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An Introduction to React JAMES PEARCE

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 imperative programming
 describe computation in terms of statements that change a program state teenager
 declarative programming
 express the logic of a computation without describing control flow

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A JavaScript Library For
 Building User Interfaces

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Simple ! Declarative

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state describe

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state describe for every change of the whole user interface

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state describe for every change of the whole user interface

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state 1 state 2

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state 1 state 2 DOM mutations

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MVD #1 * Minimum Viable Demo

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var LabelApp = React.createClass({ render: function () { return
Hello World!
; } }); ! React.render( , document.body );

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var LabelApp = React.createClass({ render: function () { return
; } }); ! React.render( , document.body );

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State & component lifecycle

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props ! passed in from parent ! 
 this.props read-only within ! can be defaulted & validated state ! created within component ! getInitialState 
 this.state to read
 this.setState() to update

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var MyComponent = React.createClass({ ! propTypes: {},
 getDefaultProps: function () {}, getInitialState: function () {}, ! componentWillMount: function () {}, componentWillUnmount: function () {}, ...
 render: function () { // only read props & state -> return UI }, });

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var MyComponent = React.createClass({ ! iGotClicked: function () {...}, ! render: function () { return
; }, }); Or a parent’s method passed in via props

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MVD #2

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var LabelApp = React.createClass({ getDefaultProps: function () { return {message: 'Hello World!'}; }, ! getInitialState: function () { return {message: this.props.message}; }, ! render: function() { return
; } });

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onClick: function () { this.setState({message: 'Hello Raleigh!'}); }, ! render: function () { return (
); }

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How does data flow?

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Component Component Component Component Component Component props props setState

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Component Component Component Component Component Component props props setState event

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 stored as high up as it needs to be 
 to pass down to affected children

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Table Row Cell Cell Cell Cell Row Cell Cell Cell Cell Row Cell Cell Cell Cell state is
 on cells

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Table Row Cell Cell Cell Cell Row Cell Cell Cell Cell Row Cell Cell Cell Cell Total Total Total state is
 on rows

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Table Row Cell Cell Cell Cell Row Cell Cell Cell Cell Row Cell Cell Cell Cell Total Total Total Row Total Total Total Total Total state is
 on table

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MVD #3

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var Table = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function () { var data = []; for (var r = 0; r < this.props.rows; r++) { data[r] = []; for (var c = 0; c < this.props.columns; c++) { data[r][c] = 0; } } return {data: data}; }, render: function () {return ...;} }); ! React.render(, ...

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var Row = React.createClass({ render: function () { return {this.props.children}; } }); ! var Total = React.createClass({ render: function () { return {this.props.value}; } });

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var Cell = React.createClass({ onChange: function (e) { this.props.onChange( this.props.row, this.props.column, parseInt( || 0 ); }, render: function () { return ( ); }, });

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var Table = React.createClass({ onCellChange: function(row, column, value) {[row][column] = value; this.setState({data:}); }, ! render: function() { // for rows & columns, append s containing
 // // // also append to each row and in a final row:
 }, ...

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Component-based UI
 Virtual DOM Uni-directional data flow

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“Give it 5 minutes”

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