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Tap it! Shake it! Fling it! Sheep it! The Gesture Animations Dance! @KwakEuiJin KotlinConf’24 Korea

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• 안드로이드 3년차 개발자 • SOPT IT 벤처창업 동아리 Android 파트장 곽의진(KEZ)

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오늘의 발표는?

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오늘의 발표는?

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오늘의 발표는? Compose Multiplatform Animation With Gesture And Sensor

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Jetpack Compose 란?

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Jetpack Compose 란? 제 생일도 7월 28일 !!

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간단하게 Compose Mulitplatform에 대해 알아보자!

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우리는 오늘 무엇을 중점적으로 알아볼 것인가? Gestures Sensors Animations Data

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애니메이션을 어떻게 만들 것 인가?

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1. What: 무엇을 애니메이션화 할 것인가? 2. When: 언제 애니메이션을 발생시킬 것인가? 3. How: 어떻게 애니메이션을 구현할 것인가?

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Scale Translation Rotation Alpha 1. What: 무엇을 애니메이션화 할 것인가?

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1. What: 무엇을 애니메이션화 할 것인가? 2. When: 언제 애니메이션을 발생시킬 것인가? 3. How: 어떻게 애니메이션을 구현할 것인가?

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2. When: 언제 애니메이션을 발생시킬 것인가? Drag Swife

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1. What: 무엇을 애니메이션화 할 것인가? 2. When: 언제 애니메이션을 발생시킬 것인가? 3. How: 어떻게 애니메이션을 구현할 것인가?

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3. How: 어떻게 애니메이션을 구현할 것인가? Animation Spec

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Compose Animation APIs! 어떻게 애니메이션을 구현할 것인가?

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애니메이션을 어떻게 만들 것 인가? 1. What: 무엇을 애니메이션화 할 것인가? 2. When: 언제 애니메이션을 발생시킬 것인가? 3. How: 어떻게 애니메이션을 구현할 것인가? Animation을 만들기 위한 3원칙

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Tab To Scale! Step #1 1. What? 크기 2. When? 컴포저블이 터치되었을 때 3. How? 크기 1.0 <-> 1.2 Screen_recording_20240625_191219.gif

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Tab To Scale! // 1. What? val scale = 1f // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { // Important: set scale in graphicsLayer(!) scaleX = scale scaleY = scale } .clickable( onClick = { . . . }) . . . // 3. How? onClick = { val newScale = if (scale == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale = newScale }

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Tab To Scale! // 1. What? val scale = 1f // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { // Important: set scale in graphicsLayer(!) scaleX = scale scaleY = scale } .clickable( onClick = { . . . }) . . . // 3. How? onClick = { val newScale = if (scale == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale = newScale }

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Tab To Scale! // 1. What? val scale = 1f // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { // Important: set scale in graphicsLayer(!) scaleX = scale scaleY = scale } .clickable( onClick = { . . . }) . . . // 3. How? onClick = { val newScale = if (scale == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale = newScale } graphicsLayer?

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잠깐!! graphicsLayer 만 짚고 넘어가보자 Composition Layout Drawing Drawing 명령어 변환

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Tab To Scale! // 1. What? val scale = 1f // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { // Important: set scale in graphicsLayer(!) scaleX = scale scaleY = scale } .clickable( onClick = { . . . }) . . . // 3. How? onClick = { val newScale = if (scale == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale = newScale }

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Tab To Scale! // 1. What? val scale = 1f // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { // Important: set scale in graphicsLayer(!) scaleX = scale scaleY = scale } .clickable( onClick = { . . . }) . . . // 3. How? onClick = { val newScale = if (scale == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale = newScale } No Animations!

