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Andrew Godwin @andrewgodwin Reinventing REAL-TIME WEB for the

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Andrew Godwin Hi, I'm Django core developer Senior Software Engineer at Likes complaining about networking

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Django, HTTP and WSGI

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You take a request... ...and return a response.

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Browser HTTP Webserver Django WSGI View Handler

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HTTP 1 request response Browser Server request response request response request response

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HTTP 2 request response Browser Server request response request 1 response 2 request 2 response 1

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WebSockets receive send Browser Server send receive send send receive

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Easy to use Secure by default Hard to break/deadlock Python 2 & 3 compatible Optional

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Python Concurrency & Message-passing Django not being async

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WSGI Server HTTP WSGI WSGI App WSGI Server HTTP WSGI WSGI App Process 1 Process 2

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Worker Protocol Server WebSocket Process 1 Worker Worker Worker Protocol Server WebSocket Process 2 Worker

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Protocol Server WebSocket Process 1 Worker Protocol Server WebSocket Process 2

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Channel Layer Interface Server Worker Server Process 1 ASGI ASGI Asynchronous socket handling Synchronous Django project Interface Server Worker Server ASGI ASGI Worker Server ASGI Process 2 Process 3 Process 4

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Channel Layer Worker Server Interface Server Channel Layer Worker Server Interface Server Channel Layer Worker Server Interface Server Channel Layer Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3 Redis

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Groups Channels Named FIFO task queues Named sets of channels you broadcast to

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send("channel_name", {"ponies": True}) receive_many(["channel_name", "channel_two"]) send_group("group_name", {"ponies": True}) group_add("group_name", "channel_name") group_discard("group_name", "channel_name")

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You take a request... ...and return a response.

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You receive a message... ...and send zero or more messages.

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View Request Response Consumer Message Messages

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Consumer websocket.connect Consumer websocket.receive websocket.send

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Consumer websocket.connect Consumer websocket.receive websocket.send!jq3x41

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Consumer http.request http.response!a34cxw

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websocket.receive Worker Worker Worker websocket.send!a1b2c3 Socket

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Receive events from channels, and send events to them/groups. WebSocket/HTTP messages come with a reply_channel

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Using it

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Installation pip install channels Add channels to INSTALLED_APPS

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Liveblog We want people to get new blog posts as they are published, without refreshing

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Liveblog People open a WebSocket when they open the page Their WebSocket is added to a group When the BlogPost model is saved, we send the post to that group

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Their WebSocket is added to a group When the BlogPost model is saved, we send the post to that group def ws_connect(message): Group("liveblog").add(message.reply_channel) class BlogPost(models.Model): ... def save(self, *args, **kwargs): ... Group("liveblog").send({ "text": json.dumps({"id":}), })

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Chat People can send messages, and they get sent to everyone connected.

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Chat When people connect they join a chat group When we receive a message we send it to the group

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When people connect they join a chat group def ws_connect(message): Group("chat").add(message.reply_channel) When we receive a message we send it to the group def ws_receive(message): Group("chat").send({ "text": message["text"], })

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...and we tell Django what consumers are joined to which actions. # in routing = [ route("websocket.connect", consumers.ws_connect), route("websocket.receive", consumers.ws_receive), ] ...and we tell Django what consumers are joined to which actions.

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Important notes Runserver just works with WebSockets now Generic Consumers exist Fully worked versions of these two are at Django sessions + auth work with WebSockets

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FIFO queue with send and receive_many operations, named with a string. Channel Group Named set of channels with add/remove/send operations Cross-process Messages Representations for HTTP and WebSocket sessions

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ASGI API specification for channel layer backends Message formats for HTTP and WebSocket &

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Redis POSIX IPC In-memory Reference network layer For single-machine installs For testing or single-process installs

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Channel Layer Interface Server Worker Server Process 1 ASGI ASGI Asynchronous socket handling Synchronous Django project Interface Server Worker Server ASGI ASGI Worker Server ASGI Process 2 Process 3 Process 4

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Channel Layer Interface Server Worker Server Channel Layer Daphne HTTP + WS WSGI Adapter HTTP asgi_redis Cross-network, shards asgi_ipc Single-machine Django Consumer system WSGI Adapter Most WSGI apps

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WSGI and/or ASGI An ASGI system can serve HTTP and WebSocket ...or your WSGI system can send onto channels

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Channel Layer Worker Server Interface Server Channel Layer Worker Server Interface Server WSGI App WSGI Server Channel Layer Worker 1 Worker 2 Worker 3 Redis

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Interface servers scale horizontally Worker servers scale horizontally Channel layer has to as well

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Consistent hash sharding designed in Other approaches possible

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Looking Ahead

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Being Django Official external app Merge in 1.11 or 2.0

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Maturity Load tests and tweaking Learning from production installs

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Community Third-party tools and extensions Tutorials, write-ups and case studies

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Co-existence Not everyone needs WebSockets! Make sure it's easy to add or remove.

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Expansion Email, chat and other message formats Add more events to code against!

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Specification ASGI is not Django-specific WSGI needs supplementing for new protocols

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Thanks. Andrew Godwin @andrewgodwin