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The absolute beginner’s guide to Domain-Driven Design with Symfony

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What’s the point?

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What’s the point?

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What’s the point? Tackling complexity in the heart of software

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What’s the point?

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What’s the point?

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What’s the point?

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Domain-Driven Design Beginner’s Guide

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What is Domain-Driven Design?

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DDD is an approach to understanding the business in order to represent it in software, and also an architectural pattern for simplifying business problems

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Definitions & revision

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Domain Experts

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Ubiquitous Language

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The software must use the same words as the business

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Instruction Property

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Bounded Contexts

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A Bounded Context is a logical boundary around some behaviour within the business

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A DDD entity is a class which has some sort of identity, making it unique from other identical objects

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An aggregate is a collection of objects that represent one concept in the domain

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Aggregate Roots

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The aggregate root is the entry-point into the aggregate

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Invariants are business rules which are enforced in the domain code. They are separate to application-level rules.

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Domain Services and Application Services

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Domain services contain domain logic which doesn’t naturally fit within an aggregate, entity, or value object

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Application services orchestrate the execution of domain logic according to outside-world input, but don’t contain any domain logic themselves

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4 layers of a DDD architecture Each bounded context contains: ● Domain / Model ● Infrastructure ● Application ● UI

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4 layers of a DDD architecture Each bounded context contains: ● Domain / Model ● Infrastructure ● Application ● UI Contains all business logic / invariants, entities, domain services, and interfaces to allow communication with the outside world. Must not depend on anything outside of the domain layer.

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4 layers of a DDD architecture Each bounded context contains: ● Domain / Model ● Infrastructure ● Application ● UI Contains concretions of the interfaces defined in the Domain layer. Can only depend on items in the domain layer.

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4 layers of a DDD architecture Each bounded context contains: ● Domain / Model ● Infrastructure ● Application ● UI Provides ‘application services’ to facilitate communication to the Domain layer from the UI. May call domain services. Cannot contain business logic, but can perform validation. Can only depend on the domain layer and infrastructure layer

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4 layers of a DDD architecture Each bounded context contains: ● Domain / Model ● Infrastructure ● Application ● UI UI layer (controllers, console commands, etc) Can only talk to the application layer

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Domain-Driven Design Getting started

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4 layers of a DDD architecture Each bounded context contains: ● Domain / Model ● Infrastructure ● Application ● UI Let’s simplify things by sharing the UI layer across contexts Symfony’s App namespace is a pre-made UI layer we can take advantage of We can use Symfony’s controllers and commands to keep things feeling familiar

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$ symfony new --full \ absolute-beginners-guide-to-ddd-with-symfony

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public src config templates tests composer.json

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public src config templates tests composer.json Kernel.php Controller Entity Repository

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public src config App templates tests composer.json Kernel.php Controller Entity Repository

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protected function configureContainer (ContainerConfigurator $container ): void { $container ->import('../../config/{packages}/*.yaml' ); $container ->import('../../config/{packages}/' .$this->environment .'/*.yaml'); if (is_file(\dirname(__DIR__).'/../config/services.yaml' )) { $container ->import('../../config/services.yaml' ); $container ->import('../../config/{services}_' .$this->environment .'.yaml'); } elseif (is_file($path = \dirname(__DIR__).'/../config/services.php' )) { (require $path)($container ->withPath($path), $this); } } protected function configureRoutes (RoutingConfigurator $routes): void { $routes->import('../../config/{routes}/' .$this->environment .'/*.yaml'); $routes->import('../../config/{routes}/*.yaml' ); if (is_file(\dirname(__DIR__).'/../config/routes.yaml' )) { $routes->import('../../config/routes.yaml' ); } elseif (is_file($path = \dirname(__DIR__).'/../config/routes.php' )) { (require $path)($routes->withPath($path), $this); } } public src config App templates tests composer.json Kernel.php Controller Entity Repository

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"autoload" : { "psr-4": { "App\\": "src/App/" } }, public src config App templates tests Kernel.php Controller Entity Repository composer.json

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services: # default configuration for services in *this* file _defaults: autowire: true # Automatically injects dependencies in your services. autoconfigure : true # Automatically registers your services as commands, event subscribers, etc. # makes classes in src/ available to be used as services # this creates a service per class whose id is the fully-qualified class name App\: resource: '../src/ App/' exclude: - '../src/ App/DependencyInjection/' - '../src/ App/Entity/' - '../src/ App/Kernel.php' - '../src/ App/Tests/' # controllers are imported separately to make sure services can be injected # as action arguments even if you don't extend any base controller class App\Controller\ : resource: '../src/ App/Controller/' tags: ['controller.service_arguments'] public src config App templates tests Kernel.php Controller Entity Repository services.yaml composer.json

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doctrine: dbal: url: '%env(resolve:DATABASE_URL)%' # IMPORTANT: You MUST configure your server version, # either here or in the DATABASE_URL env var (see .env file) #server_version: '5.7' orm: auto_generate_proxy_classes : true naming_strategy : doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore_number_aware auto_mapping : true mappings: App: is_bundle: false type: annotation dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/ App/Entity' prefix: 'App\Entity' alias: App public src config App templates tests Kernel.php Controller Entity Repository doctrine.yaml composer.json packages

