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Accessibility in Angular Angulars features for a better and more inclusive web DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024

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Overview DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 3 1. Introduction to a11y 2. Angulars a11y features 3. Angular CDK 4. Linting, Testing & Tools

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About me DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 4 Danny Koppenhagen GitHub: d-koppenhagen (Twitter): @d_koppenhagen LinkedIn: d-koppenhagen

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Introduction to a11y DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 5

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Types of limitations DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 6 type permanent temporary situational controlling only one arm broken arm parents with a child in their arms seeing blindness eye surgery distracted driver hearing deaf ear infection working on noisy machines speaking muteness laryngitis heavy accent thinking cognitive limitations headache distraction, fatigue

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W3C, WAI, WCAG DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 7 World Wide Web Consortium WAI Web Accessibility Initiative publishes WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

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Semantic HTML DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 8

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ARIA and Roles – Just a part of the solution DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 9 • Prefer always the usage of Semantic HTML elements! • Roles are already embedded in some elements (such as regions, details/summary, dialog, etc.) • ARIA attributes often not needed - aria-required ⟶ required - aria-hidden ⟶ hidden - aria-label ⟶ visual Text - aria-readonly ⟶ readonly - div[role=button] ⟶

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Choose your libs wisely DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 10 Project A Project B Project C Project N Inaccessible Library

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Angulars a11y features DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 11

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Template Syntax: ARIA Attributes DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 12 • Static ARIA attributes can be set directly • Bindings must be made using the attr. prefix

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Template Syntax: Deferred Loading DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 13 Keep aware, lazy loaded content must maybe announced when loading state changes

@defer(on timer(10000)) { } @placeholder() { Placeholder... } @loading(minimum 1000) { Loading... } @error() { Error... }

Announce whole content within, not only changed parts Set politeness

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ARIA Atomic DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 14

10 seconds left.

9 seconds left.

„10 seconds left.“ „9 seconds left.“

10 seconds left.

9 seconds left.

„10“ „9“

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Track items by unique attribute DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 16 • Prevent DOM updates of the whole list • Restore on focus changes when rendering dynamic lists • Prevent errors when array is updated while interacting • Prevent using track $index @for(recipient of recipients; track {
DB Systel GmbH
c/o {{ recipient.fullname }}
Kynaststraße 1
10317 Berlin

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DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 17 Demo: Track list items

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Angular Router: aria-current & active page styling DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 18 aria-current="page" • Angular Router has built-in mechanism to determine and style active pages • Current page indication with ARIA attribute aria-current

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Angular Router: Unique page titles DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 19 • Page title can be set in the route config entry • Custom / dynamic titles possible using the TitleStrategy Examples - / ➡ My Awesome Blog: Home - /blog ➡ My Awesome Blog: Latests Blog Posts - /blog/:slug ➡ My Awesome Blog: Dynamic title fetched by service Title prefix added by TitleStrategy

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DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 20 Demo: Page Title

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Angular CDK DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 21

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Overview DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 22

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DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 23 Examples…

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Listbox – General Focus Strategies DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 24 Roving Tabindex Dropdown
  • #1
  • #2
  • #3
Aria active decendant Dropdown
  • #1
  • #2
  • #3

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CDK Listbox DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 25 Dropdown
  • #1
  • #2
  • #3

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DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 26 Demo: Listbox

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Overlay DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 27 … is mounted in the apps element Two strategies: • GlobalPositionStrategy: specific viewport position (for modals, appl-level notifications, etc.) • ConnectedPositionStrategy: placed relative to the origin (for menus, pickers, tooltips, etc.) • CDK Overlay is the most generic and flexible implementation • It‘s used / implemented by other CDK features such as Menu or Dialog

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Live Announcer DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 28 • Creates a visually hidden aria-live region in the apps element and inserts/updates conent within so the content/changes will be announced by screenreaders @Component({ //... }) export class MyComponent { constructor(liveAnnouncer: LiveAnnouncer) { liveAnnouncer.announce("Hello Angular Berlin Meetup!"); } }

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Strategies for hiding elements DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 29 For screenreaders For all Only visual .visually-hidden:not(:focus):not(:active), .sr-only:not(:focus):not(:active) { height: 1px; overflow: hidden; width: 1px; position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px); clip-path: inset(50%); white-space: nowrap; } shrink to 1px size remove visualiy (e. g. background) prevent wrapping content

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CKD helper: cdk-visually-hidden DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 30 @use '@angular/cdk'; @include cdk.a11y-visually-hidden();
My visually hidden text

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DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 31 Demo: Overlay + Live Announcer

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Trees DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 32 • Build (expandable) tree structures • Sets role="tree", role="treeitem" automatically Demos: (Open the navigation on the right site)

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DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 33 Demo: Tree

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Linting, Testing & Tools DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 34

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ESLint DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 35 ng add @angular-eslint/schematics npm run lint .eslintrc.json is created and pre-configured including the following accessibility rules: "@angular-eslint/template/alt-text": "error", "@angular-eslint/template/click-events-have-key-events": "error", "@angular-eslint/template/elements-content": "error", "@angular-eslint/template/interactive-supports-focus": "error", "@angular-eslint/template/label-has-associated-control": "error", "@angular-eslint/template/mouse-events-have-key-events": "error", "@angular-eslint/template/no-autofocus": "error", "@angular-eslint/template/no-distracting-elements": "error", "@angular-eslint/template/role-has-required-aria": "error", "@angular-eslint/template/table-scope": "error", "@angular-eslint/template/valid-aria": "error",

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e2e Tools DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 36 • Lighthouse-ci • @axe-core/playwright • cypress-axe • jest-axe • pa11y

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Storybook DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 37 npx storybook@latest init && npm install @storybook/addon-a11y -D

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Its about the human! DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 38

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Slides & Demo DB Systel GmbH | Danny Koppenhagen | 16.01.2024 39

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Contact Danny Koppenhagen Platforms for New Mobility (PlaNeMo) [email protected] DB Systel GmbH Kynaststr. 1 | 10317 Berlin Thank you for your attention GitHub d-koppenhagen X (Twitter) @d_koppenhagen LinkedIn d-koppenhagen Slides and Source Code