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Creating a Brand in Magnum Steps

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Hi, I’m Ravi a college student who passionate at design but work in a game company as a backend developer and decide to work independently as UI Engineer on a small team called MQLabz

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Why you should to communicate your idea making a Brand? 1. making your design stand-out 2. making you design recogizable 3. enhance your efficiency with consistency what do you think? 4. 5.

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behold .... How we gonna do it? The Magnum Step

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create your brand Logo 1.

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create your brand Logo define your value a brand should be represent your vision 1.

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create your brand Logo brainstorm keywords write down all keywords that able to describe your brand, literally everything 1.

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create your brand Logo sketch several logo out of it try to sketch your idea and use variant of style like negative space, line art, geometri, etc. 1.

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create your brand Logo present it to your friends gather all the feedbacks is your logos already communicate your idea just by its shape? 1.

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create your brand Logo revise fix the holes and polish the skin 1.

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theme your brand properly 2.

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theme your brand properly pick a color a color represents your impressions 2.

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theme your brand properly build your shape each shape builds your brand’s feel 2.

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theme your brand properly pick some fonts typography is the great way to talk 2.

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theme your brand properly plan your images wanna great impact? use great images try to plan your images feels saturation, lighting, theme, angle, etc. 2.

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speak loud the brand voice 3.

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speak loud the brand voice understand the principle clear, concise, and helpful 3.

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speak loud the brand voice personaficate what if your brand is a person, how does it sounds? 3.

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speak loud the brand voice breakdown all the guides guides make your words sound consistent it belongs to your brand 3.

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ultimately, paint it to you design 4.