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1 / 36 Open Networking Initiatives & Overview Eueung Mulyana ITB Open Networking Day | CC BY-SA

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Outline Background & Overview Open Networking - Innovation & Landscape Example Projects 2 / 36

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Open [Source] Networking Background & Overview 3 / 36

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Open Source Development is Accellerating 4 / 36

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Open Source Momentum Lead by Linux Foundation 5 / 36

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Open Source Momentum Lead by Linux Foundation 6 / 36

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Linux Foundation Open Source Networking Enterprises, Carriers, Cloud 7 / 36

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Infrastructure Enterprises, Carriers, Cloud 8 / 36

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Automation Cloud, Network, & IOT Services 9 / 36

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+New Emerging 5G Apps / Services eg.: AI/VR/AR Automation Cloud, Network, & IOT Services 10 / 36

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The 5G and IoT Impact to Network 11 / 36

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Automation Cloud, Network, & IOT Services 12 / 36

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Open Source Networking Innovation & Landscape 13 / 36

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Market Disruption & Open Source Innovation 14 / 36

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Market Disruption & Open Source Innovation 15 / 36

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16 / 36 Why Open Source Greater Transparency, In uence More Security, Lower Risks More Innovation & Services (for more Data & Devices)

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17 / 36 Why Open Source Leading international carriers agree that Open Source is a fundamental way forward for networking: Open Network = New Telecom For carriers and service providers: Open Source = Foundation of 5G and Beyond For enterprises and cloud providers: next- generation private/public/hybrid cloud networking & orchestration

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Open Source Networking Landscape 18 / 36

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Open Source Networking Landscape 19 / 36

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Open Source Networking Landscape 20 / 36

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Open Networking Cummulative Contributions (2016) 21 / 36

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Example Projects 22 / 36

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23 / 36 Open Source Project Types Components- Projects that address a narrowly de ned problem whose output may be consumed as an atomic entity. Platforms- Projects whose scope encompasses multiple components to yield a framework that can be adapted to meet a range of di erent user needs. Open Reference Platforms- Projects that focus on the integration of platforms and components, and are primarily used to test, demonstrate, and validate broader solutions.

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24 / 36 Open Source Project Types Components- Projects Examples: OpenvSwitch (OVS, virtual switch) Platforms- Projects Examples: OpenDaylight (SDN Controller Framework); ONAP - Open Network Automation Platform (open orchestration framework); OpenStack (esp. NFV Virtualized Infrastructure Manager). Open Reference Platforms- Projects Examples: OPNFV NFV reference platform MEF OpenLSO reference platform.

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ODL + ONAP + OPNFV 25 / 36

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26 / 36 OpenDaylight Supports >1 Billion subscribers Started 2013 - foundational open networking project Broadest range of SDN use cases vCO/Enterprise ROBO Metro Ethernet Cable Edge IoT Largest commercial ecosystem Note: ODL Introduction Slides

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27 / 36 ONAP provides a comprehensive platform for real- time, policy-driven orchestration and automation of physical and virtual network functions that will enable software, network, IT and cloud providers and developers to rapidly automate new services and support complete lifecycle management. ONAP Open Network Automation Platform is an open source software platform that delivers capabilities for the design, creation, orchestration, monitoring, and life cycle management of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) The carrier-scale Software De ned Networks (SDNs) that contain them Higher-level services that combine the above ONAP (a project combining ECOMP and Open-O) provides for automatic, policy-driven interaction of these functions and services in a dynamic, real-time cloud environment. ONAP is not just a run-time platform; it includes graphical design tools for function/service creation.

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28 / 36 Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV) facilitates the development and evolution of NFV components across various open source ecosystems. OPNFV Initially OPNFV's main goal was to develop an integrated and tested open source platform on which to build NFV functionality. Through system level integration, deployment and testing, OPNFV creates a reference NFV platform to accelerate the transformation of enterprise and service provider networks. OPNFV builds the end-to-end stack: to support NFV with veri ed capabilities and characteristics, establishes agile reference methodologies (requirements, documentation and propagation; continuous integration, testing, and continuous delivery), and o ers a process and supporting tools for testing and validating NFVI and MANO products and solutions.

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OPNFV Open Source Building Blocks 29 / 36

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OPNFV Euphrates - Diagram 30 / 36

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Open Source Networking Landscape 31 / 36

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Today! 32 / 36

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Refs/Resources 33 / 36

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Refs/Resources 1. Heather Kirksey, Open Source Networking, 2017 2. Neela Jacques, OpenDaylight - It Just Got Real! - 2016 ODL Summit Keynote 3. John Zannos, The value of open source for both providers and users, 2017 4. Harmonizing Open Source and Standards in the Telecom World, Linux Foundation Networking and Orchestration White Paper, 2017 5. Understanding OPNFV - Mirantis 6. What is ONAP? 7. Jan Uddenfeldt, Five Trends Enabled by 5G That Will Change Networking Forever, ONS 2017 34 / 36

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35 / 36 Open Source Networking is no longer about components... it now is about multiple communities coming together to build a new world. join us @Telegram Open Networking Indonesia

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36 / 36 END Eueung Mulyana ITB Open Networking Day | CC BY-SA