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Modern JavaScript Debugging Ashutosh Sharma Adobe

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About Me •  Senior Computer Scientist at Adobe •  Web Platform & Authoring Team @zorder

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Agenda •  The Right Tools •  Modern Debugging Techniques •  Browser Tools •  Debugging HTML5 Features •  Tips and Tricks

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The Right Tools •  Static code analyzers – JSLint, JSHint •  Browser and built-in tools – Firebug – Chrome Devtools – Web Inspector – Opera Dragonfly – IE Developer Tools DEMOS

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Modern Debugging Techniques

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Source Maps •  Debug minified JavaScript files •  Debug compiled-to-JavaScript languages •  Debug CSS pre-processor files •  Syntax //@ •  Generating a source map –  Closure compiler –  Grunt JSMin SourceMaps plugin –  UglifyJS –  Multi-level source maps (CoffeeScript/TypeScript) DEMO

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DOM Breakpoints •  Break on DOM mutation & attribute changes DEMO

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MutationObservers •  Vs DOM Mutation Events (deprecated) •  Syntax var addedNodes = []; var observer = new WebKitMutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { for(var i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; i++) addedNodes.push(mutation.addedNodes[i]); }) }); observer.observe(document, { subtree: true, childList: true }); console.log(addedNodes); •  Mutation-Summary library DEMO

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Object.observe •  Proposal •  Track when an object, or its properties, change •  Syntax Object.observe(obj, callback); DEMO

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Event Listener Breakpoints •  e.g. load, click, scroll DEMO

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Event Listener Inspection •  Event listeners on specific DOM nodes DEMO

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Conditional Breakpoints •  console.log, console.assert, console.trace can be used in breakpoint conditions DEMO

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Debugging Mobile Applications •  Remote Debugging – Chrome, Firefox – Weinre, Edge Inspect – Aardwolf • •  Overrides –  User Agent –  Device Metrics –  Geolocation –  Device Orientation –  Emulate Touch Events

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Browser Tools

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Console API •  Firebug, Chrome Devtools •  console. – log, warn, error – group, groupEnd – trace – assert – time, timeEnd DEMO

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Command Line API •  Firebug, Chrome Devtools •  $(selector), $$(selector), $x(xpath) •  profile, profileEnd •  inspect •  monitorEvents, unmonitorEvents DEMO

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Chrome Devtools •  Useful Keyboard Shortcuts – Esc Bring the console up – Cmd-O Search file names – Cmd-Shift-O Search for functions (.js) and CSS selectors (.css) – Cmd-Opt-F Search in all source files – Cmd-1-8 / Cmd-[ / Cmd-] Navigate between panels – Ctrl-, / Ctrl-. Previous/Next call frame – Shift-Enter Multiline JavaScript – Cmd-F (Resources Panel) Search in all resources DEMO

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Firebug •  Log function calls •  Break on cookie changes

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Edit and Continue (JS) •  Edit JavaScript without a page refresh – External scripts can be modified •  Existing function references are replaced •  Useful for modifying callbacks on-the-fly DEMO

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Debugging HTML5 Features

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Debugging HTML5 Features •  Canvas •  Web Workers •  WebSockets •  Offline Data –  LocalStorage –  SessionStorage –  IndexedDB –  Web SQL Database –  FileSystem

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Canvas DEMO

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Web Workers DEMO

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WebSockets DEMO

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Offline Data – Web Storage DEMO

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Offline Data – IndexedDB, WebSQL DEMO

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Offline Data - FileSystem DEMO

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Tips and Tricks for Effective Debugging

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jQuery •  Visual Event (bookmarklet) •  Browser extensions – Chrome •  jQuery Debugger •  Always Inject jQuery – Firefox •  FireQuery (Firebug extension) DEMO

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Miscellaneous •  $0 - $4 •  $_ •  debugger; •  Pretty-print •  Disable cache •  Versioning .js files •  console.log(JSON.stringify(…)) •  Initiating JS code for network requests DEMO

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Miscellaneous •  Bookmarklets to inject code into pages – DevTools Code Snippets •  DevTools workspaces and local files •  Firebug Lite for IE (compat mode in IE 10) •  Chrome record and playback modes –  open -a "Google Chrome" --args --record-mode –  open -a "Google Chrome" --args --playback-mode • DEMO

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Demo and Source Code

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References •  JSLint, JSHint – – •  Mutation-Summary library – •  Weinre – •  Adobe Edge Inspect – •  Aardwolf –

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References • – •  Visual Event 2 – •  jQuery Debugger – dbhhnnnpaeobfddmlalhnehgclcmjimi •  Always Inject jQuery – neappnndmnboecdfhflpbmfdhkanpaoa •  FireQuery –

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Q & A