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controllers : resource: ../../src/ App/Controller/ type: annotation kernel: resource: ../../src/ App/Kernel.php type: annotation public src config App templates tests Kernel.php Controller Entity Repository annotations.yaml composer.json routes packages

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The First Bounded Context

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"autoload" : { "psr-4": { "App\\": "src/App/" , "AcmeVet\\" : "src/AcmeVet/" } }, "autoload-dev" : { "psr-4": { "App\\Tests\\": "tests/" } }, public src config AcmeVet templates tests composer.json App

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public src AcmeVet config Scheduling App composer.json templates tests Bounded Context

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public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain App composer.json templates tests Bounded Context

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Build the aggregate

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public src AcmeVet config Scheduling Domain composer.json AppointmentTest.php Appointment templates tests

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getId()); static::assertSame ($pet, $appointment ->getPet()); static::assertSame ($startTime, $appointment ->getStartTime ()); static::assertSame ($appointmentLength, $appointment ->getLengthInMinutes ()); } } public src AcmeVet config Scheduling Domain composer.json AppointmentTest.php Appointment templates tests

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getId()); static::assertSame ($pet, $appointment ->getPet()); static::assertSame ($startTime, $appointment ->getStartTime ()); static::assertSame ($appointmentLength, $appointment ->getLengthInMinutes ()); } } public src AcmeVet config Scheduling Domain composer.json AppointmentTest.php Appointment templates tests

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getId()); static::assertSame ($pet, $appointment ->getPet()); static::assertSame ($startTime, $appointment ->getStartTime ()); static::assertSame ($appointmentLength, $appointment ->getLengthInMinutes ()); } } public src AcmeVet config Scheduling Domain composer.json AppointmentTest.php Appointment templates tests

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appointmentId = $appointmentId ; $this ->pet = $pet; $this ->appointmentTime = $appointmentTime ; $this ->appointmentLengthInMinutes = $appointmentLengthInMinutes ; } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Appointment.php Scheduling Application Domain Appointment composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Appointment.php appointmentId = $appointmentId ; $this ->pet = $pet; $this ->appointmentTime = $appointmentTime ; $this ->appointmentLengthInMinutes = $appointmentLengthInMinutes ; } } Scheduling Application Domain Appointment App composer.json templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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public static function create( AppointmentId $appointmentId , Pet $pet, \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime , int $appointmentLength ): self { if (self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH > $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The minimum appointment length is %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } $maxLength = self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH * 2; if ($maxLength < $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The maximum appointment length is %s minutes" , $maxLength) ); } if (0 !== $appointmentLength % self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The appointment length must be a multiple of %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } return new self ($appointmentId , $pet, $appointmentTime , $appointmentLength ); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Appointment.php Scheduling Application Domain Appointment composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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public static function create( AppointmentId $appointmentId , Pet $pet, \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime , int $appointmentLength ): self { if (self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH > $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The minimum appointment length is %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } $maxLength = self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH * 2; if ($maxLength < $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The maximum appointment length is %s minutes" , $maxLength) ); } if (0 !== $appointmentLength % self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The appointment length must be a multiple of %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } return new self ($appointmentId , $pet, $appointmentTime , $appointmentLength ); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Appointment.php Scheduling Application Domain Appointment composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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public static function create( AppointmentId $appointmentId , Pet $pet, \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime , int $appointmentLength ): self { if (self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH > $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The minimum appointment length is %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } $maxLength = self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH * 2; if ($maxLength < $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The maximum appointment length is %s minutes" , $maxLength) ); } if (0 !== $appointmentLength % self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The appointment length must be a multiple of %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } return new self ($appointmentId , $pet, $appointmentTime , $appointmentLength ); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Appointment.php Scheduling Application Domain Appointment composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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public static function create( AppointmentId $appointmentId , Pet $pet, \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime , int $appointmentLength ): self { if (self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH > $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The minimum appointment length is %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } $maxLength = self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH * 2; if ($maxLength < $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The maximum appointment length is %s minutes" , $maxLength) ); } if (0 !== $appointmentLength % self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The appointment length must be a multiple of %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } return new self ($appointmentId , $pet, $appointmentTime , $appointmentLength ); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Appointment.php Scheduling Application Domain Appointment composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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public static function create( AppointmentId $appointmentId , Pet $pet, \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime , int $appointmentLength ): self { if (self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH > $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The minimum appointment length is %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } $maxLength = self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH * 2; if ($maxLength < $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The maximum appointment length is %s minutes" , $maxLength) ); } if (0 !== $appointmentLength % self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The appointment length must be a multiple of %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } return new self ($appointmentId , $pet, $appointmentTime , $appointmentLength ); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Appointment.php Scheduling Application Domain Appointment composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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public static function create( AppointmentId $appointmentId , Pet $pet, \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime , int $appointmentLength ): self { if (self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH > $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The minimum appointment length is %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } $maxLength = self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH * 2; if ($maxLength < $appointmentLength ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The maximum appointment length is %s minutes" , $maxLength) ); } if (0 !== $appointmentLength % self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) { throw new AppointmentLengthInvalid ( sprintf("The appointment length must be a multiple of %s minutes" , self::STANDARD_APPOINTMENT_LENGTH ) ); } return new self ($appointmentId , $pet, $appointmentTime , $appointmentLength ); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Appointment.php Scheduling Application Domain Appointment composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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id = $id; } public static function generate(): self { return new self (Uuid::uuid4()->toString()); } public static function fromString (string $id): self { if (false === Uuid::isValid($id)) { throw new \DomainException ( \sprintf("AppointmentId '%s' is not valid" , $id) ); } return new self ($id); } public function toString(): string { return $this->id; } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain Appointment composer.json AppointmentId.php Appointment.php App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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id = $id; } public static function generate(): self { return new self (Uuid::uuid4()->toString()); } public static function fromString (string $id): self { if (false === Uuid::isValid($id)) { throw new \DomainException ( \sprintf("AppointmentId '%s' is not valid" , $id) ); } return new self ($id); } public function toString(): string { return $this->id; } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain Appointment composer.json AppointmentId.php Appointment.php App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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class Pet { private string $name; private string $ownerName ; private string $contactNumber ; private function __construct ( string $name, string $ownerName , string $contactNumber ) { $this ->name = $name; $this ->ownerName = $ownerName ; $this ->contactNumber = $contactNumber ; } public static function create( string $name, string $ownerName , string $contactNumber ) { return new self ($name, $ownerName , $contactNumber ); } public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } public function getOwnerName (): string { return $this->ownerName; } public function getContactNumber (): string { return $this->contactNumber ; } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain composer.json AppointmentId.php Pet.php Appointment.php App templates tests Appointment Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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Create a domain service