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Tab To Scale! // 1. What? val scale = 1f // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { // Important: set scale in graphicsLayer(!) scaleX = scale.value scaleY = scale.value } .clickable(onClick = { . . . }) // 3. How? onClick = { val newScale = if (scale == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale = newScale }

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Tab To Scale! // 1. What? val scale = remember { Animatable(1f) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { // Important: set scale in graphicsLayer(!) scaleX = scale.value scaleY = scale.value } .clickable(onClick = { . . . }) // 3. How? onClick = { val newScale = if (scale == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale = newScale }

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Tab To Scale! // 1. What? val scale = remember { Animatable(1f) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { // Important: set scale in graphicsLayer(!) scaleX = scale.value scaleY = scale.value } .clickable(onClick = { . . . }) // 3. How? onClick = { val newScale = if (scale == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale = newScale }

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Tab To Scale! // 1. What? val scale = remember { Animatable(1f) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { // Important: set scale in graphicsLayer(!) scaleX = scale.value scaleY = scale.value } .clickable(onClick = { . . . }) // 3. How? onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { val newScale = if (scale.value == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale.animateTo(newScale) } }

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Tab To Scale! // 1. What? val scale = remember { Animatable(1f) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { // Important: set scale in graphicsLayer(!) scaleX = scale.value scaleY = scale.value } .clickable(onClick = { . . . }) // 3. How? onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { val newScale = if (scale.value == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale.animateTo(newScale) } }

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Tab To Scale! // 3. How? onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { val newScale = if (scale.value == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale.animateTo(newScale) } }

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Tab To Scale! // 3. How? onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { val newScale = if (scale.value == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale.animateTo( targetValue = newScale, animationSpec = // animation spec ) . . .

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Animation Spec Spring ­ Stiff KeyFrame Spring ­ Nonstiff

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Tab To Scale! // 3. How? onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { val newScale = if (scale.value == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale.animateTo( targetValue = newScale, animationSpec = spring( dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioHighBouncy, stiffness = Spring.StiffnessHigh, ) ) . . .

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Tab To Scale! // 3. How? onClick = { coroutineScope.launch { val newScale = if (scale.value == 1f) 1.2f else 1f scale.animateTo( targetValue = newScale, animationSpec = spring( dampingRatio = Spring.DampingRatioHighBouncy, stiffness = Spring.StiffnessHigh, ) ) . . .

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Reposition (Drag) ! Step #1 1. What? • 위치(translation) 2. When? • 컴포저블을 드래그 했을 때 3. How? • 새로운 위치로 이동

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Reposition (Drag) ! // 1. What? val translation = remember { Animatable(Offset(0f, 0f), Offset.VectorConverter) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { translationX = translation.value.x translationY = translation.value.y } .draggable2D(state = draggableState) ... ) // 3. How? val draggableState = rememberDraggable2DState { delta -> coroutineScope.launch { translation.snapTo( } }

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Reposition (Drag) ! // 1. What? val translation = remember { Animatable(Offset(0f, 0f), Offset.VectorConverter) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { translationX = translation.value.x translationY = translation.value.y } .draggable2D(state = draggableState) ... ) // 3. How? val draggableState = rememberDraggable2DState { delta -> coroutineScope.launch { translation.snapTo( } }

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Reposition (Drag) ! // 1. What? val translation = remember { Animatable(Offset(0f, 0f), Offset.VectorConverter) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { translationX = translation.value.x translationY = translation.value.y } .draggable2D(state = draggableState) ... ) // 3. How? val draggableState = rememberDraggable2DState { delta -> coroutineScope.launch { translation.snapTo( } }

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Reposition (Drag) ! // 1. What? val translation = remember { Animatable(Offset(0f, 0f), Offset.VectorConverter) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { translationX = translation.value.x translationY = translation.value.y } .draggable2D(state = draggableState) ... ) // 3. How? val draggableState = rememberDraggable2DState { delta -> coroutineScope.launch { translation.snapTo( } }

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Reposition (Drag) ! // 1. What? val translation = remember { Animatable(Offset(0f, 0f), Offset.VectorConverter) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { translationX = translation.value.x translationY = translation.value.y } .draggable2D(state = draggableState) ... ) // 3. How? val draggableState = rememberDraggable2DState { delta -> coroutineScope.launch { translation.snapTo( } }

