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Dipti Borkar Co-Founder, CPO, Chief Evangelist | Ahana Chair | Presto Foundation | Community Presto 101 : An introduction to Presto, an open source distributed SQL engine

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2 Agenda • What is Presto? • History of federation • Introduction to Presto • What makes Presto different? • Scalable architecture • Flexible Connectors • Performance • The life of a query

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3 Technology Cycles Rhyme: Data Federation Cloud & Big Data Composite Software (founded 2001) Garlic Paper by Laura Haas (2002) DB2 Federated Google File System Paper (2003) MapReduce paper (2006) Spark Paper (2010) Too many Data Sources, No one uber schema 80’s 90’s 2000’s 2010’s 2020’s FDBMS Challenges RDBMS FDBMS Paper by McCleod / Heimbigner (1985) FDBMS Paper by Sheth / Larson (1990) OLTP to DLW Wins Data Warehouse becomes the source of truth Star schema becomes sacred SQL Federation Makes Comeback Dremel Paper (2010) Drill paper (2012) SQL ++ paper (2014) Couchbase SQL++ engine (2018) Presto paper (2019), PartiQL (2019) New Cloud DW w/ Data Lakes Based on SQL Self Service Platforms which enable Self-Service Analytics

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4 Presto aka prestoDB : The de facto engine for data platform teams Business Needs Data-driven decision making Businesses need more data to iterate over Technology Trends Disaggregation of Storage and Compute The rise of data lakes

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5 What is Presto? • Distributed SQL query engine • ANSI SQL on Databases, Data lakes • Designed to be interactive • Access to petabytes of data • Opensource, hosted on github •

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6 Presto Foundation: Community Driven

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7 Presto Overview Presto Cluster Coordinator Worker Worker Worker Worker

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8 Common Questions • Is Presto a database? • How is it related to Hadoop? • How is it different from a data warehouse?

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9 Sample Presto deployment stack & use cases • Ad hoc • BI tools • Dashboard • A/B testing • ETL/scheduled job • Online service Client: Zeppelin, Tableau, JDBC, DBVis Front-end Spark SQL Hive Presto Analytics SQL Tools Hive Metadata Store Dataset Discovery GCS AWS S3 HDFS Data Storage

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10 What makes Presto different? Scalable Architecture Pluggable Connectors Performance

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11 Scalable Architecture • Two roles - coordinator and worker • Easy scale up and scale down • Scale up to 1000 workers • Validated at web scaled companies New Worker New Worker Worker Worker Worker Coordinator Data Source Presto Cluster

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12 Scalable Architecture Parser/analyzer Worker Worker Worker Metadata API Planner Scheduler Data Location API Data Shuffle Data Shuffle Presto Connector Presto Coordinator BI Tools/Notebooks/Clients Presto CLI Looker JDBC Superset ... Tableau Jupyter Result Sets SQL Any Database, Data Stream, or Storage HDFS Object Stores (S3) MySQL ElasticSearch Kafka ... Presto Connector Presto Connector

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13 Pluggable Presto Connectors

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14 Presto Connector Data Model • Connector: Driver for a data source. • Example: HDFS, AWS S3, Cassandra, MySQL, SQL Server, Kafka • Catalog: Contains schemas from a data source specified by the connector • Schemas: Namespace to organize tables. • Tables: Set of unordered rows organized into columns with types.

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15 Presto Hive Connector for Object stores & Files systems HDFS/S3/GCS Worker Worker Coordinator Hive Metastore Thrift API Split Split

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16 Presto Hive Connector – Access Control HDFS GCS Presto has to be ‘proxy user’ which means it will read/write the data on behalf of you. The storage will handle the access control Presto Presto Auth Impersonation OAuth Token OAuth Token

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17 Presto Hive Connector – Data File Types • Supported File Types • ORC • Parquet • Avro • RCFile • No data ingestion needed • SequenceFile • JSON • Text

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18 Presto Druid Connector for real-time analytics Druid HDFS Presto Presto SQL SQL SQL 2. Read Files 1. Get Segments

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19 Why Presto is Fast In-Memory Processing Pull Model Columnar storage & execution

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20 The Life of a Query – Simple Scan Output Filter [discount = 0] Scan [Orders] SELECT * FROM orders WHERE discount = 0

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21 The Life of a Query – Join and Aggregation SELECT orders.orderkey, SUM(tax) FROM orders LEFT JOIN lineitem ON orders.orderkey = lineitem.orderkey WHERE discount = 0 GROUP BY orders.orderkey This example is from Presto: SQL on Everything presto-sql-on-everything/

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22 Logical Plan Aggregate [SUM(tax)] LeftJoin [ON orderkey] Filter [discount=0] Scan [lineitem] Scan [orders]

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23 Parser Planner Optimizer Scheduler Coordinator Hive Metastore S3 (ORC, Parquet, files.. Execution Hive Connector Worker Execution Hive Connector Worker Execution Hive Connector Worker SerializedPage Pages AST Logical Plan TaskUpdates (has Splits) Query Execution Hive Connector Worker SerializedPage SerializedPage SerializedPage Deeper Look

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24 Another Query SELECT SUM(extendedprice), suppkey FROM lineitem WHERE shipdate < DATE '1992-03-01' GROUP BY suppkey

