Starting Open Source
How to make your first
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“Learn the most by
sharing your knowledge
with others” - @coderabbi
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Why Open Source?
“The promise of open source is better quality, higher
reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to
predatory vendor lock-in.” - opensource.org
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Better Quality
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Higher Reliability
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More Flexibility
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Lower Cost
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End to predatory
vendor lock-in
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Convinced Yet?
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How many of you saw
the keynote this
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To keep you entertained
Count the song
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Contributing to Open Source
In 10 steps
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Step 1: Choose
The Project
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Be passionate about it
Step 1: Choose the project
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What are your ‘friends’ doing?
Step 1: Choose the project
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Step 1: Choose the project
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Your Skills
Step 1: Choose the project
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Step 1: Choose the project
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Step 1: Choose the project
Ready to change the world?
{code} montage empowers coders to
improve their impact on the world.
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Erm.. License?
Step 1: Choose the project
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Step 2: Install
The Project
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Step 2: Install The Project
Body Text
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Do you like
vagrant now?
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Step 3:
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Step 4: Hiiiii! :)
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Step 4: Hiiiii! :)
Observe the responses
(Should I stay, or should I go?)
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Step 5: What can I do?
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Step 5: What can I do?
It’s not your project.
(But nothing stops you from branching...)
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In open source - Communication is key
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Step 6: How...?
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Step 6: How…?
Read The Guidelines
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Step 6: How…?
It’s “just” code.
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Step 6: How…?
If that scares you...
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Step 6: How…?
It’s private, for now.
(If you want it to be)
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Step 7: Just do it
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Step 7: Just do it
Commit often
$ git commit -m 'Michelle will be pleased <3'
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Step 7: Just do it
Possibly squash your commits afterwards
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Step 7: Just do it
Learn Git
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Step 8: Push it
(Just push it push it)
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Step 8: Push it (push it real good)
$ git push
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Step 9: The pull
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Step 9: The pull request
Time to show the world
(Except those poor sods without Internet)
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Step 9: The pull request
Don’t worry
(Be happy)
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Step 9: The pull request
It’s just a button
(And a form...)
Made websites under a nickname…
Who I was
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No portfolio: Unemployable
Who I was
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So… I started my own company!
Who I was
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I had *NO* code confidence
Who I was
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Why I wanted to
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I felt ashamed for
*not* doing it
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I found a cool project, I
wanted to help them improve.
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- Davey Shafik
“I feared that I really had no clue
what I was doing and people were
going to make fun of me, and I also
didn’t know what to do!”
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- Lorna Mitchell
“Honestly, I just didn't realise my
efforts would be useful or
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- Eli White
“I was trying to convince NASA,
who I worked for. To allow me to
open source some projects I'd
created there. And failed.”
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My Obstacles
Technology & Fear of public ridicule
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Obstacles: The fear
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Obstacles: The fear
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Obstacles: The fear
IRC & Slack
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Body Text
Matthew Turland @elazar
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Body Text
Rafael Dohms @rdohms & Davey Shafik @dshafik
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Body Text
Igor Wiedler
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Get a mentor… Or 5
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Who I am now
Still code passionate
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Who I am now
A conference addict and speaker
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Who I am now
Still afraid to contribute
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Who I am now
Ran a *successful* company