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Reposition (Drag) ! // 1. What? val translation = remember { Animatable(Offset(0f, 0f), Offset.VectorConverter) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { translationX = translation.value.x translationY = translation.value.y } .draggable2D(state = draggableState) ... ) // 3. How? val draggableState = rememberDraggable2DState { delta -> coroutineScope.launch { translation.snapTo( } }

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Fling and Back Step #1 video-to-gif-converter.gif 1. What? • 위치(translation) 2. When? • 컴포저블을 던지는 드래그 모션이 발생했을 때 3. How? • 컴포저블이 위치를 되돌리거나 멈추기

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Fling and Back // 1. What? val translation = remember { Animatable(Offset(0f, 0f), Offset.VectorConverter) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { translationX = translation.value.x translationY = translation.value.y } .draggable2D(state = draggableState) ... ) // 3. How? val draggableState = rememberDraggable2DState { delta -> coroutineScope.launch { translation.snapTo( } }

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Fling and Back // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .draggable2D( state = draggableState, onDragStopped = { velocity -> doFlingMove(velocity) } ) )

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Fling and Back // 3. How? val decay = rememberSplineBasedDecay() fun doFlingMove(velocity: Velocity) { // 1. Calculate target offset based on velocity val velocityOffset = Offset(velocity.x / 2f, velocity.y / 2f) val targetOffset = decay.calculateTargetValue( typeConverter = Offset.VectorConverter, initialValue = translation.value, initialVelocity = velocityOffset, ) // 2. If the target offset is within bounds, animate to it if (isTargetInBounds(targetOffset, screenSize)) { coroutineScope.launch { translation.animateDecay(velocityOffset, decay) } }

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Fling and Back // 3. How? val decay = rememberSplineBasedDecay() fun doFlingMove(velocity: Velocity) { // 1. Calculate target offset based on velocity val velocityOffset = Offset(velocity.x / 2f, velocity.y / 2f) val targetOffset = decay.calculateTargetValue( typeConverter = Offset.VectorConverter, initialValue = translation.value, initialVelocity = velocityOffset, ) // 2. If the target offset is within bounds, animate to it if (isTargetInBounds(targetOffset, screenSize)) { coroutineScope.launch { translation.animateDecay(velocityOffset, decay) } } Decay Animation Spec

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Fling and Back // 3. How? val decay = rememberSplineBasedDecay() fun doFlingMove(velocity: Velocity) { // 1. Calculate target offset based on velocity val velocityOffset = Offset(velocity.x / 2f, velocity.y / 2f) val targetOffset = decay.calculateTargetValue( typeConverter = Offset.VectorConverter, initialValue = translation.value, initialVelocity = velocityOffset, ) // 2. If the target offset is within bounds, animate to it if (isTargetInBounds(targetOffset, screenSize)) { coroutineScope.launch { translation.animateDecay(velocityOffset, decay) } } Decay Animation Spec DBMDVMBUF5BSHFU7BMVF ৈӝࢲ ݥ୹ԅ

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Fling and Back // 3. How? // 2. If the target offset is within bounds, animate to it if (isTargetInBounds(targetOffset, screenSize)) { coroutineScope.launch { translation.animateDecay(velocityOffset, decay) } } else { coroutineScope.launch { val adjustedOffset = calculateBoundedOffset(targetOffset, screenSize) // Get farthest Offset translation.animateTo(adjustedOffset) // Animate to farthest point translation.animateTo(Offset(0f, 0f), ..) // Animate back to center } } }

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Fling and Back // 3. How? // 2. If the target offset is within bounds, animate to it if (isTargetInBounds(targetOffset, screenSize)) { coroutineScope.launch { translation.animateDecay(velocityOffset, decay) } } else { coroutineScope.launch { val adjustedOffset = calculateBoundedOffset(targetOffset, screenSize) // Get farthest Offset translation.animateTo(adjustedOffset) // Animate to farthest point translation.animateTo(Offset(0f, 0f), ..) // Animate back to center } } }

