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Automating WEB Performance

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Robin Osborne @rposbo

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Dean Hume @deanohume

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No content

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ASP.Net is Open Source!

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Does performance really matter?

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2.2 SECONDS Increased downloads by 15.4%

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2.2 SECONDS Increased downloads by 15.4% 60 million more downloads

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People != Patience

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No content

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No content

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It all started with...

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RULES Make Fewer HTTP Requests Use a Content Delivery Network Add an Expires Header Gzip Components Put Stylesheets at the Top Put Scripts at the Bottom

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RULES Make Fewer HTTP Requests Use a Content Delivery Network Add an Expires Header Gzip Components Put Stylesheets at the Top Put Scripts at the Bottom

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RULES Make Fewer HTTP Requests Use a Content Delivery Network Add an Expires Header Gzip Components Put Stylesheets at the Top Put Scripts at the Bottom

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RULES Make Fewer HTTP Requests Use a Content Delivery Network Add an Expires Header Gzip Components Put Stylesheets at the Top Put Scripts at the Bottom

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RULES Make Fewer HTTP Requests Use a Content Delivery Network Add an Expires Header Gzip Components Put Stylesheets at the Top Put Scripts at the Bottom

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RULES Make Fewer HTTP Requests Use a Content Delivery Network Add an Expires Header Gzip Components Put Stylesheets at the Top Put Scripts at the Bottom

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RULES Make Fewer HTTP Requests Use a Content Delivery Network Add an Expires Header Gzip Components Put Stylesheets at the Top Put Scripts at the Bottom

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Web Performance ain’t easy!

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No content

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Manual Process

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No content

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No content

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Steps 1. Images

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Steps 1. Images 2. CSS

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Steps 1. Images 2. CSS 3. JavaScript

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Steps 1. Images 2. CSS 3. JavaScript 4. HTML

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Steps 1. Images 2. CSS 3. JavaScript 4. HTML 5. Testing

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HTTP2 HTTP2 Approved

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No content

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No content

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index products

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index products product

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index products product contact

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index products product contact about

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No content

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No content

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Material Design Lite

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Amsterdam Home page

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Amsterdam Home page - 21 seconds

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Amsterdam Home page - 21 seconds & cost 5c

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Amsterdam Home page - 21 seconds & cost 5c Product page

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Amsterdam Home page - 21 seconds & cost 5c Product page - 22 seconds

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Amsterdam Home page - 21 seconds & cost 5c Product page - 22 seconds & cost 35c

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Automate Measuring

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Automate all the things

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Begin the journey

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optimise before deploying

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Grunt Gulp

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Grunt Gulp

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Gulp Grunt

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764 15,758 145 1,283,067 1,691 Grunt Gulp 601 9,883 55 1,356,374 4,403 Watchers Stars Contributors Downloads Plugins August 2015

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mod_pagespeed optimise after deploying

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Gulp Grunt

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1. NodeJS GruntFile

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1. NodeJS GruntFile 2. Grunt

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1. NodeJS GruntFile 2. Grunt 3. GruntFile

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npm install grunt

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npm install -g grunt-cli

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Gruntfile.js module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ cssmin: { dist: { files: [ { src: 'stylesheets/about.css', dest: 'stylesheets/about.min.css' }, { src: 'stylesheets/articles.css', dest: 'stylesheets/articles.min.css' }, ] } } }) // Load the plugins grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); // Default tasks. grunt.registerTask('default', ['cssmin']); };

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Gruntfile.js module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ cssmin: { dist: { files: [ { src: 'stylesheets/about.css', dest: 'stylesheets/about.min.css' }, { src: 'stylesheets/articles.css', dest: 'stylesheets/articles.min.css' }, ] } } }) // Load the plugins grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); // Default tasks. grunt.registerTask('default', ['cssmin']); };

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Gruntfile.js module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ cssmin: { dist: { files: [ { src: 'stylesheets/about.css', dest: 'stylesheets/about.min.css' }, { src: 'stylesheets/articles.css', dest: 'stylesheets/articles.min.css' }, ] } } }) // Load the plugins grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); // Default tasks. grunt.registerTask('default', ['cssmin']); };

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Gruntfile.js module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ cssmin: { dist: { files: [ { src: 'stylesheets/about.css', dest: 'stylesheets/about.min.css' }, { src: 'stylesheets/articles.css', dest: 'stylesheets/articles.min.css' }, ] } } }) // Load the plugins grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); // Default tasks. grunt.registerTask('default', ['cssmin']); };

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Stack ‘em up

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No content

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1. Images

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Images are the biggest part of a web page Stylesheets, HTML, etc Images 60% JavaScript source:

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1. Images Compression

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160 KB 110 KB Before After

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jpegmini mozjpeg jpeg png gif svg

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jpegmini mozjpeg optipng pngcrush zopflipng pngmini jpeg png gif svg

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jpegmini mozjpeg gifsicle optipng pngcrush zopflipng pngmini jpeg png gif svg

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jpegmini mozjpeg gifsicle SVGO optipng pngcrush zopflipng pngmini jpeg png gif svg

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jpeg png gif svg grunt-contrib-imagemin

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npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin

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Gruntfile.js module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ imagemin: { dist: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'images/', src: ['*.{png,jpg,gif,svg}'], dest: 'images/dist/' }] } } }) // Load the plugins grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-imagemin'); // Default tasks. grunt.registerTask('default', ['imagemin']); };

