A presentation by @stuherbert
for @GanbaroDigital
A Functional Approach In PHP
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Industry veteran: architect, engineer,
leader, manager, mentor
F/OSS contributor since 1994
Talking and writing about PHP
since 2004
Chief Software Archaeologist
Building Quality @GanbaroDigital
About Stuart
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Follow me
I do tweet a lot about
non-tech stuff though :)
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I am not a
functional programmer.
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I’m On A Quest
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My interest is
making code
more reusable.
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My second interest
is making code
easier to reason about.
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My third interest is
making code
more robust.
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RRR Development
• Reusable
• Reason about it
• Robust
... without sacrificing performance!
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Am I Tilting
At Windmills?
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Why Look At
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PHP is an imperative language ...
... with a Java-ish OOP identity.
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“ Reuse in OO
is, always has been,
and always will be
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Reuse Challenges
• Side effects
• High coupling
• Bitrot / fragility to change
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Classes and objects
wrap state in behaviour
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That’s not
the whole picture.
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What We Can See
What We Can’t See
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What We Can See
What We Can’t See
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What We Can See
What We Can’t See
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When there’s high-coupling,
there’s high sensitivity to change.
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“A change in one of the things
we can’t see
can break the one thing
we can see.
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Do we notice the breakage
a) at all?
b) before we ship?
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How long does it take
to find the cause
of the breakage?
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It’s the nature of OOP
to create highly-coupled code.
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Breaking large objects / methods
into smaller ones
does nothing to reduce coupling.
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That’s why I’m interested
in other programming paradigms
to help me on my quest.
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Your quest will be different,
and just as valid.
I’m here to learn from you too!
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Scott Wlaschin
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What Is
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input output
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“The Tunnel
of Transformation”
input output
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string string
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apple APPLE
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“ One thing goes in,
a new thing comes out.
The thing that went in
remains unchanged.
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Scott’s interest in ROP
started from error handling.
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What happens
when things go wrong?
We could throw
an Exception instead.
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of Dooom!
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public function validateEmail($email)
if (preg_match(..., $email)) {
if (not_blacklisted($email)) {
if (mailbox_exists($email)) {
return $email;
throw new Exception(...);
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public function validateEmail($email)
if (preg_match(..., $email)) {
if (not_blacklisted($email)) {
if (mailbox_exists($email)) {
return $email;
throw new Exception(...);
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All Joking Aside ...
• Nested ‘if’ adds testing complexity
• Becomes fragile over time, as rules change
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All Joking Aside ...
• Nested ‘if’ adds testing complexity
• Becomes fragile over time, as rules change
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Can we replace
the Pyramid of Doom
with ROP?
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public function validateEmail($email)
if (preg_match(..., $email)) {
if (not_blacklisted($email)) {
if (mailbox_exists($email)) {
return $email;
throw new Exception(...);
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public function validateEmail($email)
if (preg_match(..., $email)) {
if (not_blacklisted($email)) {
if (mailbox_exists($email)) {
return $email;
throw new Exception(...);
ROP Function Actions
• Apply logic to input data
• Produce new output data
• Input data remains unchanged
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ROP Function Outputs
• The (possibly transformed) data
• (Aggregated) error reporting
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ROP Function Composition
• Maybe we want to short-circuit on error
• Maybe we want to aggregate errors
• This is policy - it belongs in the calling code
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What would ROP
look like in PHP?
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PHP is an imperative language.
It lacks things that
functional programmers
take for granted.
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FL Advantages
• Type system
• Compile-time checks*
• Monads & monoids
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Should we simply
emulate monads in PHP?
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We can emulate
the flow logic of Monads.
We can’t emulate
the type system
that makes them practical.
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Let’s revisit this question
after the code demos.
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Starting Requirements
• Data input, optional error input
• Data output, error output
• Input data treated as immutable
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Design Constraints
• Functions must be composable
• Short-circuit logic sits outside composed
“ Standardisation
and reusability.
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A standardised approach
allows us to reuse logic
to create new logic.
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Some Observations
• Failure is currently a placeholder
• Return values aren’t typed
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We’ll come back to
handling failure shortly.
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Some Observations
• Failure is currently a placeholder
• Return values aren’t typed
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How do we feel
about the return types?
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Example 2:
Business Domain
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Let’s model
a very simple*
e-commerce order.
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The business model
is logic that is applied
to the data model.
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“Separate the business model
from the data model
for flexibility
and long-term stability.
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Both of our example functions
return new Orders.
The original Order
is left unchanged.
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If anything goes wrong*,
we still have
the original Order.
