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Mutation Testing Chris Sinjakli

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Testing is a good thing But how do we know our tests are good?

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Code coverage is a start But it can give a “good” score with really dreadful tests

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Really dreadful tests class Adder def self.add (x, y) return x - y end end describe Adder do it "should add the two arguments" do Adder.add(1, 1) end end Coverage: 100% Usefulness: 0

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No content

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A contrived example But how could we detect it?

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Mutation Testing! “Who watches the watchmen?”

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If you can change the code, and a test doesn’t fail, either the code is never run or the tests are wrong.

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How? 1. Run test suite 2. Change code (mutate) 3. Run test suite again If tests now fail, mutant dies. Otherwise it survives.

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Going with our previous example class Adder def self.add (x, y) return x - y end end describe Adder do it "should add the two arguments" do Adder.add(1, 1) end end Let’s change something

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Going with our previous example class Adder def self.add (x, y) return x + y end end describe Adder do it "should add the two arguments" do Adder.add(1, 1) end end This still passes

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Success We know something is wrong

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So what? It caught a really rubbish test How about something slightly less obvious?

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Slightly less obvious (and I mean slightly) class ConditionChecker def self.check(a, b) if a && b return 42 else return 0 end end end describe ConditionChecker do it "should return 42 when both arguments are true" do ConditionChecker.check(true, true).should == 42 end it "should return 0 when both arguments are false" do ConditionChecker.check(false, false).should == 0 end end Coverage: 100% Usefulness: >0 But still wrong

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Slightly less obvious (and I mean slightly) class ConditionChecker def self.check(a, b) if a && b return 42 else return 0 end end end describe ConditionChecker do it "should return 42 when both arguments are true" do ConditionChecker.check(true, true).should == 42 end it "should return 0 when both arguments are false" do ConditionChecker.check(false, false).should == 0 end end Mutate

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Slightly less obvious (and I mean slightly) class ConditionChecker def self.check(a, b) if a || b return 42 else return 0 end end end describe ConditionChecker do it "should return 42 when both arguments are true" do ConditionChecker.check(true, true).should == 42 end it "should return 0 when both arguments are false" do ConditionChecker.check(false, false).should == 0 end end Passing tests

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Mutation testing caught our mistake :D

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Useful technique But still has its flaws

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The downfall of mutation (Equivalent Mutants) index = 0 while index != 100 do doStuff() index += 1 end index = 0 while index < 100 do doStuff() index += 1 end Mutates to But the programs are equivalent, so no test will fail

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There is no possible test which can “kill” the mutant The programs are equivalent

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Also (potentially) • Infinite loops • More memory used • Compile/run time errors – tools should minimise these

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How bad is it? • Good paper assessing the problem [SZ10] • Took 7 widely used, “large” projects • Found: – 15 mins to assess one mutation – 45% uncaught mutations are equivalent – Better tested project -> worse signal-to-noise ratio

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Can we detect the equivalents? • Not in the general case [BA82] • Some specific cases can be detected – Using compiler optimisation techniques [BS79] – Using mathematical constraints [DO91] – Line coverage changes [SZ10] • All heuristic algorithms – not seen any claiming to kill all equivalent mutants

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Tools Some Ruby, then a Java one I liked

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Ruby • Looked into Heckle • Seemed unmaintained (nothing since 2009) • Then I saw...

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Ruby • Mutant seems to be the new favourite • Runs in Rubinius (1.8 or 1.9 mode) • Only supports RSpec • Easy to set up rvm install rbx-head rvm use rbx-head gem install mutant • And easy to use mutate “ClassName#method_to_test” spec

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Java • Loads of tools to choose from • Bytecode vs source mutation • Will look at PIT (seems like one of the better ones)

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PIT - • Works with “everything” – Command line – Ant – Maven • Bytecode level mutations (faster) • Very customisable – Exclude classes/packages from mutation – Choose which mutations you want – Timeouts • Makes pretty HTML reports (line/mutation coverage)

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Summary • Can point at weak areas in your tests • At the same time, can be prohibitively noisy • Try it and see

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References • [BA82] - T. A. Budd and D. Angluin. Two notions of correctness and their relation to testing. Acta Informatica, 18(1):31-45, November 1982. • [BS79] - D. Baldwin and F. Sayward. Heuristics for determining equivalence of program mutations. Research report 276, Department of Computer Science, Yale University, 1979. • [DO91] - R. A. DeMillo and A. J. O utt. Constraint-based automatic test data generation. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 17(9):900-910, September 1991. • [SZ10] - D. Schuler and A. Zeller. (Un-)Covering Equivalent Mutants. Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), pages 45-54. April 2010.

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Also interesting • [AHH04] – K. Adamopoulos, M. Harman and R. M. Hierons. How to Overcome the Equivalent Mutant Problem and Achieve Tailored Selective Mutation Using Co-evolution. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation -- GECCO 2004, pages 1338-1349. 2004.