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Hans Hasselberg

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Motivation • Write • Test • Build • Deploy • Release • Operate • Measure

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write, test, build, deploy, release, operate, measure • IDE, vim, emacs

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write, test, build, deploy, release, operate, measure • run your tests locally • push to GitHub and run them in CI/CD

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write, test, build, deploy, release, operate, measure • all the tools that are being used to operate the platform, like terraform, nomad, kubernetes

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write, test, build, deploy, release, operate, measure • splunk • datadog • tracing

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write, test, build, deploy, release, operate, measure • huge amount of complexity in each step • no good abstractions and solutions • Ruby, Golang, Scala, Java, … • in a container, VM, lambda function • deployed to Nomad, Kubernetes, ECS, Mesosphere • released via blue-green-deployment, or ???

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write, test, build, deploy, release, operate, measure • ideally Source Code + Manifest • Waypoint provides the abstraction on top of all the build artefacts, di ff erent runtimes, and ways of releasing applications

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waypoint up • builds, deploys, release based on the con f iguration • builds a ruby, java, golang or ?? application • deploys it into Kubernetes or spins up an AWS EC2 instance • releases it by routing tra ff ic through a load balancer or con f iguring Consul • uni f ied tool for building, deploying release

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Extensible • provides plugins for each step in build, deploy, release • is extensible so that it can be tailored to your needs • it also provides di ff erent interface: CLI, Web UI, slack, git

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Con f idence • waypoint logs • waypoint exec

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Waypoint … • provides the abstraction • works with your infrastructure • works with your preferred way of interacting with it • establishes con f idence • focusses on build, deploy, release - how to make that simple

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Resources • • Other waypoint talks by Rae and Jamie