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分散オブジェクトとは アレですか? SSID: toruby pass: toruby08 Tochigi RubyKaigi 08 Masatoshi SEKI / @m_seki

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Agenda 頃 Workshop SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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࡞Γͳ͕Βߟ͑Δͷ͕޷͖ dRuby SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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OOPͷϑΝϯλδʔ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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෼ࢄOOPͷϑΝϯλδʔ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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dRubyͰ࡞ͬͨ΋ͷ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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ઌ૆ฦΓ OOP SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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Ͱ͖͔ͯΒߟ͑ͨ͜ͱ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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ϓϩηεΛ෼͚Δҙຯ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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dRuby 20th anniversary hands-on workshop @m_seki / [email protected]

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ॏཁ 2005 ! SSID: toruby pass: toruby08 dRuby ʹΑΔ ؔকढ़ஶ ෼ࢄ ɾ Web ϓϩάϥϛϯά

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The dRuby Book 2012 Out of print SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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HTML൛ެ։த SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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Rubyͱࢲ 1999 ERB, dRuby, .... 2000 Perl/RubyConference SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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ERB Ruby SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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dRuby SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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ࠓ೔͸ dRuby 頃 SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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ࠓ೔͸ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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RMI Remote Method Invocation SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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αʔό Web SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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dRuby͸ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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Ruby෩ Web dRuby Ruby Ruby SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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ԋश1 Hello, World. SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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ԋश1 SSID: toruby pass: toruby08 hello_server.rb hello_client.rb hello() "Hello, World."

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hello_server.rb require 'drb/drb' class Hello def hello puts('Hello, World.') end end DRb.start_service('druby://localhost:54000', while true sleep 1 end

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require require 'drb/drb' class Hello def hello puts('Hello, World.') end end DRb.start_service('druby://localhost:54000', sleep

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DRb.start_service require 'drb/drb' class Hello def hello puts('Hello, World.') end end DRb.start_service('druby://localhost:54000', sleep

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URI require 'drb/drb' class Hello def hello puts('Hello, World.') end end DRb.start_service('druby://localhost:54000', sleep

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ऴྃͤ͞ͳ͍ require 'drb/drb' class Hello def hello puts('Hello, World.') end end DRb.start_service('druby://localhost:54000', sleep

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໿ଋࣄ require 'drb/drb' DRb.start_service URI SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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hello_client.rb require 'drb/drb' DRb.start_service ro = DRbObject.new_with_uri('druby://localhost:54000') ro.hello

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hello_client.rb require 'drb/drb' DRb.start_service ro = DRbObject.new_with_uri('druby://localhost:54000') ro.hello

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hello_client.rb require 'drb/drb' DRb.start_service ro = DRbObject.new_with_uri('druby://localhost:54000') ro.hello

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hello_client.rb require 'drb/drb' DRb.start_service ro = DRbObject.new_with_uri('druby://localhost:54000') ro.hello

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໿ଋࣄ require 'drb/drb' DRb.start_service DRbObject.new_with_uri SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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ݩ͸͜Ε class Hello def hello puts('Hello, World.') end end ro = ro.hello

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require 'drb/drb' DRb.start_service ro = DRbObject.new_with_uri('druby://localhost:54000') ro.hello require 'drb/drb' class Hello def hello puts('Hello, World.') end end DRb.start_service('druby://localhost:54000', sleep

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ԋश1 hello_client.rb hello_server.rb hello_client.rb SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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ԋश2 (Hash) SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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Hash ( ) Array ( ) SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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hash_server.rb require 'drb/drb' require 'pp' front = DRb.start_service('druby://localhost:54300', front) while true sleep 10 pp front end

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ԋश2 SSID: toruby pass: toruby08 hash_server.rb irb irb

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ԋश2 "String" 2012 $stdout SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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CGIͷྫ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08 CGI Web App CGI CGI CGI long lifetime short lifetime

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WEBrickʹΑΔΞϓϦ WEBrick HTTP CGI SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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WEBrick::CGI require 'webrick/cgi' class MyCGI < WEBrick::CGI def do_GET(req, res) res["content-type"] = "text/plain" ret = "hoge\n" res.body = ret end end

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start WEBrick::CGI#start(env = ENV, stdin = $stdin, stdout = $stdout)

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startϝιου $stdin, $stdout SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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m_seki's cgi require 'drb/drb' DRb.start_service('druby://localhost:0') ro = DRbObject.new_with_uri('druby://localhost:50830') ro.start(ENV.to_hash, $stdin, $stdout)

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startͷΑ͏͢ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08 CGI Web App $ $stdout.write start(env, $stdin, $stdout)

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Δͼ·40߸ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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ԋश6 Shi-ri-to-ri SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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·ͱΊ dRuby SSID: toruby pass: toruby08

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;Γ͔͑Γ SSID: toruby pass: toruby08