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new features in php7 By Jeremy Lindblom @jeremeamia McGraw-Hill Education

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today: 1. brief history 2.what’s new? 3.what changed?

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did you know... php7 is compatible with star wars & star trek fans?

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new features or maybe... an awakening of new powers? php7 a.k.a. PHP VII

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PHP VII: The PHorce Awakens

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PHP7 is based on a new version or the “next generation” of the Zend Engine, called: phpng

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PHP: The Next Generation

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a brief history of php part one

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Once upon a time…

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1995: PHP is born

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1998: PHP 3 & The ElePHPant

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2000: PHP 4 & Zend Engine

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2003: ???

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2003: Jeremy Graduates

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2003: WordPress

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2004: PHP 5 & OOP

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2006: AWS & The Cloud

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2007: PHP 5.2 & Frameworks

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2009: PHP 5.3 is released

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2010: ♥ for Git/GitHub grows

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2011: Composer & PSR-0

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2013: Laravel, hhvm, & PHP 5.5

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2015: PHP7 & 20th Birthday

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2016: PHP 7.1 & Beyond

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what’s new in php7? part two

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But first...

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New Features in PHP 5 Since Version 5.2 Namespaces & Class Imports Late Static Binding Closures goto Ternary Shortcut ( ?: ) Traits Short Array Syntax ( [ ] ) Built-in Server Generators password_hash() API finally Variadic Functions ( ... ) Function/Const Imports Exponentiation Operator ( ** )

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It’s faster!

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Like, waaay faster!!!

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Benchmark: Wordpress 4.1

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Benchmark: Wordpress 4.1

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➡ Twice as fast ➡ Half the memory

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Your Server Cluster

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Your Server Cluster

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➡ Twice as fast ➡ Half the memory ∴ Lower Costs

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Scalar Type Hints

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Type hints in PHP 5 // “array”, “callable”, “self”, and class names allowed function getPeople(array $ids) { … } function delete($id, callable $onFailure) { … } function hire(Person $person) { … }

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Type declarations in PHP 7 (a.k.a. scalar type hints) // “int”, “float”, “string”, and “bool” now allowed function truncate(string $str, int $length) { … } function coord(float $x, float $y) { … }

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Coercive vs. Strict // Given the following function: function sum(int ...$numbers) { return array_sum($numbers); } echo sum(3, 1, 7); //> 11

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Coercive vs. Strict (cont.) declare(strict_types=0); // coercive mode echo sum(4, 2); //> 6 echo sum(4.1, 2.1); //> 6

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Coercive vs. Strict (cont.) declare(strict_types=1); // strict mode echo sum(4, 2); //> 6 echo sum(4.1, 2.1); //> TypeError

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[PHP 7.1] Nullable Type Hints function prefix(?string $prefix, string $str) { … }

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Return Type Declarations

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Works with functions, methods, and closures function sum(int ...$numbers): int { … } $fn = function (int $num) use ($max): int { … }

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[PHP 7.1] Void Return Types function execute(Command $cmd): void { … }

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Null Coalescing Operator

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Ternary Statements in PHP 5 // Ternary with set variable $result = !empty($value) ? $value : $default; // Null coalescing with non-set variable $result = isset($value) ? $value : $default;

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Ternary Shortcut Syntax (Added in PHP 5.3) // Ternary with set variable $result = $value ?: $default; // Null coalescing with non-set variable $result = isset($value) ? $value : $default;

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Null Coalescing Operator (Added in PHP 7) // Ternary with set variable $result = $value ?: $default; // Null coalescing with non-set variable $result = $value ?? $default;

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Anonymous Classes

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Anonymous Classes use Psr\Log\{LoggerInterface, LoggerTrait}; $log = new class() implements LoggerInterface { use LoggerTrait; public function log($lvl, $msg, array $ctx = []) { echo $lvl . ': ' . strtr($msg, $ctx) . "\n"; } };

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Anonymous Classes and Constructors $log = new class(string $path) implements LoggerInterface { use LoggerTrait; private $file; public function __construct(string $path) { $this->file = fopen($path, 'w+'); } };

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Anonymous Classes Tips ● function is to closure as class is to anonymous class ● Works the same as a regular class, but without a name ● May be helpful for implementing... ○ internal, private, or undocumented classes ○ single-use objects ○ implementing small interfaces ● Cannot be serialized

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Group use Declarations

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Group use Declarations use Psr\Log\{LoggerInterface, LoggerTrait}; $log = new class() implements LoggerInterface { use LoggerTrait; public function log($lvl, $msg, array $ctx = []) { echo $lvl . ': ' . strtr($msg, $ctx) . "\n"; } };