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Fling and Back // 3. How? // 2. If the target offset is within bounds, animate to it if (isTargetInBounds(targetOffset, screenSize)) { coroutineScope.launch { translation.animateDecay(velocityOffset, decay) } } else { coroutineScope.launch { val adjustedOffset = calculateBoundedOffset(targetOffset, screenSize) translation.animateTo(adjustedOffset) // Animate to farthest point translation.animateTo(Offset(0f, 0f), ..) // Animate back to center } } }

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Fling and Back // 3. How? // 2. If the target offset is within bounds, animate to it if (isTargetInBounds(targetOffset, screenSize)) { coroutineScope.launch { translation.animateDecay(velocityOffset, decay) } } else { coroutineScope.launch { val adjustedOffset = calculateBoundedOffset(targetOffset, screenSize) translation.animateTo(adjustedOffset) // Animate to farthest point translation.animateTo(Offset(0f, 0f), ..) // Animate back to center } } }

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Fling and Back // 3. How? // 2. If the target offset is within bounds, animate to it if (isTargetInBounds(targetOffset, screenSize)) { coroutineScope.launch { translation.animateDecay(velocityOffset, decay) } } else { // 3. If not, animate to farthest point within bounds and then animate back to center coroutineScope.launch { val adjustedOffset = calculateBoundedOffset(targetOffset, screenSize) translation.animateTo(adjustedOffset) // Animate to farthest point translation.animateTo(Offset(0f, 0f), ..) // Animate back to center } } }

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Fling and Back // 3. How? val decay = rememberSplineBasedDecay() fun doFlingMove(velocity: Velocity) { // 1. Calculate target offset based on velocity val velocityOffset = Offset(velocity.x / 2f, velocity.y / 2f) val targetOffset = decay.calculateTargetValue( typeConverter = Offset.VectorConverter, initialValue = translation.value, initialVelocity = velocityOffset, ) // 2. If the target offset is within bounds, animate to it if (isTargetInBounds(targetOffset, screenSize)) { coroutineScope.launch { translation.animateDecay(velocityOffset, decay) } } else { // 3. If not, animate to farthest point within bounds and then animate back to center coroutineScope.launch { val adjustedOffset = calculateBoundedOffset(targetOffset, screenSize) translation.animateTo(adjustedOffset) // Animate to farthest point translation.animateTo(Offset(0f, 0f), ..) // Animate back to center } } }

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우리는 오늘 무엇을 중점적으로 알아볼 것인가? Gestures Sensors Animations Data

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센서 활용하기 3. Sensor Event 처리하기 1.필요한 Sensor를 선택하기 2. Sensor Data 구독하기

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센서 Android Sensor Manager iOS Sensor Manager Multiplatform Sensor Manager

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MultiPlatform Sensor Manager interface MultiplatformSensorManager { fun registerListener( sensorType: MultiplatformSensorType, onSensorChanged: (MultiplatformSensorEvent) -> Unit, ) fun unregisterAll() } @Composable expect fun rememberSensorManager(): MultiplatformSensorManager

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MultiPlatform Sensor Manager // Android @Composable actual fun rememberSensorManager(): MultiplatformSensorManager { val context = LocalContext.current return remember(context) { AndroidSensorManager(context) } } // iOS @Composable actual fun rememberSensorManager(): MultiplatformSensorManager { return remember { iOSSensorManager() } } @Composable expect fun rememberSensorManager(): MultiplatformSensorManager

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Multiplatform Sensor Manager // Android class AndroidSensorManager(private val context: Context) : MultiplatformSensorManager { private val sensorManager by lazy { context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE) as SensorManager } override fun registerListener(. . .) { } override fun unregisterAll() { } }

