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103 Early Hints A new HTTP status code to improve webapp performance Photo by Javier Allegue Barros

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Kévin Dunglas ➔ Co-founder of ➔ Creator of API Platform and FrankenPHP ➔ Contributor to PHP, Go and Caddy server @dunglas

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70+ API, Web and Cloud Experts ➔ 100% employee-owned co-op ✊ ➔ API Platform creators 🕷 ➔ PHP Foundation advisory board 🐘 ➔ Symfony backers and core team 🎼 ➔ Laravel official partners 🏎 ➔ 💌

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The Problem

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Typical Web Page © Google

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No content

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Typical Web Page GET /index.html Host: [server think time] 200 OK Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 [... rest of the headers ...] [... rest of the response body ...] 1st request: 1st response:

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Typical Web Page, continued GET /common.css Host: 200 OK Content-Type: text/css; charset=UTF-8 [... rest of the headers ...] body { /* … */ } 2nd client request: 2nd response:

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Early Hints

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1XX Informational ➔ Informational HTTP responses: 1XX ➔ “Temporary” responses sent before the final response ➔ In HTTP since forever ➔ Mostly used for “internal” things handled directly by the browser and servers like file upload (100 Continue) Photo by Possessed Photography

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103 Early Hints Photo by Possessed Photography ➔ 103: new HTTP status code for indicating hints ➔ Fetch external resources as early as possible ● E.g.: CSS and JS files, images… needed to render a web page ➔ Goal: minimize perceived latency ➔ Rely on pre-existing standards: ● Link header (RFC 5988) ● Resource hints (HTML standard) ● Content Security Policy ➔ HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 connections only

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No content

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No content

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103 Early Hints © Google

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Web Page Using Early Hints GET /index.html Host: 103 Early Hints Link: ; rel=preload; as=style [server think time] 200 OK [... typical headers ...] Link: ; rel=preload; as=style [... rest of the response body ...] GET /common.css Host: 200 OK Content-Type: text/css; charset=UTF-8 [... rest of the headers ...] body { /* … */ }

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Benefits: ~30% LCP improvement © Google

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No content

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What About HTTP/2 Server Push?! ➔ Server Push served the same purpose ➔ Server Push has been removed from Chrome ● Complex ● Rarely used in the wild ● “Over-pushing”: only 40% of pushed requests were used ➔ 103 Early Hints requires one more Round-trip time (RTT) but… ● “Simple” ● Better cache dynamics: if the response is cached, it is not downloaded again

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Using Early Hints

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Browser Support ➔ Stable: ● Chrome ● Edge ● Opera ➔ Experimental (not enabled by default): ● Firefox ● Safari ➔ Graceful fallback on “preload” links ● All major browsers Photo by Andrew Robulack

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Caddy 😍 @hint { protocol http2+ path /index.html } route @hint { header Link "; rel=preload; as=style" respond 103 }

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Apache H2EarlyHints on # If enabled, HTTP/2 Server Push will also be used H2Push Off H2PushResource /common.css

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Programmatically With PHP

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Houston, we have a problem

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PHP FPM Internals Web Browser Web Server (NGINX, Caddy, …) HTTP REQUEST HTTP RESPONSE PHP-FPM FASTCGI REQUEST FASTCGI RESPONSE ➔ FastCGI doesn’t support informational responses ➔ 1 FastCGI request = only 1 response

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A hack? header('HTTP/1.1 103 Early Hints'); header('Link: ; rel=preload; as=style'); // Send the informational request and craft the final one “by hand” echo "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"; echo "Link: ; rel=preload; as=style\r\n"; // Other headers echo "\r\n"; echo "Body";

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Not a Reliable Hack Photo by Joshua Hoehne ➔ Complex, but works as intended if the web server serves the response over HTTP/1.1 ➔ Broken if the web server serves the response over HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 ● HTTP/2+ is a binary protocol ● Only one response is sent ● The handcrafted HTTP/1.1 text of the second response is included “as-is” in the response body of the first response ➔ A hack on top of a hack: ● Force the web server to use HTTP/1.1 ● Add an HTTP/2+ reverse proxy in front

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A Better Solution

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FrankenPHP Internals ➔ PHP is plugged directly into the web server ➔ Send as many HTTP responses as you want Web Browser HTTP REQUEST HTTP RESPONSE

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Early Hints with FrankenPHP // Start FrankenPHP: frankenphp php-server header('Link: ; rel=preload; as=style'); headers_send(103); // your slow algorithms and SQL queries 🤪 echo 'Body';

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With Laravel $r = new Response(); $r->headers->set('Link', '; rel=preload; as=style'); $r->sendHeaders(103); $r->setContent('My final response'); (and other tools using Symfony HttpFoundation)

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With Symfony Full Stack class HomepageController extends AbstractController { #[Route("/", name: "homepage")] public function index(): Response { $response = $this->sendEarlyHints([ (new Link(href: '/common.css'))->withAttribute('as', 'stylesheet'), ]); // prepare the contents of the response... return $this->render('homepage/index.html.twig', response: $response); } }

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Thank you! ➔ Any questions ? @coopTilleuls