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Cloud-Init: The Good Parts James Nugent Event Store Ltd @jen20 jen20

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Why Cloud-Init? • The de-facto industry standard for early-stage initialisation of virtual machines in the cloud running Unix-derived operating systems. • Used to specialise a generic operating system image at runtime to by provisioning a given set of configuration. • Originally developed by Canonical for configuring Ubuntu Linux running in Amazon EC2. • Now prevalent across all major clouds and most Unix-based operating systems.

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Why Cloud-Init?

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Why Cloud-Init?

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Why Cloud-Init? • Building a new machine image for each role a virtual machine must play in your infrastructure can be costly in terms of time: • The cycle of booting a machine, customising it, and imaging can take anywhere from 5 minutes to over an hour. • For rapidly evolving software, building an image for each version of a program increases the amount of time it takes to get that version to production. • Correctly constrained, runtime customisation can provide many of the benefits of an image-based workflow, with different trade-offs. • Image-based workflow can still make use of CloudInit in the image building process!

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Configuring Cloud-Init

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Configuring Cloud-Init • The cloud-init package is installed in the operating system images supplied by most clouds. On systemd-based Linux, cloud-init.service usually runs at boot, as a oneshot service. • When started with the init sub-command, cloud-init runs the commands defined in a sequence of modules to specialise the operating system installation for the intended purpose. • Configuration comes from two sources: • Cloud provider-supplied metadata • User-supplied configuration

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Configuring Cloud-Init

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Example A Shell Script in User Data

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A Shell Script in User Data

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A Shell Script in User Data

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A Shell Script in User Data

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Example #cloud-config

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#cloud-config Schema • #cloud-config is a complex YAML schema, whose valid components are affected by which modules are installed. • Documentation is somewhat hit-and-miss. Most of the information is in the docs, somewhere. All of the information is in the (python) source code of cloud-init. • Unless referring constantly to the code, writing the configuration files can be an iterative process of trial and error until you have a sufficiently large collection of reusable sections which you can cargo-cult into doing what you want. • cloud-init(1) has limited built-in schema validation functionality, but most modern editors will do just as well here with a YAML plugin.

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#cloud-config Schema

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#cloud-config Schema

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#cloud-config Schema

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Example Host SSH Keys

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Host SSH Keys

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Host SSH Keys

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Host SSH Keys • There is no built-in module for specifying host keys at first boot, so we’ll need to build this ourselves. • Breaking this task down, we’ll need to do a few different things: • Generate some known host keys, and get them to the virtual machine • Move the keys into /etc/ssh before the first time the ssh.service unit starts • To do this correctly, it’s necessary for us to dig into the cloud-init default configuration to see what order modules run in, and choose the correct places to insert our logic.

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Host SSH Keys • Cloud-init runs in three phases: • Init - essential configuration that must be done early on • Config - configuration that doesn’t affect other stages of boot • Final - configuration that must be run as late as possible • The configuration (by default) lives in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg, and is YAML. • One of the pieces of configuration sets in cloud.cfg is which modules run in which phase.

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Host SSH Keys

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Host SSH Keys

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Host SSH Keys

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Host SSH Keys

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Host SSH Keys

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More about write-files • File content needs to be provided embedded in the YAML configuration file. • If we wanted to provide them from a remote source, we could use a script to download and verify checksums of whatever files we downloaded. • Properties we can set for each file are: • Content (in one of a variety of encodings) • Path • Owner • Mode

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Host SSH Keys

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Generating Host Keys

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Generating Host Keys

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Generating Host Keys

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Generating Host Keys

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Write-Files Configuration

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Write-Files Configuration

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Additional Configuration

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Multi-part Configuration for User-Data

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Generating Multi-part Cloud Config

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Booting a Virtual Machine

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Booting a Virtual Machine

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About those docs…

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ssh_keys Configuration

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ssh_keys Configuration

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ssh_keys Configuration

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Other Use Cases • Some of the use cases we didn’t look at today, but are easy enough to accomplish: • Change the filesystem types for attached volumes (e.g. to XFS) • Configure a package repository (yum or apt) and install packages at boot • Install Docker, pull and run an image from Docker Hub • Run Chef or Puppet in standalone mode on boot, after downloading or installing the configuration from a package • Write out an /etc/machine-role to use as a base for accessing SSM Parameter Store trees • Join a node to a Serf or Consul cluster • Post a notification to Slack using the “phone home” module

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Summary • Cloud-init packs in a huge amount of functionality, however it’s not necessarily very discoverable. • It is worth learning at least the basics if: • You want a runtime-specialisation-based workflow • You work across a diverse range of clouds or operating systems and want a common configuration tool

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