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appointmentRepository = $appointmentRepository ; } public function confirmSlot (Appointment $appointment ): void { $this ->checkStartTimeIsNotInThePast ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotStartTimeIsNotTaken ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotIsNotTakenByADoubleLengthBooking ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotDoesNotSpanAnotherBooking ($appointment ); $this ->appointmentRepository ->store($appointment ); } private function checkStartTimeIsNotInThePast (Appointment $appointment ): void { $dateDiff = $appointment ->getStartTime ()->diff(new \DateTimeImmutable ()); if ( $appointment ->getStartTime () < new \DateTimeImmutable () && 0 !== (int) $dateDiff->format('%y%m%d%h%i' ) ) { throw new CouldNotConfirmSlotException ("The slot must not be in the past" ); } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain Exception composer.json AppointmentId.php Pet.php Appointment.php SlotConfirmationService.php Appointment App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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appointmentRepository = $appointmentRepository ; } public function confirmSlot (Appointment $appointment ): void { $this ->checkStartTimeIsNotInThePast ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotStartTimeIsNotTaken ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotIsNotTakenByADoubleLengthBooking ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotDoesNotSpanAnotherBooking ($appointment ); $this ->appointmentRepository ->store($appointment ); } private function checkStartTimeIsNotInThePast (Appointment $appointment ): void { $dateDiff = $appointment ->getStartTime ()->diff(new \DateTimeImmutable ()); if ( $appointment ->getStartTime () < new \DateTimeImmutable () && 0 !== (int) $dateDiff->format('%y%m%d%h%i' ) ) { throw new CouldNotConfirmSlotException ("The slot must not be in the past" ); } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain Exception composer.json AppointmentId.php Pet.php Appointment.php SlotConfirmationService.php Appointment App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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appointmentRepository = $appointmentRepository ; } public function confirmSlot (Appointment $appointment ): void { $this ->checkStartTimeIsNotInThePast ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotStartTimeIsNotTaken ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotIsNotTakenByADoubleLengthBooking ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotDoesNotSpanAnotherBooking ($appointment ); $this ->appointmentRepository ->store($appointment ); } private function checkStartTimeIsNotInThePast (Appointment $appointment ): void { $dateDiff = $appointment ->getStartTime ()->diff(new \DateTimeImmutable ()); if ( $appointment ->getStartTime () < new \DateTimeImmutable () && 0 !== (int) $dateDiff->format('%y%m%d%h%i' ) ) { throw new CouldNotConfirmSlotException ("The slot must not be in the past" ); } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain Exception composer.json AppointmentId.php Pet.php Appointment.php SlotConfirmationService.php Appointment App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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appointmentRepository = $appointmentRepository ; } public function confirmSlot (Appointment $appointment ): void { $this ->checkStartTimeIsNotInThePast ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotStartTimeIsNotTaken ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotIsNotTakenByADoubleLengthBooking ($appointment ); $this ->checkSlotDoesNotSpanAnotherBooking ($appointment ); $this ->appointmentRepository ->store($appointment ); } private function checkStartTimeIsNotInThePast (Appointment $appointment ): void { $dateDiff = $appointment ->getStartTime ()->diff(new \DateTimeImmutable ()); if ( $appointment ->getStartTime () < new \DateTimeImmutable () && 0 !== (int) $dateDiff->format('%y%m%d%h%i' ) ) { throw new CouldNotConfirmSlotException ("The slot must not be in the past" ); } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain Exception composer.json AppointmentId.php Pet.php Appointment.php SlotConfirmationService.php Appointment App templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root

