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APACHE OPENWHISK - PLUGGABLE EVENT PROVIDERS James Thomas, OpenWhisk Committer, Serverless Dev Adv Lead @ IBM ☁

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APACHE OPENWHISK TRIGGER FEED PROVIDERS ➤API Gateway ➤Apache Kafka ➤Apache CouchDB ➤Cron Alarm ➤Github ➤…

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APACHE OPENWHISK TRIGGER FEED PROVIDERS Why don’t we have more? Lots of community contributions for runtimes Not so much for feed providers…

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APACHE OPENWHISK TRIGGER FEED PROVIDERS Why don’t we have more? Trigger feeds are not that simple to implement. Documentation is not great.

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APACHE OPENWHISK TRIGGER FEED PROVIDERS Was asked internally to produce an S3 compatible feed provider. Use polling to check bucket file etags for file changes.

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HOW OPENWHISK TRIGGER FEEDS WORK wsk trigger create periodic \ --feed /whisk.system/alarms/alarm \ --param cron "*/2 * * * *" \ --param trigger_payload “{…}” \ --param startDate "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" \ --param stopDate "2019-01-31T23:59:00.000Z" feed parameter refers to a normal action action invoked with the trigger details by cli

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TRIGGER FEED API custom feed provider is supposed to manage listening to event source and firing triggers on events

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EXISTING TRIGGER FEED PROVIDERS ARCHITECTURE - ADDING TRIGGER Feed Action Web Action Trigger Database Event Provider Event Source User Trigger wsk CLI - User creates trigger with feed with wsk CLI tool - CLI calls feed action with trigger & auth details - Feed action calls web action (?) - Web action writes to Trigger management database

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EXISTING TRIGGER FEED PROVIDERS ARCHITECTURE - EVENT PROVIDER Feed Action Web Action Trigger Database Event Provider Event Source User Trigger wsk CLI - Event provider follows DB updates - Uses trigger details to start listening to external event source - Web action writes to Trigger management database

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EXISTING TRIGGER FEED PROVIDERS ARCHITECTURE - EVENTS OCCUR Feed Action Web Action Trigger Database Event Provider Event Source User Trigger wsk CLI - Provider fires trigger with event details when they occur.

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APACHE OPENWHISK TRIGGER FEED PROVIDERS Looking at the different feed providers, most of the code is not specific to the event source. 90% of code base = generic trigger management

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“Can we build a generic event provider with a plugin architecture? - Easier to contribute event sources - Easier to maintain feed provider

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GENERIC TRIGGER FEED PROVIDERS ARCHITECTURE Feed Action Web Action Trigger Database Generic Event Provider Custom Event Source - Plugin handles custom event source integration - Trigger management handled by generic provider Custom Event Source Plugin

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RESULT = event provider in ~300 lines of JS

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Is this interesting to others? Possible next steps… - Open-source code on Github? - Write more event provider plugins? - Donate to Apache (eventually)?