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Multiplatform Sensor Manager // Android class AndroidSensorManager(private val context: Context) : MultiplatformSensorManager { private val sensorManager by lazy { context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE) as SensorManager } override fun registerListener(...) { sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(sensorType.toSensorType())?.let { sensor -> val sensorEventListener = object : SensorEventListener {...} sensorManager.registerListener(sensorEventListener, sensor) } } override fun unregisterAll() { listeners.forEach { (_, listener) -> sensorManager.unregisterListener(listener) } } }

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Multiplatform Sensor Manager // Android class AndroidSensorManager(private val context: Context) : MultiplatformSensorManager { private val sensorManager by lazy { context.getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE) as SensorManager } override fun registerListener(...) { sensorManager.getDefaultSensor(sensorType.toSensorType())?.let { sensor -> val sensorEventListener = object : SensorEventListener {...} sensorManager.registerListener(sensorEventListener, sensor) } } override fun unregisterAll() { listeners.forEach { (_, listener) -> sensorManager.unregisterListener(listener) } } }

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Multiplatform Sensor Manager // iOS class iOSSensorManager : MultiplatformSensorManager { override fun registerListener(. . .) { } override fun unregisterAll() { }

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Multiplatform Sensor Manager // iOS class iOSSensorManager : MultiplatformSensorManager { private val motionManager = CMMotionManager() private val activityManager = CMMotionActivityManager() private val pedometerManager = CMPedometer() override fun registerListener(. . .) { } override fun unregisterAll() { }

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Multiplatform Sensor Manager // iOS class iOSSensorManager : MultiplatformSensorManager { private val motionManager = CMMotionManager() . . . override fun registerListener(. . .) { when (sensorType) { MultiplatformSensorType.ACCELEROMETER -> startAccelerometerUpdates(onSensorChanged) MultiplatformSensorType.STEP_COUNTER -> startPedometerUpdates(onSensorChanged) MultiplatformSensorType.STEP_DETECTOR -> startStepDetection(onSensorChanged) MultiplatformSensorType.LIGHT -> startLightUpdates(onSensorChanged) } } override fun unregisterAll() { }

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Multiplatform Sensor Manager // iOS class iOSSensorManager : MultiplatformSensorManager { private val motionManager = CMMotionManager() . . . override fun registerListener(. . .) { when (sensorType) { MultiplatformSensorType.ACCELEROMETER -> startAccelerometerUpdates(onSensorChanged) . . . } } private fun startAccelerometerUpdates(onSensorChanged: (MultiplatformSensorEvent) -> Unit, ) { if (motionManager.isAccelerometerAvailable()) { motionManager.startAccelerometerUpdatesToQueue(. . .) { data, error -> . . . } } }

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Multiplatform Sensor Manager class iOSSensorManager : MultiplatformSensorManager { private val motionManager = CMMotionManager() // For position related sensors private val activityManager = CMMotionActivityManager() // Detect activity (walking, driving, ...) private val pedometerManager = CMPedometer() // Step counter ... override fun registerListener(...) { when (sensorType) { MultiplatformSensorType.ACCELEROMETER -> startAccelerometerUpdates(onSensorChanged) ... } } override fun unregisterAll() { motionManager.stopDeviceMotionUpdates() motionManager.stopDeviceMotionUpdates() motionManager.stopGyroUpdates() motionManager.stopMagnetometerUpdates() motionManager.stopAccelerometerUpdates() pedometerManager.stopPedometerUpdates() pedometerManager.stopPedometerEventUpdates() activityManager.stopActivityUpdates() ... } }

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Rotation Shift 1. What? 회전 시키기 2. When? 디바이스의 방향이 변경 될 경우 3. How? 회전 Sensor의 value 0. Sensor Data이해하기 Orientation

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Orientation - Android - Roll • Y 축 회전 • -180°에서 180° - Azimuth • Z 축 회전 • 0°에서 360° - Pitch • X 축 회전 • -90°에서 90°

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Orientation ­ iOS Yaw • Z축 회전 • -180º에서 180º Pitch • X축 회전 • -180º에서 180º Roll • Y축 회전 • -180º에서 180º

