 7.2 — Laravel Vapor — LazyCollections — Job Middleware — Code wise to support can be small — Underlying changes are pretty big CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 14

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Thanks Questions? — — — — CC BY-NC 4.0 Justin Yost 15