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25 Query Creation @POST @Path("/v1/statement") @Produces(APPLICATION_JSON) public Response postStatement( String statement, @HeaderParam(X_FORWARDED_PROTO) String xForwardedProto, @Context HttpServletRequest servletRequest, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) { … SessionContext sessionContext = new HttpRequestSessionContext(servletRequest, sqlParserOptions); Query query = new Query(statement, sessionContext, dispatchManager, queryResultsProvider, 0); queries.put(query.getQueryId(), query); … } @GET @Path("/v1/statement/queued/{queryId}/{token}") @Produces(APPLICATION_JSON) public void getStatus( @PathParam("queryId") QueryId queryId, @PathParam("token") long token, @QueryParam("slug") String slug, @QueryParam("maxWait") Duration maxWait, @HeaderParam(X_FORWARDED_PROTO) String xForwardedProto, @Context UriInfo uriInfo, @Suspended AsyncResponse asyncResponse) { Query query = getQuery(queryId, slug); // wait for query to be dispatched, up to the wait timeout ListenableFuture> futureStateChange = addTimeout( query.waitForDispatched(), // DispatchManager creates DispatchQuery and start waiting for resources …); // when state changes, fetch the next result ListenableFuture queryResultsFuture = transformAsync(…); bindAsyncResponse(asyncResponse, queryResultsFuture, responseExecutor); }

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26 Parsing • DispatchManager invokes the Parser • Grammer defined in com/facebook/presto/sql/parser/SqlBase.g4 • ANTLR generates • SqlBaseLexer • SqlBaseParser • SqlBaseVisitor • SqlBaseBaseVisitor • etc • Parser calls AstBuilder(parsingOptions).visit(tree); • Parsed objects (SELECT, WHERE, c1, etc.) 🡪 Node (Select, ComparisonExpression, SingleColumn, etc.) • Returns Query (Multiple trees of Node) QueryPreparer SqlParser Lexer Parser AstBuilder CommonTokenStre am ParserRuleContext tree Query String sql PreparedQuer y

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27 Planning SELECT SUM(extendedprice), suppkey FROM lineitem WHERE shipdate < DATE '1992-03-01' GROUP BY suppkey OutputNode ProjectNode AggregationNode ProjectNode ProjectNode FilterNode TableScanNode ProjectNode ProjectNode ProjectNode All 17 columns ("shipdate" < date '1992-03-01') suppkey, extendedprice suppkey, extendedprice SqlQueryExecution Analyzer LogicalPlanner Analysis & Statemen t PlanNode PreparedQuer y suppkey, sum_9 suppkey_3, sum_2 suppkey_5, sum_4 expr_6, expr expr_8, expr_7 All 17 columns

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28 Optimizing PlanOptimizer PlanNode Tree Hive Metastore Optimized PlanNode Tree OutputNode ProjectNode ExchangeNode ProjectNode AggregationNode ProjectNode FilterNode AggregationNode ExchangeNode ExchangeNode ("shipdate" < date '1992-03-01') suppkey, sum_9 suppkey, sum_9 TableScanNode suppkey, extendedprice, shipdate suppkey, extendedprice suppkey, sum_9 suppkey, sum_9, hash(suppkey) suppkey, sum suppkey, sum suppkey, sum suppkey, sum_9, hashvalue suppkey, extendedprice, shipdate apply rule PlanNode Tree OutputNode ProjectNode AggregationNode ProjectNode ProjectNode FilterNode TableScanNode ProjectNode ProjectNode ProjectNode All 17 columns ("shipdate" < date '1992-03-01') suppkey, extendedprice suppkey, extendedprice suppkey, sum_9 suppkey_3, sum_2 suppkey_5, sum_4 expr_6, expr expr_8, expr_7 All 17 columns Group 7 Group 6 Group 8 Group 9 Group 0 Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Rules • IterativeOptimizer • ProjectExpressionRewrite • AddExchanges • PruneUnreferencedOutputs • ApplyConnectorOptimization • HiveFilterPushdown • PushdownSubfields • … Memo LogicalPlann er

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29 Scheduling: Node Selection • Suppose • 1 coordinator • 4 workers: W1, W2, W3, W4 • exchange.client-threads (Repartition fanout): 2 • We have 3 PlanFragments • Fragment 2 : all 4 workers • Fragment 1 : 2 random workers • Fragment 0: On coordinator Only

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30 Execution • Threads • task.max-worker-threads • Number of worker threads a task will ever use, e.g. 100. • Driver • Bound on to a CPU thread • 1 second slot run time • Yield for other drivers (possibly from other tasks from other queries) for fair sharing • No prioritized thread scheduling? • Query with more fragments/stages would have higher priority FilterAndProjectOp ExchangeOp TaskOutputOp HashAggregationOp( F) LocalExchangeSinkO p LocalExchangeSourc eOp Drive r Drive r Task 1 HashAggregationOp( P) ScanFilterAndProject FilterAndProjectOp Task 2 PartitionedOutputOp Driver ExchangeOp Task 0 TaskOutputOp Driver

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31 Limitations & Updates Memory Limitation (some spill-over support) Fault Tolerance Single Coordinator

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Ahana Overview

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34 Managing Presto Remains Complex Hadoop complexity ▪ /etc/presto/ ▪ /etc/presto/ ▪ /etc/presto/jvm.config Many hidden parameters – difficult to tune Just the query engine ▪ No built-in catalog – users need to manage Hive metastore or AWS Glue ▪ No datalake S3 integration Poor out-of-box perf ▪ No tuning ▪ No high-performance indexing ▪ Basic optimizations for even for common queries

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35 How Ahana Cloud works? ~ 30 mins to create the compute plane Create Presto Clusters in your account

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36 Ahana Cloud – Reference Architecture • Distributed SQL engine with proven scalability • Interactive ANSI SQL queries • Query data where it lives with Federated Connectors (no ETL) • High concurrency • Separation of compute and storage

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