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confirmSlot ($appointment); static::assertSame ( $appointment, $repository ->getAppointmentAtTime ($dateTime) ); } public function test_an_appointment_cannot_be_made_in_the_past (): void { } public src AcmeVet config Scheduling Domain templates tests composer.json SlotConfirmationServiceTest.php Appointment AppointmentTest.php

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confirmSlot ($appointment); static::assertSame ( $appointment, $repository ->getAppointmentAtTime ($dateTime) ); } public function test_an_appointment_cannot_be_made_in_the_past (): void { } public src AcmeVet config Scheduling Domain composer.json SlotConfirmationServiceTest.php Appointment AppointmentTest.php templates tests

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appointments [] = $appointment ; } public function getAll(): array { return $this->appointments ; } } public src AcmeVet config Scheduling Domain composer.json InMemoryAppointmentRepository.php Appointment AppointmentTest.php Doubles SlotConfirmationService.php templates tests

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namespace AcmeVet\Scheduling \Infrastructure ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \Appointment ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \AppointmentId ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \AppointmentRepository ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \Pet; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection ; class DbalAppointmentRepository implements AppointmentRepository { private const DATE_FORMAT = "Y-m-d\TH:i" ; private Connection $connection ; public function __construct (Connection $connection ) { $this ->connection = $connection ; } public function getAppointmentAtTime ( \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime ): ?Appointment { $stmt = $this->connection ->prepare(' SELECT * FROM appointments WHERE start_time = :start_time '); $stmt ->bindValue('start_time' , $appointmentTime ->format(self::DATE_FORMAT )); $stmt ->execute(); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain composer.json DbalAppointmentRepository.php App templates tests Bounded Context

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namespace AcmeVet\Scheduling \Infrastructure ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \Appointment ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \AppointmentId ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \AppointmentRepository ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \Pet; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection ; class DbalAppointmentRepository implements AppointmentRepository { private const DATE_FORMAT = "Y-m-d\TH:i" ; private Connection $connection ; public function __construct (Connection $connection ) { $this ->connection = $connection ; } public function getAppointmentAtTime ( \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime ): ?Appointment { $stmt = $this->connection ->prepare(' SELECT * FROM appointments WHERE start_time = :start_time '); $stmt ->bindValue('start_time' , $appointmentTime ->format(self::DATE_FORMAT )); $stmt ->execute(); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain DbalAppointmentRepository.php composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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namespace AcmeVet\Scheduling \Infrastructure ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \Appointment ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \AppointmentId ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \AppointmentRepository ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \Pet; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection ; class DbalAppointmentRepository implements AppointmentRepository { private const DATE_FORMAT = "Y-m-d\TH:i" ; private Connection $connection ; public function __construct (Connection $connection ) { $this ->connection = $connection ; } public function getAppointmentAtTime ( \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime ): ?Appointment { $stmt = $this->connection ->prepare(' SELECT * FROM appointments WHERE start_time = :start_time '); $stmt ->bindValue('start_time' , $appointmentTime ->format(self::DATE_FORMAT )); $stmt ->execute(); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain DbalAppointmentRepository.php composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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namespace AcmeVet\Scheduling \Infrastructure ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \Appointment ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \AppointmentId ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \AppointmentRepository ; use AcmeVet\Scheduling \Domain\Appointment \Pet; use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection ; class DbalAppointmentRepository implements AppointmentRepository { private const DATE_FORMAT = "Y-m-d\TH:i" ; private Connection $connection ; public function __construct (Connection $connection ) { $this ->connection = $connection ; } public function getAppointmentAtTime ( \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime ): ?Appointment { $stmt = $this->connection ->prepare(' SELECT * FROM appointments WHERE start_time = :start_time '); $stmt ->bindValue('start_time' , $appointmentTime ->format(self::DATE_FORMAT )); $stmt ->execute(); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain DbalAppointmentRepository.php composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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public function getAppointmentAtTime ( \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime ): ?Appointment { $stmt = $this->connection ->prepare(' SELECT * FROM appointments WHERE start_time = :start_time '); $stmt ->bindValue('start_time' , $appointmentTime ->format(self::DATE_FORMAT )); $stmt ->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAssociative (); if (!$result) { return null ; } return Appointment ::create( AppointmentId ::fromString ($result['id']), Pet::create( $result[ 'pet_name' ], $result[ 'owner_name' ], $result[ 'contact_number' ] ), \DateTimeImmutable ::createFromFormat ( self::DATE_FORMAT , $result['start_time' ] ), $result[ 'length'] ); } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain DbalAppointmentRepository.php composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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services: # ... # Tell Symfony to auto-wire everything that it finds # within the AcmeVet namespace AcmeVet\ : resource: '../src/AcmeVet/' public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain DbalAppointmentRepository.php services.yaml composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:generate

