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Demystifying Chrome Dev Tools Ruth Everett SearchPilot @rvtheverett

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Learn some new things about Chrome Dev Tools

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Some of the things it can be useful for

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Hi, I'm Ruth!

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SEO Testing Consultant @ SearchPilot

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I like falling down technical rabbit holes and digging into data

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I also really love dogs

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What is Chrome DevTools? @rvtheverett @SearchPilot

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What is Chrome Dev Tools? Free tool built into the Chrome browser

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What is Chrome Dev Tools? Free tool built into the Chrome browser Provides access to features that enable you to audit elements on your website in real time

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What is Chrome Dev Tools? Free tool built into the Chrome browser Provides access to features that enable you to audit elements on your website in real time Valuable tool to have in your arsenal and is just a click away

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Accessing Chrome DevTools

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Accessing Chrome DevTools

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A full view of DevTools

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No content

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There’s a lot to cover… and I don’t have time for everything today

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Review & Validate Elements Make the most of the Console Run Site Speed & Performance Audits Test different views

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Review and Validate Elements @rvtheverett @SearchPilot

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Ensure content is discoverable @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Review and Validate Elements

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Ensure content is discoverable Elements panel > view the Document Object Model (DOM) of your page.

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Ensure content is discoverable Elements panel > view the Document Object Model (DOM) of your page. Meta tags Canonical tags Hreflang tags Main body content Page structure

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Ensure content is discoverable Displays the JavaScript rendered version of the page

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Ensure content is discoverable If you are injecting content or changing elements using JavaScript, you will see differences between this and the appearance of the HTML source code. Displays the JavaScript rendered version of the page

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Perform a JavaScript Parity Analysis Right click > Copy > Copy element

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Perform a JavaScript Parity Analysis Meta tags Canonicals Indexing tags Main headings Key content Diff checker HTML Only JavaScript rendered

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Find and Validate Useful Elements @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Review and Validate Elements

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Find and Validate Useful Elements Search Function Title and meta tags Canonicals Hreflang configuration Robot meta tags

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Find and Validate Useful Elements Element selector tool

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Find and Validate Useful Elements Element selector tool Hover over and view different elements

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Verify alt text @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Review and Validate Elements

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Verify image alt text Element selector > Click an image > View alt text

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Site Speed & Performance Audits @rvtheverett @SearchPilot

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Run Google Lighthouse @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Site Speed & Performance Audits

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Google Lighthouse Running a Lighthouse Test

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Google Lighthouse - Performance Score Running a Lighthouse Test

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Google Lighthouse - Performance Metrics Lighthouse Metrics Poor Needs Improvement Good

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Google Lighthouse - Performance Opportunities Lighthouse Opportunities

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Google Lighthouse - Performance Opportunities Lighthouse Opportunities

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Google Lighthouse - Accessibility Accessibility Score

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Identify Core Web Vitals Issues @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Site Speed & Performance Audits

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Layout shifting areas and core web vitals Console > Rendering > Layout Shift Regions & Core Web Vitals

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Layout shifting areas Breadcrumb element Main page content Identify the exact elements causing layout shifts

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Core web vitals

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Core web vitals Metrics and timings are displayed as you interact with the page

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View Performance Insights @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Site Speed & Performance Audits

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Performance Insights

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Performance Insights

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Performance Insights View a visual of the page loading. Scroll across different moments to view loading and timings.

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Performance Insights

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Performance Insights

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Set Up Local Overrides @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Site Speed & Performance Audits

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Local Overrides Amend CSS Files Remove rendering blocking resources Check Layout Shift fixes Comment out JavaScript files Lazy load images

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Local Overrides Sources > Overrides > Select folder for overrides

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Local Overrides Sources > Overrides > Select folder for overrides Enable Local Overrides

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Local Overrides Make changes to the HTML here Sources > Page > Select page > Save for Overrides

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The power of the console @rvtheverett @SearchPilot

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Find JavaScript errors @rvtheverett @SearchPilot The power of the console

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Errors Issues JavaScript Console Find JavaScript Errors

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JavaScript Console Find JavaScript Errors Identify errors that affect page rendering and indexability Console Reference Guide

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Find all links on a page @rvtheverett @SearchPilot The power of the console

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querySelectorAll(selector) Return all matching elements

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querySelectorAll(selector) querySelectorAll('a') Return all matching elements Return all a links

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querySelectorAll ($$('a')) Using $$ before the selector will display an array of elements.

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querySelectorAll ($$('a')) table($$('a')) Using $$ before the selector will display an array of elements. Display array data in a table format

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No content

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table($$('a'), ['text', 'href', 'rel'])

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Find images and their height and width @rvtheverett @SearchPilot The power of the console

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table($$('img'), ['src', 'width', 'height'])

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Test different views @rvtheverett @SearchPilot

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Emulate multi-device responsiveness @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Test Different Views

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Emulate multi-device responsiveness Device Toolbar Select and shift between views

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Emulate multi-device responsiveness iPhone 12 iPad Mini Galaxy Fold

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Switch User Agent @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Test Different Views

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Switch User Agents Network Conditions > Select User Agent

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Switch User Agents Ability to add a custom user agent string Network Conditions > Select User Agent

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Disable JavaScript @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Test Different Views

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Disable JavaScript Run Command Type and select Disable JavaScript

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Disable JavaScript

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JavaScript Disabled

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JavaScript Enabled

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Helpful & Fun Extras @rvtheverett @SearchPilot

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Copy x-path or css selectors for scraping/crawling @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Fun Extras

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Copy x-path or CSS selectors

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Make edits to elements @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Fun Extras

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Make edits to elements

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Take full page screenshots @rvtheverett @SearchPilot Fun Extras

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Take full page screenshots Run Command > Type screenshot > Select ‘Capture full size screenshot’

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Take full page screenshots

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So much more… - Find non-secure resources - View header responses - Record performance - View network waterfall - Review resource coverage - Identify unused code - Disable cache - Beautify code for easy review

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Find non-secure resources

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Find non-secure resources View Valid HTTPS Certificate Mixed Content Issues Unsecure Resources Security Panel

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View Header Response

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View Header Response Network > Headers List of resources

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View Header Response Request URL Network > Headers

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View Header Response Request Method Network > Headers

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View Header Response Status Code Network > Headers

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View Header Response Content-Encoding Network > Headers

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Record Performance

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Record Performance View performance of interactions on the page.

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Record Performance Reload the page to view performance of the page load

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Record Performance Filmstrip Web Vitals Timings

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Record Performance - Filmstrip Filmstrip Screenshot of the page at the point of load

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Record Performance - Web Vitals Web Vitals

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Record Performance - Web Vitals First Paint (FP) - the time taken by the first pixel when loaded First Contentful Paint (FCP) - when the first piece of content renders Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) - the time taken for the largest element on the page to load First Meaningful Paint (FMP) - the time taken to provide the first piece of meaningful information to users Dom Content Loaded (DCL) - when the HTML document has finished loading

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Record Performance - Network Waterfall

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Review resource coverage and identify unused code

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Resource Coverage

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Resource Coverage

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Disable cache

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Disable Cache Network Panel > Tick Disable cache

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Beautify code for easy review

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Beautify code for easy review

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7+ SEO Test Ideas to Grow Your Organic Traffic Live Webinar 21 September 2023 6pm BST | 1pm ET | 10am PT

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Thank You! rvtheverett