* and it will :-)
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How do we make
these functions
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Having standalone functions
that you then wrap
can be easier to unit test.
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Use a function that returns a function
to make things composable
avoid hard-coding parameters.
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How do you feel
about lambda functions
in PHP?
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Rule of thumb:
any function that takes 1 parameter
and isn’t built from composed functions
assume it has something
hard-coded in there
until you prove otherwise!
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With the ROP approach,
you might end up
building a lot of lambda functions.
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These builders are creating
partial functions.
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We can create a reusable
partial function builder.
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Partial Function Builder
• Reduces amount of code to write
• Requires main data to be first parameter of
the wrapped function
• Convenience over runtime performance
• No type-safety
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Partial Function Builder
• Reduces amount of code to write
• Requires main data to be first parameter of
the wrapped function
• Convenience over runtime performance
• No type-safety
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Partial Function Builder
• Reduces amount of code to write
• Requires main data to be first parameter of
the wrapped function
• Convenience over runtime performance
• No type-safety
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Partial Function Builder
• Reduces amount of code to write
• Requires main data to be first parameter of
the wrapped function
• Convenience over runtime performance
• No type-safety
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A standardised business domain
can adapt to change.
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Let’s add discount codes
to our worked example.
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• Applied after all other costs
• Show the discount to make the customer feel
the value
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• Applied after all other costs
• Show the discount to make the customer feel
the value
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A purely imperative approach
is readable
but has a larger change surface.
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A composable / ROP approach
has a smaller change surface
but requires more mental space.
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Introducing discounts hasn’t touched
our gross calculation at all!
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The composable / ROP approach
is very suited to
switching business logic
at runtime.
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It’s one way to adopt the
DDD “specifications” concept.
Scott talked about ROP
as an approach to error handling.
We can’t put it off
any longer :-)
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Example 3:
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How can we handle
the missing VAT code?
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silently hides
an error from elsewhere
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is propagating an error
that we cannot see
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How can we handle
the missing VAT code?
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Option 1:
throw an exception
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is one of those things
I wish we could uninvent.
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Option 1 Consequences
• We don’t need $failure at all (not ROP!)
• Generic exceptions are a huge time sink
when investigating faults
• Specific exceptions lead to large try/catch
• try/catch blocks are part of our change
surface area - Pryamid of Doom / fragile
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Option 1 Consequences
• We don’t need $failure at all (not ROP!)
• Generic exceptions are a huge time sink
when investigating faults
• Specific exceptions lead to large try/catch
• try/catch blocks are part of our change
surface area - Pryamid of Doom / fragile
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Option 1 Consequences
• We don’t need $failure at all (not ROP!)
• Generic exceptions are a huge time sink
when investigating faults
• Specific exceptions lead to large try/catch
• try/catch blocks are part of our change
surface area - Pryamid of Doom / fragile
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Option 1 Consequences
• We don’t need $failure at all (not ROP!)
• Generic exceptions are a huge time sink
when investigating faults
• Specific exceptions lead to large try/catch
• try/catch blocks are part of our change
surface area - Pryamid of Doom / fragile
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Option 2:
return the error
as $failure
Option 2 Consequences
• Everything has to agree on what $failure is,
and how to use it
• Still need to return *something* as main data
• Someone needs to remember to check
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Option 2 Consequences
• Everything has to agree on what $failure is,
and how to use it
• Still need to return *something* as main data
• Someone needs to remember to check
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Option 2 Consequences
• Everything has to agree on what $failure is,
and how to use it
• Still need to return *something* as main data
• Someone needs to remember to check
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Option 1 is effort and fragile.
(And it’s the current way)
Option 2 requires
100% accuracy from humans.
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What if the caller
tells us how to handle failure?
input output
“The Tunnel
of Transformation”
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Option 3 Consequences
• Everything still has to agree on what $failure
is, and how to use it
• 2nd parameter is non-optional callback
• Caller decides how to handle errors
• Caller can throw exceptions if preferred
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Option 3 Consequences
• Everything still has to agree on what $failure
is, and how to use it
• 2nd parameter is non-optional callback
• Caller decides how to handle errors
• Caller can throw exceptions if preferred
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Option 3 Consequences
• Everything still has to agree on what $failure
is, and how to use it
• 2nd parameter is non-optional callback
• Caller decides how to handle errors
• Caller can throw exceptions if preferred
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Option 3 Consequences
• Everything still has to agree on what $failure
is, and how to use it
• 2nd parameter is non-optional callback
• Caller decides how to handle errors
• Caller can throw exceptions if preferred
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Our partial function builder
now knows what to expect
for the second parameter.