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namespace DoctrineMigrations ; use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema; use Doctrine\Migrations \AbstractMigration ; final class Version20201107141910 extends AbstractMigration { public function getDescription () : string { return 'Add the table for appointments in the AcmeVet\Appointment context' ; } public function up(Schema $schema) : void { $this ->addSql(' CREATE TABLE appointments ( id CHARACTER(36) PRIMARY KEY, start_time VARCHAR, length CHARACTER(2), pet_name VARCHAR, owner_name VARCHAR, contact_number VARCHAR ) '); } public function down(Schema $schema): void { $this ->addSql('DROP TABLE appointments' ); } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain DbalAppointmentRepository.php Version2020110714910.php migrations composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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Application services

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class AppointmentBookingCommand implements Command { private \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime ; private string $petName; private string $ownerName ; private string $contactNumber ; private int $appointmentLengthInMinutes ; public function __construct ( \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime , string $petName, string $ownerName , string $contactNumber , int $appointmentLengthInMinutes ) { $this ->appointmentTime = $appointmentTime ; $this ->petName = $petName; $this ->ownerName = $ownerName ; $this ->contactNumber = $contactNumber ; $this ->appointmentLengthInMinutes = $appointmentLengthInMinutes ; } public function getAppointmentTime (): \DateTimeImmutable { return $this->appointmentTime ; } public function getPetName (): string { return $this->petName; } public function getOwnerName (): string { return $this->ownerName; } public function getContactNumber (): string { return $this->contactNumber ; } public function getAppointmentLengthInMinutes (): int { return $this->appointmentLengthInMinutes ; } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain AppointmentBookingCommand.php Command Booking migrations composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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class AppointmentBookingCommand implements Command { private \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime ; private string $petName; private string $ownerName ; private string $contactNumber ; private int $appointmentLengthInMinutes ; public function __construct ( \DateTimeImmutable $appointmentTime , string $petName, string $ownerName , string $contactNumber , int $appointmentLengthInMinutes ) { $this ->appointmentTime = $appointmentTime ; $this ->petName = $petName; $this ->ownerName = $ownerName ; $this ->contactNumber = $contactNumber ; $this ->appointmentLengthInMinutes = $appointmentLengthInMinutes ; } public function getAppointmentTime (): \DateTimeImmutable { return $this->appointmentTime ; } public function getPetName (): string { return $this->petName; } public function getOwnerName (): string { return $this->ownerName; } public function getContactNumber (): string { return $this->contactNumber ; } public function getAppointmentLengthInMinutes (): int { return $this->appointmentLengthInMinutes ; } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain AppointmentBookingCommand.php Command Booking migrations composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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class AppointmentBookingHandler implements Handler { private SlotConfirmationService $slotConfirmationService ; public function __construct ( SlotConfirmationService $slotConfirmationService ) { $this ->slotConfirmationService = $slotConfirmationService ; } public function __invoke(Command $command): void { $appointment = Appointment ::create( AppointmentId ::generate(), Pet::create( $command->getPetName (), $command->getOwnerName (), $command->getContactNumber () ), $command->getAppointmentTime (), $command->getAppointmentLengthInMinutes () ); try { $this ->slotConfirmationService ->confirmSlot ($appointment); } catch (CouldNotConfirmSlotException $exception) { throw new \RuntimeException ("The slot could not be booked" ); } } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain AppointmentBookingCommand.php Command Booking AppointmentBookingHandler.php migrations composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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class AppointmentBookingHandler implements Handler { private SlotConfirmationService $slotConfirmationService ; public function __construct ( SlotConfirmationService $slotConfirmationService ) { $this ->slotConfirmationService = $slotConfirmationService ; } public function __invoke(Command $command): void { $appointment = Appointment ::create( AppointmentId ::generate(), Pet::create( $command->getPetName (), $command->getOwnerName (), $command->getContactNumber () ), $command->getAppointmentTime (), $command->getAppointmentLengthInMinutes () ); try { $this ->slotConfirmationService ->confirmSlot ($appointment); } catch (CouldNotConfirmSlotException $exception) { throw new \RuntimeException ("The slot could not be booked" ); } } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain AppointmentBookingCommand.php Command Booking AppointmentBookingHandler.php migrations composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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class AppointmentBookingHandler implements Handler { private SlotConfirmationService $slotConfirmationService ; public function __construct ( SlotConfirmationService $slotConfirmationService ) { $this ->slotConfirmationService = $slotConfirmationService ; } public function __invoke(Command $command): void { $appointment = Appointment ::create( AppointmentId ::generate(), Pet::create( $command->getPetName (), $command->getOwnerName (), $command->getContactNumber () ), $command->getAppointmentTime (), $command->getAppointmentLengthInMinutes () ); try { $this ->slotConfirmationService ->confirmSlot ($appointment); } catch (CouldNotConfirmSlotException $exception) { throw new \RuntimeException ("The slot could not be booked" ); } } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain AppointmentBookingCommand.php Command Booking AppointmentBookingHandler.php migrations composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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class AppointmentBookingHandler implements Handler { private SlotConfirmationService $slotConfirmationService ; public function __construct ( SlotConfirmationService $slotConfirmationService ) { $this ->slotConfirmationService = $slotConfirmationService ; } public function __invoke(Command $command): void { $appointment = Appointment ::create( AppointmentId ::generate(), Pet::create( $command->getPetName (), $command->getOwnerName (), $command->getContactNumber () ), $command->getAppointmentTime (), $command->getAppointmentLengthInMinutes () ); try { $this ->slotConfirmationService ->confirmSlot ($appointment); } catch (CouldNotConfirmSlotException $exception) { throw new \RuntimeException ("The slot could not be booked" ); } } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain AppointmentBookingCommand.php Command Booking AppointmentBookingHandler.php migrations composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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class AppointmentBookingHandler implements Handler { private SlotConfirmationService $slotConfirmationService ; public function __construct ( SlotConfirmationService $slotConfirmationService ) { $this ->slotConfirmationService = $slotConfirmationService ; } public function __invoke(Command $command): void { $appointment = Appointment ::create( AppointmentId ::generate(), Pet::create( $command->getPetName (), $command->getOwnerName (), $command->getContactNumber () ), $command->getAppointmentTime (), $command->getAppointmentLengthInMinutes () ); try { $this ->slotConfirmationService ->confirmSlot ($appointment); } catch (CouldNotConfirmSlotException $exception) { throw new \RuntimeException ("The slot could not be booked" ); } } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain AppointmentBookingCommand.php Command Booking AppointmentBookingHandler.php migrations composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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Services: # ... # Tell Symfony to auto-wire everything that it finds # within the AcmeVet namespace AcmeVet\ : resource: '../src/AcmeVet/' AcmeVet\Scheduling\Application\Command\Booking\AppointmentBookingHandler : tags: [messenger.message_handler ] public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain AppointmentBookingCommand.php Command Booking AppointmentBookingHandler.php services.yaml migrations composer.json App templates tests Bounded Context