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More Examples – PHP 5 use My\App\ClassA; use My\App\ClassB as B; use function My\App\function_a; use function My\App\function_b; use const My\App\CONSTANT_A; use const My\App\CONSTANT_B;

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More Examples – PHP 7 use My\App\{ClassA, ClassB as B}; use function My\App\{function_a, function_b}; use const My\App\{CONSTANT_A, CONSTANT_B};

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Spaceship Operator <=> <=>

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Combined Comparison (“Spaceship”) Operator ● Looks like a UFO: $a <=> $b ● Like strcmp() but for numbers, other scalars, and arrays ● Returns -1, 0, or 1, which is perfect for sorting ● Same logic can be accomplished for numbers by doing: ($a < $b) ? -1 : (($a > $b) ? 1 : 0)

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Spaceship in Action usort($people, function ($person1, $person2) { return $person1->age <=> $person2->age; });

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CSPRNG Functions

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CSPRNG Functions Cryptographically Secure Pseudo– Random Number Generator random_int($min, $max): int random_bytes($length): string

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Symmetric Array Destructuring PHP 7.1

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[PHP 7.1] Symmetric Array Destructuring // Destructuring in PHP 5 list($class, $method) = explode('::', $name); // Say goodbye to list() in PHP 7 [$class, $method] = explode('::', $name); // Can also destructure arrays with non-integer keys ['id' => $id, 'name' => $name] = $data;

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Class Constant Visibility PHP 7.1

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[PHP 7.1] Class Constant Visibility class ConstDemo { public const PUBLIC_CONST_B = 1; protected const PROTECTED_CONST = 2; private const PRIVATE_CONST = 4; }

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Generator Return Expressions Generator Delegation ( yield from ) ReflectionGenerator Class Unicode Escape Syntax IntlChar Class Filtered unserialize() Multi-catch Exception Handling iterable pseudo-type Expectations via assert() intdiv() Function New session_start() Options Constant Arrays via define() Closure::call() Method Multi-level dirname() w/ New Arg Negative string offsets ( $str[-2]) Closure::fromCallable() Method Additional New Features in PHP 7.x 7.1

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what has been changed? part three

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i.e., what has been broken ? part three

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Throwing New Things

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Exception RuntimeException LogicException PHP 5 Exception Hierarchy

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Error TypeError ParseError ArithmeticError PHP 7 Error Hierarchy

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Error TypeError ParseError ArithmeticError PHP 7 Throwable Top-Level Interface Throwable Exception RuntimeException LogicException

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Exceptions, Errors, and Throwables ● Fatal errors are now a type of exception, or Throwable ● To catch anything, catch Throwable ● Be careful with functions type hinting for Exception, because they may end up receiving a Throwable instead ● Parsing errors when using eval() now throw ParseError ● Dividing by zero now throws a DivisionByZeroError

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More Consistent Syntax

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Uniform Variable Syntax ● PHP uses an AST under-the-hood now ● Better consistency at the cost of minor backward-incompatibility issues ● Handling of variables/functions is left-to-right always ● When in doubt, add { } or ( )

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Uniform Variable Syntax – Examples

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Forbid Dynamic Scope Funcs PHP 7.1

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[PHP 7.1] Forbid Dynamic Scope Functions Can no longer dynamically call the following functions: assert() compact() extract() func_get_args() func_get_arg() func_num_args() get_defined_vars() mb_parse_str() parse_str()

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Not All Extensions Available

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Removed the Rubbish

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Removed and/or Deprecated ● mysql, mssql, and ereg extensions are gone (Use mysqli/pdo, and pcre like you’ve already been doing) ● PHP 4 style constructors deprecated class Foo { function Foo($bar) { … } } ● Can no longer assign-by-reference with new $foo =& new Foo(); ● Can no longer repeat parameter names function foo($fizz, $_, $_, $buzz) { … }

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Removed and/or Deprecated (cont.) ● Static calls to non-static methods deprecated class Foo { function bar() { … } } Foo::bar(); ● No more E_STRICT errors. ● No more alternative PHP tags ( <%, <%=, or ) ● Can no longer have multiple default blocks in a switch (They were ignored before, now they cause an error)

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more resources appendix

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Upgrading to PHP 7 ● Upgrade to PHP 5.6, if you aren’t there yet ● Review the migration guides and your code ● For libraries, use to run your tests on PHP 7 ● Use to try out code snippets ● Use “The Cloud”, Docker, and/or Vagrant for testing ● Homebrew has PHP 7

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Migration Guide

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Thanks! By Jeremy Lindblom @jeremeamia McGraw-Hill Education