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Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud December 11, 2019 Matt Raible | @mraible Photo by Trish McGinity

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Blogger on and Web Developer and Java Champion Father, Husband, Skier, Mountain Biker, Whitewater Rafter Open Source Connoisseur Hi, I’m Matt Raible! Bus Lover Okta Developer Advocate

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Create Java Microservices using http javaVersion==11 \ artifactId==discovery-service name==eureka-service \ dependencies==cloud-eureka-server baseDir==discovery-service \ | tar -xzvf -

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Add JAXB for Java 11 org.glassfish.jaxb jaxb-runtime

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Enable Eureka Server & Configure server.port=8761 eureka.client.register-with-eureka=false @EnableEurekaServer

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Create Car Service http \ artifactId==car-service name==car-service baseDir==car-service \ dependencies==actuator,cloud-eureka,data-jpa,h2,data- rest,web,devtools,lombok | tar -xzvf -

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Enable Discovery & Configure server.port=8090 @EnableDiscoveryClient

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Create API Gateway http \ artifactId==api-gateway name==api-gateway baseDir==api-gateway \ dependencies==cloud-eureka,cloud-feign,data-rest,web,cloud- hystrix,lombok | tar -xzvf -

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Enable Discovery & Configure @EnableDiscoveryClient

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Build a REST API in Car Service @Data @NoArgsConstructor @Entity class Car { public Car(String name) { = name; } @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @NonNull private String name; }

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Build a REST API in Car Service @RepositoryRestResource interface CarRepository extends JpaRepository { }

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Build a REST API in Car Service @Bean ApplicationRunner init(CarRepository repository) { return args -> { Stream.of("Ferrari", "Jaguar", "Porsche", "Lamborghini", "Bugatti", "AMC Gremlin", "Triumph Stag", "Ford Pinto", "Yugo GV").forEach(name -> { Car(name)); }); repository.findAll().forEach(System.out::println); }; }

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Consume Cars API in Gateway @EnableFeignClients @EnableCircuitBreaker @EnableDiscoveryClient @SpringBootApplication public class ApiGatewayApplication { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }

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Consume Cars API in Gateway @Data class Car { private String name; } @FeignClient("car-service") interface CarClient { @GetMapping("/cars") @CrossOrigin Resources readCars(); }

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Consume Cars API in Gateway @RestController class CoolCarController { private final CarClient carClient; public CoolCarController(CarClient carClient) { this.carClient = carClient; } // code on next slide }

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Consume Cars API in Gateway private Collection fallback() { return new ArrayList<>(); } @GetMapping("/cool-cars") @CrossOrigin @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "fallback") public Collection goodCars() { return carClient.readCars() .getContent() .stream() .filter(this::isCool) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }

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Consume Cars API in Gateway private boolean isCool(Car car) { return !car.getName().equals("AMC Gremlin") && !car.getName().equals("Triumph Stag") && !car.getName().equals("Ford Pinto") && !car.getName().equals(“Yugo GV"); }

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Start everything with ./mvnw

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Access https://localhost:8080/cool-cars

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Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud

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Java Microservices with Spring Cloud Config & JHipster

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Generated with JDL: Gateway application { config { baseName gateway, packageName com.okta.developer.gateway, applicationType gateway, authenticationType oauth2, prodDatabaseType postgresql, serviceDiscoveryType eureka, testFrameworks [protractor] } entities Blog, Post, Tag, Product }

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Generated with JDL: Blog with PostgreSQL application { config { baseName blog, packageName, applicationType microservice, authenticationType oauth2, prodDatabaseType postgresql, serverPort 8081, serviceDiscoveryType eureka } entities Blog, Post, Tag }

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Generated with JDL: Store with MongoDB application { config { baseName store, packageName, applicationType microservice, authenticationType oauth2, databaseType mongodb, devDatabaseType mongodb, prodDatabaseType mongodb, enableHibernateCache false, serverPort 8082, serviceDiscoveryType eureka } entities Product }

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Generated with JDL: Entities for Blog entity Blog { name String required minlength(3), handle String required minlength(2) } entity Post { title String required, content TextBlob required, date Instant required } entity Tag { name String required minlength(2) }

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Generated with JDL: Entities for Store + Relationships entity Product { title String required, price BigDecimal required min(0), image ImageBlob } relationship ManyToOne { Blog{user(login)} to User, Post{blog(name)} to Blog } relationship ManyToMany { Post{tag(name)} to Tag{post} }

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Generated with JDL: Pagination and Microservice paginate Post, Tag with infinite-scroll paginate Product with pagination microservice Product with store microservice Blog, Post, Tag with blog

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Generated with JDL: Docker Compose deployment { deploymentType docker-compose appsFolders [gateway, blog, store] dockerRepositoryName "jmicro" consoleOptions [zipkin] }

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JDL Studio

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What’s Next for JHipster? Full Reactive with WebFlux and Spring Cloud Gateway Spring Boot 2.2 GraphQL and Micro Frontends

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JHipster Reactive Microservices in Alpha

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Reactive Microservices with Spring Cloud Gateway

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git clone example.git Use the Source, Luke!

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Thanks! Keep in Touch @mraible Presentations Code