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The UI

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class AppointmentController extends AbstractController { private MessageBusInterface $messageBus ; public function __construct (MessageBusInterface $messageBus ) { $this ->messageBus = $messageBus ; } /** * @Route("/appointments", name="appointments"); */ public function list(Request $request): Response { $form = $this->createForm (AppointmentType ::class); $form ->handleRequest ($request); if ($form->isSubmitted () && $form->isValid()) { $command = new AppointmentBookingCommand ( $form ->get('appointmentTime' )->getData(), $form ->get('petName')->getData(), $form ->get('ownerName' )->getData(), $form ->get('contactNumber' )->getData(), true === $form->get('appointmentLength' )->getData() ? 30 : 15 ); $this ->messageBus ->dispatch($command); } return $this->render('appointment/list.html.twig' , [ 'form' => $form->createView () ]); } } public src AcmeVet config App templates tests composer.json Kernel.php AppointmentController.php migrations Controller Entity Form Repository

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class AppointmentController extends AbstractController { private MessageBusInterface $messageBus ; public function __construct (MessageBusInterface $messageBus ) { $this ->messageBus = $messageBus ; } /** * @Route("/appointments", name="appointments"); */ public function list(Request $request): Response { $form = $this->createForm (AppointmentType ::class); $form ->handleRequest ($request); if ($form->isSubmitted () && $form->isValid()) { $command = new AppointmentBookingCommand ( $form ->get('appointmentTime' )->getData(), $form ->get('petName')->getData(), $form ->get('ownerName' )->getData(), $form ->get('contactNumber' )->getData(), true === $form->get('appointmentLength' )->getData() ? 30 : 15 ); $this ->messageBus ->dispatch($command); } return $this->render('appointment/list.html.twig' , [ 'form' => $form->createView () ]); } } public src AcmeVet config App composer.json AppointmentController.php migrations Controller Entity Form Repository templates tests Kernel.php

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class AppointmentController extends AbstractController { private MessageBusInterface $messageBus ; public function __construct (MessageBusInterface $messageBus ) { $this ->messageBus = $messageBus ; } /** * @Route("/appointments", name="appointments"); */ public function list(Request $request): Response { $form = $this->createForm (AppointmentType ::class); $form ->handleRequest ($request); if ($form->isSubmitted () && $form->isValid()) { $command = new AppointmentBookingCommand ( $form ->get('appointmentTime' )->getData(), $form ->get('petName')->getData(), $form ->get('ownerName' )->getData(), $form ->get('contactNumber' )->getData(), true === $form->get('appointmentLength' )->getData() ? 30 : 15 ); $this ->messageBus ->dispatch($command); } return $this->render('appointment/list.html.twig' , [ 'form' => $form->createView () ]); } } public src AcmeVet config App composer.json Kernel.php AppointmentController.php migrations Controller Entity Form Repository templates tests

