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Five Years of Beta Jeremy Mikola @jmikola

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A little about myself

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Some time ago, I talked about this…

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This is a story about Doctrine MongoDB ODM

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From the other side

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● Object Relational Mapper (ORM) ● Database Abstraction Layer (DBAL) ● Object Document Mappers (ODMs) ○ MongoDB ○ PHPCR ○ CouchDB ○ OrientDB ● MongoDB Abstraction Layer ● Common ○ Annotations ○ Collections ○ Lexer ● Cache ● Migrations ● Framework integrations ○ Symfony bridge and bundles ○ Zend Framework modules What (and who) is Doctrine?

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What is MongoDB? ● Open-source document database ○ Replication and sharding ○ Web scale™ ● Cloud services ○ Monitoring and backup ○ Operations management ○ Database as a Service (DBaaS) ● Integrations ○ Hadoop ○ Spark ○ BI Connector (SQL) ● Drivers ○ PHP, HHVM, and many other languages

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Let’s go back in time…

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Who was using Symfony back then?

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OpenSky faced an architectural challenge ● Encountered difficulty scaling Magento ○ Multi-tenant deployment with hundreds of stores ● Realized the need for a bespoke application ○ Move Magento behind a service layer during transition ○ Slowly migrate away from its EAV database model ● Considered the very latest technologies ○ PHP 5.3 ○ Lithium ○ Symfony 2 ○ Zend Framework 2 ○ MongoDB

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Symfony Live Paris 2011

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Symfony Live Paris 2011

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Long before Composer

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Active Record

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Data Mapper

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These guys had an idea

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Why don’t we create an ODM for MongoDB? ● Port essential ORM functionality ○ Class metadata ○ Unit of work ○ Lifecycle events ○ Persistence ○ Repositories ● Limit the feature scope ○ Database abstraction layer ○ Sharding support ○ Migrations ○ Caching

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2010 – 2011

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2012 – 2014

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2015 – present

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Why did this take five years?

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Keeping up with the flow

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● Maintaining compatibility ○ MongoDB server ○ Doctrine Common ○ Framework integrations ○ “Gedmo” Doctrine extensions ● Community support ○ Usage questions ○ Pull requests ○ Bug reports ● Security vulnerabilities Never-ending todo list

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Watch out for feature creep

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Ever-growing wish list ● Requested ORM features ○ Repository factories ○ Query filters ○ Criteria API ○ Result caching ● New ODM features ○ Sharding ○ Geo-spatial queries ○ Aggregation builder ● Refactoring ● PHP 7 support

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Waiting to merge pull requests

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Perfectionism vs. pragmatism

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Milestones should not have an open door policy

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Poppin’ tags

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Semantic versioning Major: BC breaks Minor: New features Patch: Bug fixes

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Semantic versioning Major: BC breaks Minor: New features Patch: Bug fixes Pre-release: Loophole!

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Find a balance

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Open-source can be a full-time job

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Becoming overwhelmed

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Abandoned projects

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How did I end up here?

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/ping @jwage /ping @jwage /ping @jwage ...

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If you look around and can’t find the leader of your local user group… guess what? You are it. ― Cal Evans “

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Open-source should be a team effort

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ORM development over time

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Cultivate and encourage your volunteers

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Fast forward a few months...

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These guys closed the gap

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Where do we go from here?

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On the road to 2.0.0 ● Remove deprecated or problematic APIs ○ YAML driver ○ requireIndexes ● Behavioral changes ○ Collection strategies ○ Embedded documents ● Internal refactoring ○ Change set calculation ○ Class metadata ● Direct PHP 7 support ○ Build upon the new MongoDB driver (ext-mongodb)

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2015 – present

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See you in another five years…

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Photo Credits ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●