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Orientation ­ Android && iOS - Yaw • Z축 회전 • -180º에서 180º - Pitch • X축 회전 • -180º에서 180º - Roll • Y축 회전 • -180º에서 180º - Azimuth • Z 축 회전 • 0°에서 360° - Pitch • X 축 회전 • -90°에서 90° - Roll • Y 축 회전 • -180°에서 180°

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Orientation ­ Shared Code data class DeviceOrientation( val azimuth: Float, // Orientation[0] 0 to 360 val pitch: Float, // Orientation[1] -90 to 90 val roll: Float, // Orientation[2] -180 to 180 ) { val azimuthDegrees = azimuth.toDegrees() val pitchDegrees = pitch.toDegrees() val rollDegrees = roll.toDegrees() }

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Orientation ­ Shared Code data class DeviceOrientation() // Main interface MultiplatformSensorManager { fun registerListener( sensorType: MultiplatformSensorType, onSensorChanged: (MultiplatformSensorEvent) -> Unit ) fun observeOrientationChanges( onOrientationChanged: (DeviceOrientation) -> Unit ) fun unregisterAll() }

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Rotation Shift // 1. What? val rotationX = remember { Animatable(0f) } val rotationY = remember { Animatable(0f) } val rotationZ = remember { Animatable(0f) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { this.rotationX = rotationX.value this.rotationY = rotationY.value this.rotationZ = rotationZ.value } ... ) // 3. How?

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Rotation Shift // 3. How? val sensorManager: MultiplatformSensorManager = rememberSensorManager() sensorManager.observeOrientationChanges { orientation -> coroutineScope.launch { rotationX.snapTo() } coroutineScope.launch { rotationY.snapTo() } coroutineScope.launch { rotationZ.snapTo() } }

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Rotation Shift // 3. How? val sensorManager: MultiplatformSensorManager = rememberSensorManager() sensorManager.observeOrientationChanges { orientation -> coroutineScope.launch { rotationX.snapTo() } coroutineScope.launch { rotationY.snapTo() } coroutineScope.launch { rotationZ.snapTo() } }

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Rotation Shift // 3. How? val sensorManager: MultiplatformSensorManager = rememberSensorManager() sensorManager.observeOrientationChanges { orientation -> coroutineScope.launch { rotationX.snapTo() } coroutineScope.launch { rotationY.snapTo() } coroutineScope.launch { rotationZ.snapTo() } }

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Rotation Shift // 3. How? val sensorManager: MultiplatformSensorManager = rememberSensorManager() sensorManager.observeOrientationChanges { orientation -> coroutineScope.launch { rotationX.snapTo() } coroutineScope.launch { rotationY.snapTo() } coroutineScope.launch { rotationZ.snapTo() } }

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Rotation Shift // 1. What? val rotationX = remember { Animatable(0f) } val rotationY = remember { Animatable(0f) } val rotationZ = remember { Animatable(0f) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { this.rotationX = rotationX.value this.rotationY = rotationY.value this.rotationZ = rotationZ.value } ... ) // 3. How? sensorManager.observeOrientationChanges { orientation -> coroutineScope.launch { rotation.snapTo(orientation.degrees) } ... }

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Rotation Shift // 1. What? val rotationX = remember { Animatable(0f) } val rotationY = remember { Animatable(0f) } val rotationZ = remember { Animatable(0f) } // 2. When? ComposableKodee( modifier = Modifier .graphicsLayer { this.rotationX = rotationX.value this.rotationY = rotationY.value this.rotationZ = rotationZ.value } ... ) // 3. How? sensorManager.observeOrientationChanges { orientation -> coroutineScope.launch { rotation.snapTo(orientation.degrees) } ... }

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우리는 오늘 무엇을 중점적으로 알아볼 것인가? Gestures Sensors Animations Data

Slide 85

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더 많은 것을 배우고 싶다면? • Play around with the code! multiplatform • Rebecca Franks - Practical magic with animations in Jetpack Compose • Compose Animation Documentation ion/introduction • Android Sensor Documentation location/sensors/sensors_overview • iOS Sensor Documentation

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