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class AppointmentController extends AbstractController { private MessageBusInterface $messageBus ; public function __construct (MessageBusInterface $messageBus ) { $this ->messageBus = $messageBus ; } /** * @Route("/appointments", name="appointments"); */ public function list(Request $request): Response { $form = $this->createForm (AppointmentType ::class); $form ->handleRequest ($request); if ($form->isSubmitted () && $form->isValid()) { $command = new AppointmentBookingCommand ( $form ->get('appointmentTime' )->getData(), $form ->get('petName')->getData(), $form ->get('ownerName' )->getData(), $form ->get('contactNumber' )->getData(), true === $form->get('appointmentLength' )->getData() ? 30 : 15 ); $this ->messageBus ->dispatch($command); } return $this->render('appointment/list.html.twig' , [ 'form' => $form->createView () ]); } } public src AcmeVet config App composer.json Kernel.php AppointmentController.php migrations Controller Entity Form Repository templates tests

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add('appointmentTime' , DateTimeType ::class, [ 'input' => 'datetime_immutable' , 'widget' => 'single_text' , 'attr' => [ 'step' => 900, 'min' => (new \DateTimeImmutable ())->format('Y-m-d') ] ]) ->add('petName', TextType::class) ->add('ownerName' , TextType::class) ->add('contactNumber' , TextType::class) ->add('appointmentLength' , ChoiceType ::class, [ 'choices' => [ 'single' => false, 'double' => true ] ]) ->add('submit', SubmitType ::class); } } public src AcmeVet config App composer.json Kernel.php AppointmentController.php migrations Controller Entity Form Repository Type templates tests

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repository = $repository ; } public function fetchAll(): array { $results = $this->repository ->getAll(); return \array_map(function (Appointment $item) { return new AppointmentDTO ( $item->getStartTime (), 15 === $item->getLengthInMinutes () ? false : true, $item->getPet()->getName(), $item->getPet()->getOwnerName (), $item->getPet()->getContactNumber () ); }, $results); } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain App templates tests composer.json Command Query AppointmentQuery.php migrations Bounded Context

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repository = $repository ; } public function fetchAll(): array { $results = $this->repository ->getAll(); return \array_map(function (Appointment $item) { return new AppointmentDTO ( $item->getStartTime (), 15 === $item->getLengthInMinutes () ? false : true, $item->getPet()->getName(), $item->getPet()->getOwnerName (), $item->getPet()->getContactNumber () ); }, $results); } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain App composer.json Command Query AppointmentQuery.php migrations templates tests Bounded Context

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repository = $repository ; } public function fetchAll(): array { $results = $this->repository ->getAll(); return \array_map(function (Appointment $item) { return new AppointmentDTO ( $item->getStartTime (), 15 === $item->getLengthInMinutes () ? false : true, $item->getPet()->getName(), $item->getPet()->getOwnerName (), $item->getPet()->getContactNumber () ); }, $results); } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain App composer.json Command Query AppointmentQuery.php migrations templates tests Bounded Context

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repository = $repository ; } public function fetchAll(): array { $results = $this->repository ->getAll(); return \array_map(function (Appointment $item) { return new AppointmentDTO ( $item->getStartTime (), 15 === $item->getLengthInMinutes () ? false : true, $item->getPet()->getName(), $item->getPet()->getOwnerName (), $item->getPet()->getContactNumber () ); }, $results); } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain App composer.json Command Query AppointmentQuery.php migrations templates tests Bounded Context

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repository = $repository ; } public function fetchAll(): array { $results = $this->repository ->getAll(); return \array_map(function (Appointment $item) { return new AppointmentDTO ( $item->getStartTime (), 15 === $item->getLengthInMinutes () ? false : true, $item->getPet()->getName(), $item->getPet()->getOwnerName (), $item->getPet()->getContactNumber () ); }, $results); } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain App composer.json Command Query AppointmentQuery.php migrations templates tests Bounded Context

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class AppointmentDTO { private \DateTimeImmutable $startTime ; private bool $isDoubleAppointment ; private string $petName; private string $ownerName ; private string $contactNumber ; public function __construct ( \DateTimeImmutable $startTime , bool $isDoubleAppointment , string $petName, string $ownerName , string $contactNumber ) { $this ->startTime = $startTime ; $this ->isDoubleAppointment = $isDoubleAppointment ; $this ->petName = $petName; $this ->ownerName = $ownerName ; $this ->contactNumber = $contactNumber ; } public function getStartTime (): \DateTimeImmutable { return $this->startTime; } public function getPetName (): string { return $this->petName; } public function getOwnerName (): string { return $this->ownerName; } public function getContactNumber (): string { return $this->contactNumber ; } public function isDoubleAppointment (): bool { return $this->isDoubleAppointment ; } } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Scheduling Application Domain App composer.json Command Query AppointmentQuery.php migrations AppointmentDTO.php templates tests Bounded Context

