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Building a career in Android Development @magdamiu

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ABOUT ME ● Squad Leader Developer @Orange ● Android Google Developers Expert ● Trainer & Speaker ● Co-organiser GDG Pitesti & WTM Romania

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Employment history Web Developer Aug 2010 - Oct 2010 Android Developer Nov 2010 - Aug 2015 Android Technical Lead Sept 2015 - Dec 2019 Squad Lead Developer Jan 2019 - Present GDE Android Feb 2019 - Present

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OOP Q: What’s the object-oriented way to become wealthy? A: Inheritance

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Best case scenario Cohesion Coupling high low

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● Don’t Repeat Yourself ● Applicable whenever we copy / paste a piece of code D.R.Y.

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● Keep It Simple and Stupid ● Whenever we want to implement a method to do all things K.I.S.S.

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● You Ain’t Gonna Need It ● Don’t write code which is not yet necessary Y.A.G.N.I.

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● Single responsibility (SRP) ● Open-closed (OCP) ● Liskov substitution (LSP) ● Interface segregation (ISP) ● Dependency inversion (DIP) S.O.L.I.D.

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Design Patterns

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Law of Demeter A B B is a friend of A C C is a friend of B *Note: A friend of a friend is a stranger Messages from A to B are OK Messages from A to C are discouraged

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“Tell, Don't Ask” Principle

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Objects vs Data Tell, don’t ask. Don’t talk to strangers. Dealing with Objects? Dealing with Data?

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Kotlin A modern and pragmatic language for the industry, not an academic one.

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● General-purpose ● FP + OOP ● Open source (Apache 2.0) ● Developed by JetBrains ● Static typing What is Kotlin?

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Kotlin is 100% interoperable with Java *.kt *.java Kotlin compiler Java compiler *.class *.jar App Kotlin runtime

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// Elvis operator val name: String? = null val lengthOfName = name?.length ?: -1 println(lengthOfName)

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// Elvis operator val name: String? = null val lengthOfName = name?.length ?: -1 println(lengthOfName) // => -1

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class Utility { // infix functions = functions with a single parameter infix fun String.onto(other: String) = Pair(this, other) } fun main(args: Array) { val blueShoes = "blue".onto("shoes") val yellowScarf = "yellow" onto "scarf" println(blueShoes) // => (blue, shoes) println(yellowScarf) // => (yellow, scarf) }

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fun String.removeFirstLastChar(): String = this.substring(1, this.length - 1) Receiver type Receiver object

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Data classes are a concise way to create classes that just hold data. Data classes Function Price Getters and Setters 0 Lei equals() & hashCode() 0 Lei toString() 0 Lei componentN() 0 Lei copy() 0 Lei TOTAL FREE!

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Coroutines are lightweight threads

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co + routines coroutines Cooperation Functions

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Clean Code “Clean code is readable. It tells a story.” Uncle Bob, Clean Code

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Code quality “measure” WTFs/min Few WTFs Developer Many WTFs Developer

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Use intention-revealing names Types Names Classes and Objects Customer, Account, WikiPage Methods postPayment, deleteAccount, displayPage Solution domain names AccountVisitor Problem domain names churnPerMonth

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users.filter{ it.job == Job.Developer } .map{ it.birthDate.dayOfMonth } .filter{ it <= 10 } .min() WARNING: Use explicit argument names and avoid using too often “it”

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users.filter{ user -> user.job == Job.Developer } .map{ developer -> developer.birthDate.dayOfMonth } .filter { birthDay -> birthDay <= 10 } .min() WARNING: Use explicit argument names and avoid using too often “it”

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fun sumUpUserPoints(): Int { var sumAllPoints = 0 for (user in users) { sumAllPoints += user.points sendEmail(user) } return sumAllPoints } No side effects Side effect

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fun computeSqrt(number: Double): Double { if(number >= 0) { return Math.sqrt(number) } else { throw RuntimeException("No negative please") } } Nothing is something...

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fun getMovie(id: Int): Movie { val movie = movieRepository.findMovie(id) return movie ?: throw RuntimeException("Movie not found") } Throw exceptions

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sealed class MovieSearchResult data class MovieFound(val movie: Movie) : MovieSearchResult() object MovieNotFound : MovieSearchResult() object DatabaseOffline : MovieSearchResult() fun getMovie(id: Int): MovieSearchResult { val movie = movieRepository.findMovie(id) return if (movie == null) { MovieNotFound } else { MovieFound(movie) } } Return result class

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inputStream.use { outputStream.use { // do something with the streams outputStream.write( } } “try-with-resources” in Kotlin - initial solution

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arrayOf(inputStream, outputStream).use { // do something with the streams outputStream.write( } “try-with-resources” in Kotlin - improved solution

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private inline fun Array.use(block: ()->Unit) { // implementation } use implementation

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Kotlin is about developer’s happiness and productivity.

