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Kubernetes Overview Presenter: Samina (Shan-Jung Fu) Date: 2018/12/12

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Agenda About Me Chapter 1 - Overview Chapter 2 - Hands-on Additional

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Chapter 1 - Overview

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Chapter 1 Overview Introduction Setup Solutions Architecture Components Resources

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Introduction Setup Solutions Architecture Components Resources Chapter 1 Overview

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Kubernetes Introduction ● Kubernetes is Greek for captain or pilot ● Aka K8s, replace “ubernete” with 8 ● Experiences from Google and design by Google ● An open-source system ● A container management system

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Introduction Setup Solutions Architecture Components Resources Chapter 1 Overview

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Kubernetes Setup Solutions ● Local-machine solutions ● Hosted solutions ● Turnkey cloud solutions ● On-premises turnkey cloud solutions ● Custom solutions ● etc.

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Kubernetes Setup Solutions (Cont.) ● Local-machine solutions A local, single-node Kubernetes cluster for development and testing ○ Minikube ○ microk8s ○ etc. ● Hosted solutions ● Turnkey cloud solutions ● On-premises turnkey cloud solutions ● Custom solutions

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Kubernetes Setup Solutions (Cont.) ● Local-machine solutions ● Hosted solutions Maintain more machines and higher availability ○ OpenShift ○ VMware Cloud PKS ○ etc. ● Turnkey cloud solutions ● On-premises turnkey cloud solutions ● Custom solutions ● ...

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Kubernetes Setup Solutions (Cont.) ● Local-machine solutions ● Hosted solutions ● Turnkey cloud solutions Create K8s clusters on a range of Cloud IaaS providers with only a few commands ○ AWS ○ Google Compute Engine (GCE) ○ etc. ● On-psremises turnkey cloud solutions ● Custom solutions

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Kubernetes Setup Solutions (Cont.) ● Local-machine solutions ● Hosted solutions ● Turnkey cloud solutions ● On-premises turnkey cloud solutions Create K8s clusters on your internal, secure, cloud network with only a few commands ○ GKE On-Prem | Google Cloud ○ SUSE CaaS Platform ○ etc. ● Custom solutions

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Kubernetes Setup Solutions (Cont.) ● Local-machine solutions ● Hosted solutions ● Turnkey cloud solutions ● On-premises turnkey cloud solutions ● Custom solutions ○ kubeadm ○ Kubespray ○ Kubernetes The Hard Way ○ etc.

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Introduction Setup Solutions Architecture Components Resources Chapter 1 Overview

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Kubernetes Architecture apiserver etcd scheduler controller kubelet kubelet kubelet API CLI UI Users Control plane Nodes

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Kubernetes Architecture (Cont.) Node ● A worker machine in K8s ● Can be a VM or physical machine ● also called "minions" ● Node components do: ○ Run on each node ○ Maintain running pods ○ Provid K8s runtime ENV ● Components: ○ Kubelet ○ Kube-proxy ○ Container Runtime Node Kubelet Container Runtime Kube-proxy Pod Pod Pod

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Kubernetes Architecture (Cont.) ● The components of Control plane (its "brains"): ○ API server (our point of entry to everything!) ○ core services like scheduler & controller manager ○ etcd ■ a highly available key/value store ■ "database" of K8s ● Also called the "master"

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Introduction Setup Solutions Architecture Components Resources Chapter 1 Overview

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Kubernetes Components (Cont.)

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Kubernetes Components

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Introduction Setup Solutions Architecture Components Resources Chapter 1 Overview

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● Do many actions: create, update, delete ... ● Contain a lot of objects called resources ○ These resources are organized by type or Kind (in the API) Kubernetes API

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Kubernetes Resources (Cont.) ● A few common resource types are: ○ node (a machine - physical or virtual) ○ pod (group of containers running together on a node) ○ service (stable network endpoint to connect to one or multiple containers) ○ namespace (more-or-less isolated group of things) And much more!

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Kubernetes Resources (Cont.) ● We can see the full list by running kubectl api-resources (In Kubernetes 1.10 and prior, the command to list API resources was kubectl get)

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