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class AppointmentController extends AbstractController { /** * @Route("/appointments", name="appointments"); */ public function list(Request $request, AppointmentQuery $appointmentList ): Response { $form = $this->createForm (AppointmentType ::class); $form ->handleRequest ($request); if ($form->isSubmitted () && $form->isValid()) { $command = new AppointmentBookingCommand ( $form ->get('appointmentTime' )->getData(), $form ->get('petName')->getData(), $form ->get('ownerName' )->getData(), $form ->get('contactNumber' )->getData(), true === $form->get('appointmentLength' )->getData() ? 30 : 15 ); $this ->messageBus ->dispatch($command); } $appointments = $appointmentList ->fetchAll(); return $this->render('appointment/list.html.twig' , [ 'appointments' => $appointments, 'form' => $form->createView () ]); } } public src AcmeVet config App composer.json Kernel.php AppointmentController.php migrations Controller Entity Form Repository templates tests

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class AppointmentController extends AbstractController { /** * @Route("/appointments", name="appointments"); */ public function list(Request $request, AppointmentQuery $appointmentList ): Response { $form = $this->createForm (AppointmentType ::class); $form ->handleRequest ($request); if ($form->isSubmitted () && $form->isValid()) { $command = new AppointmentBookingCommand ( $form ->get('appointmentTime' )->getData(), $form ->get('petName')->getData(), $form ->get('ownerName' )->getData(), $form ->get('contactNumber' )->getData(), true === $form->get('appointmentLength' )->getData() ? 30 : 15 ); $this ->messageBus ->dispatch($command); } $appointments = $appointmentList ->fetchAll(); return $this->render('appointment/list.html.twig' , [ 'appointments' => $appointments, 'form' => $form->createView () ]); } } public src AcmeVet config App composer.json Kernel.php AppointmentController.php migrations Controller Entity Form Repository templates tests

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class AppointmentController extends AbstractController { /** * @Route("/appointments", name="appointments"); */ public function list(Request $request, AppointmentQuery $appointmentList ): Response { $form = $this->createForm (AppointmentType ::class); $form ->handleRequest ($request); if ($form->isSubmitted () && $form->isValid()) { $command = new AppointmentBookingCommand ( $form ->get('appointmentTime' )->getData(), $form ->get('petName')->getData(), $form ->get('ownerName' )->getData(), $form ->get('contactNumber' )->getData(), true === $form->get('appointmentLength' )->getData() ? 30 : 15 ); $this ->messageBus ->dispatch($command); } $appointments = $appointmentList ->fetchAll(); return $this->render('appointment/list.html.twig' , [ 'appointments' => $appointments, 'form' => $form->createView () ]); } } public src AcmeVet config App composer.json Kernel.php AppointmentController.php migrations Controller Entity Form Repository templates tests

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The second bounded context

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public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Consultation Application Domain App composer.json migrations Scheduling templates tests Bounded Context Bounded Context

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petId = $petId; $this ->animal = $animal; $this ->petName = $petName; $this ->dateOfBirth = $dateOfBirth ; } public static function create( PetId $petId, Animal $animal, string $petName, \DateTimeImmutable $dateOfBirth ): self { return new self ($petId, $animal, $petName, $dateOfBirth ); } public function recordConsultation (Consultation $consultation ): void { $this ->consultations [] = $consultation ; } public function getBreed(): string { return (new \ReflectionClass ($this->animal))->getShortName () . '/' . $this->animal->getBreedName (); } public function addDiagnosis (Diagnosis $diagnosis ): void { $this ->diagnoses[] = $diagnosis ; } public src AcmeVet config Infrastructure Consultation Application Domain App composer.json migrations Scheduling Pet Pet.php templates tests Bounded Context Aggregate Aggregate Root Bounded Context

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Application data

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isActive = true; // may not be needed, see section on salt below // $this->salt = md5(uniqid('', true)); } public function getUsername() public src AcmeVet config App composer.json Kernel.php User.php migrations Controller Entity Form Repository templates tests

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Do it yourself ● Think about the words you use in the business ● Identify Bounded Contexts ● Think about who the domain experts are for each Bounded Context ● Start talking about business processes and invariants in each Bounded Context ● Identify the aggregates ● Build the software

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Do it yourself ● Think about the words you use in the business ● Identify Bounded Contexts ● Think about who the domain experts are for each Bounded Context ● Start talking about business processes and invariants in each Bounded Context ● Identify the aggregates ● Build the software absolute-beginners-guide-to-ddd-with-symfony

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Do it yourself absolute-beginners-guide-to-ddd-with-symfony ● Think about the words you use in the business ● Identify Bounded Contexts ● Think about who the domain experts are for each Bounded Context ● Start talking about business processes and invariants in each Bounded Context ● Identify the aggregates ● Build the software @nealio82

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Do it yourself absolute-beginners-guide-to-ddd-with-symfony ● Think about the words you use in the business ● Identify Bounded Contexts ● Think about who the domain experts are for each Bounded Context ● Start talking about business processes and invariants in each Bounded Context ● Identify the aggregates ● Build the software @nealio82 Thanks to @edd_mann, @lucas_courot, and @jim_jqim

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Do it yourself absolute-beginners-guide-to-ddd-with-symfony ● Think about the words you use in the business ● Identify Bounded Contexts ● Think about who the domain experts are for each Bounded Context ● Start talking about business processes and invariants in each Bounded Context ● Identify the aggregates ● Build the software @nealio82 Thanks to @edd_mann, @lucas_courot, and @jim_jqim, and you!