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Android Jetpack A set of libraries, tools and guides to help make app building quick and easy.

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Android Jetpack Follow best practices Fewer crashes and less memory leaks with backwards-compatibility baked in. No boilerplate code You can focus on what makes your app great. Reduce fragmentation Reduce complexity with libraries that work consistently across Android versions and devices.

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Android Jetpack UI Jetpack Compose Foundation AndroidX, Android KTX Architecture LiveData, ViewModel, Lifecycle, Room, Navigation, Paging, Hilt Behaviour Slices, Security, Permissions

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*Recommended app architecture Activity / Fragment Model Room Remote Data source Retrofit SQLite REST API ViewModel LiveData Repository

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Architecture Components: Room for databases Components Entity, Dao, Database “Relations” @Embedded, @Relation, @ForeignKey Queries @Insert, @Update, @Delete, @Query, @RawQuery

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Tools for Android development CI/CD Pipeline

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Learning Plan “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Achievable Learning Plan @Work Code review & Pull Request @Home SWOT & OKRs

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@Work Code review & Pull Request

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Reviewer Author

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Writing the code ● Make sure you understand your task ● Refactor the code if it’s unreadable ● Write tests and follow the team conventions ● Format your code before commit it

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The boy scout rule Leave the campground cleaner than you found it.

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Before the code review ● Add relevant commit comments ● Send pull requests often ● Have minimum 2 reviewers (one is senior)

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After the code review ● Be humble ● You are on the same side with your reviewer(s) ● Know when to unlearn the old habits

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Use I… comments ● I think… ● I would… ● I believe… ● I suggest...

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Ask questions ● Have you consider using… ? ● What do you think about… ? ● Have you tried to… ?

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It’s about the code, not about the coder ● This code… ● This function… ● This line of code...

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Feedback equation* Observation of a behavior Impact of the behavior Question or Request I observed this function has 60 lines. This makes it difficult for me to understand the logic. I suggest extracting a part of the code into other functions and give them relevant names. * Defined by Lara Hogan

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@Home SWOT & OKRs

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The “process” SWOT Where I am now Retro How it was and what’s next OKRs What I want to achieve Review What I achieved 01 02 04 03

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Personal SWOT Analysis ME Weaknesses Skills that should be improved (technical or work habits) Threats Impediments at work, changes, weaknesses lead to threats Strengths Advantages like: skills, achievements, certifications, education, connections Opportunities Events, conferences, new role/project, industry growing

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● Goal setting in a collaborative way ● Objective => WHAT ● Key results => HOW ● “It’s not a key result unless it has a number” OKRs

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● Superpower #1 => focus and commit to priorities ● Superpower #2 => align and connect for teamwork ● Superpower #3 => track for accountability ● Superpower #4 => stretch for amazing OKRs superpowers

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● 0.7 to 1.0 = green (we delivered) ● 0.4 to 0.6 = yellow (we made progress, but fell short of completion) ● 0.0 to 0.3 = red (we failed to make real progress) Scoring @Google

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OKR sample Learn Kotlin for Android Development 6 months / weekly review Quantity Goal Quality Goal Result 1 Kotlin Koan per week Learn specific features of the language => 1 feature / week Exercise often and on a set of Koans proposed by JetBrains Write one detailed article about a specific topic per month Improve my writing skills and learn by teaching to others Learn new things, help the community and get feedback 3 code samples runned per week Get a repo with samples that I can re-check (use ktlint) Gain real experience in programming using Kotlin

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● Score your results ● Keep notes of your accomplishments ● Look for feedback because development is continuous ● Surround yourself with people who motivate and inspire you ● Find a mentor Review

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● Did I accomplish all of my objectives? ○ YES => what contributed to my success? ○ NO => what obstacles did I encounter? ● If I were to rewrite a goal achieved in full, what would I change? ● What have I learned that might alter my approach to the next cycle’s OKRs? ● Understand what is your WHY ● Repeat the process Retrospective

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Official Documentation from Google Blogs and Websites Code Examples (Codelabs & GitHub) Newsletters Books & Online Courses From where to learn more... Videos & Youtube Channels Podcasts ‍‍Twitter Conferences & Meetups Troubleshooting

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● Define with your colleagues a set of conventions ● Justify technology use ● Enforce good practices (XP) ● Question until you understand ● Criticize ideas, not people ● Testing, testing, testing ● Integrate early, integrate often ● Emphasize collective ownership of code ● Prioritize and actively evaluate trade-offs ● Listen to users My summary

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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, images from Unsplash, and infographics & images by Freepik. THANKS! @magdamiu