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E S 6 F E AT U R E S B R I A N H O LT House of Cards

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E S 6 C O N V E N I E N C E S • Enhanced object literal syntax • Default params • Template strings • const and let • Better Call Saul

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E S 6 C O N V E N I E N C E S • Destructuring • Spread / rest operator • For … of loops • Hemlock Grove

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A R R O W F U N C T I O N S • From CoffeeScript • Shorthand for function • Autobinds to lexical scope • Daredevil

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C L A S S E S • Syntactical sugar! • Looks like classical inheritance, but not. • Useful for the new version of ES6 • BoJack Horseman

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P R O M I S E S • Finally built straight into JS • Easier way of dealing with callbacks • Work well with AJAX • Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp

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G E N E R AT O R S • New construct to ES6 that enablew new patterns of asynchronous programming that looks synchronous. • Can greatly reduce the complexity of some problems. • Can be confusing due to their versatility in how they handle input and output. • • Bloodline

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O T H E R E S 6 F E AT U R E S • Better Unicode support • Modules • Maps / sets • New object and Math APIs Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

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O T H E R E S 6 F E AT U R E S • Proxies • Symbols • Weak maps / weak sets • Tail call recursion Arrested Development

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@ H O LT B T Orange is the New Black