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Tania Allard, PhD @ixek Developer Advocate at Microsoft Jupyter notebooks: Friends or foes? PyCon CZ 2019 CC-BY licensed

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2 @ixek

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3 @ixek What comes to your mind with the word Jupyter?

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5 What it really is… @ixek Ecosystem of open tools and infrastructure A community of people A collection of language agnostic and modular tools A means to empower people to use open tools

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6 A familiar example @ixek

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7 So what are the notebooks? @ixek

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8 @ixek A stack of modular & open tools

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9 Jupyterlab @ixek

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10 Nteract @ixek

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11 Azure notebooks @ixek "

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12 And why does everyone love the notebooks? @ixek

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13 Not only machine readable Human readable Immediate code execution and inspection Literate programming Fast iteration Text, images and code all self contained Prototype and dissemination @ixek

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14 One notebook to rule them all Turn your notebooks into interactive presentations Presentation @ixek Notebooks as usual (nbviewer, GitHub, GitLab) Static Binderize your notebooks Interactive Generate a book (or an e-book) out of a set of notebooks Long-format

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20 Even more interactive @ixek

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22 Create your own dashboards using Jupyter If you were ever jealous of Shiny apps @ixek

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24 @ixek They now support async IPython 7.0 now suports AsyncIO so you can now natively use it with the IPython REPL and the notebooks (and should also work with all the other interfaces).

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25 It is all good and fun… until @ixek

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26 The community and the ecosystem is so vast… I struggle to keep up to date @ixek

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28 Hidden states and non-intuitive workflows @ixek

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29 @ixek

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30 I spend so much time reviewing code @ixek

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31 @ixek

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32 @ixek

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33 Notebooks are not for production… or scale @ixek

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34 @ixek

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35 Taming the beast @ixek Make your life easier

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36 Avoid the urge to reinvent the wheel @ixek

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37 Enforce good practices nbstripout @ixek

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38 Towards notebooks diffing and merging nbdime @ixek

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39 It can be used in production @ixek

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40 It scales and loves the cloud ☁ @ixek

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41 @ixek

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42 @ixek

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43 Consider contributing back @ixek

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44 Packages mentioned in the slides • Binder • Repo2docker • Nbconvert • Nbdime • voilá • Panel • RISE • Ipywidgets • Azure notebooks • BinderHub • JupyterHUb • nbstripout • Jupyterbook @ixek

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45 @ixek Thank you Contact me: @ixek [email protected]

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46 Credits @ixek ● Icons by Flaticon ● Infographics by Freepik ● Chris Holdgraf from Jupyter and Berkley for inspiration and craking slides infrastructure-in-the-cloud-with-jupyterhub ● The lovely Jupyter community