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Gruntfile.js module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ imagemin: { dist: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'images/', src: ['*.{png,jpg,gif,svg}'], dest: 'images/dist/' }] } } }) // Load the plugins grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-imagemin'); // Default tasks. grunt.registerTask('default', ['imagemin']); };

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Gruntfile.js module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ imagemin: { dist: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'images/', src: ['*.{png,jpg,gif,svg}'], dest: 'images/dist/' }] } } }) // Load the plugins grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-imagemin'); // Default tasks. grunt.registerTask('default', ['imagemin']); };

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Gruntfile.js module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ imagemin: { dist: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'images/', src: ['*.{png,jpg,gif,svg}'], dest: 'images/dist/' }] } } }) // Load the plugins grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-imagemin'); // Default tasks. grunt.registerTask('default', ['imagemin']); };

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imagemin plugins

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grunt-contrib-imagemin 1. npm install

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grunt-contrib-imagemin 1. npm install 2. var plugin = require('');

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1. npm install 2. var plugin = require(''); 3. options: {use: [plugin( {config} )]} grunt-contrib-imagemin

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Squeezing the JPEG

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Before: 1.02 MB

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Before: 1.02 MB Default: 905 KB

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Before: 1.02 MB Default: 905 KB JPEG ReCompress: 616 KB

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Before: 1.02 MB Default: 905 KB JPEG ReCompress: 616 KB MozJPEG: 217 KB

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No content

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1. npm install imagemin-mozjpeg grunt-contrib-imagemin

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1. npm install imagemin-mozjpeg 2. var moz= require('imagemin-mozjpeg'); grunt-contrib-imagemin

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1. npm install imagemin-mozjpeg 2. var moz= require('imagemin-mozjpeg'); 3. options: {use: [moz( {quality:80} )]} grunt-contrib-imagemin

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var moz = require('imagemin-mozjpeg'); grunt.initConfig({ imagemin: { dist: { options: { use: [moz( {quality:80, quantTable: 3} )] }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'images/', src: ['*.{png,jpg,gif,svg}'], dest: 'images/dist/' }] } } }) Gruntfile.js

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109 KB 34.9 KB Before After

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Bashing the PNG

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Before: 5.23 MB

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Before: 5.23 MB Default: 906 KB

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Before: 5.23 MB Default: 906 KB Default + Level 7: 905 KB

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Before: 5.23 MB Default: 906 KB Default + Level 7: 905 KB Zopfli: 851 KB

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var zopfli = require('imagemin-zopfli'); grunt.initConfig({ imagemin: { dist: { options: { use: [zopfli( {more: true} )] }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'images/', src: ['*.{png,jpg,gif,svg}'], dest: 'images/dist/' }] } } }) Gruntfile.js

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3.5 MB 68 KB Before After

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HOWEVER Default: 15s

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HOWEVER Default: 15s Default + Level 7: 1m23s

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HOWEVER Default: 15s Default + Level 7: 1m23s Zopfli: 8 minutes!!

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grunt.initConfig({ imagemin: { dist: { options: { optimizationLevel: 3, // default values, so is not even necessary }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'images/', src: ['*.{png,jpg,gif}'], dest: 'images/dist/' }] } } }) Gruntfile.js

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Slashing the SVG

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grunt.initConfig({ imagemin: { dist: { options: { svgoPlugins: [{ removeViewBox: true }] }, files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'images/', src: ['*.{png,jpg,gif,svg}'], dest: 'images/dist/' }] } } }) Gruntfile.js

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14KB 4KB Before After

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We kinda cheated!

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6.25 MB

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6.25 MB 1.09 MB

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5.16 MB

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1. Images Compression

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1. Images Compression HTTP2 Approved

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Gruntfile ● grunt-contrib-imagemin ○ imagemin-mozjpeg ○ imagemin-zopfli

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1. Images Compression Format

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Baseline Progressive

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Converting the JPEG

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Before: 1.02 MB MozJPEG: 217 KB

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Before: 1.02 MB MozJPEG: 217 KB WebP: 196 KB

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Converting the PNG

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Before: 5.23 MB Zopfli: 851 KB

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Before: 5.23 MB Zopfli: 851 KB WebP: 139 KB

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6.25 MB

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6.25 MB 335 KB

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5.9 MB

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npm install grunt-webp

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webp:{ png: { files:[{ expand: true, cwd: "images/", src: "*.png", dest: "images/dist/" }], options: { binpath: "tools/cwebp.exe", preset: 'picture', verbose: true, quality: 80, alphaQuality: 80, compressionMethod: 6, …….. } } Gruntfile.js

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10KB PNG WebP 3.5 MB

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1. Images Compression Format HTTP2 Approved

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1. Images Compression Format Responsive Images

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No content

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No content

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The fallback image.

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The fallback image.

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The fallback image.

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npm install grunt-responsive-images

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brew install ImageMagick

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Gruntfile.js responsive_images: { images: { options: { engine: 'im', sizes: [ { name: 'medium', width: 300 },{ name: 'large', width: 500, }] }, files: { src: '../before/images/tie-fighter-large.jpg' , dest: 'images/tie-fighter.jpg'} } }

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Gruntfile.js responsive_images: { images: { options: { engine: 'im', sizes: [ { name: 'medium', width: 300 },{ name: 'large', width: 500, }] }, files: { 'images/tie-fighter.jpg': '../before/images/tie-fighter-large.jpg' } } }

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Gruntfile.js responsive_images: { images: { options: { engine: 'im', sizes: [ { name: 'medium', width: 300 },{ name: 'large', width: 500, }] }, files: { 'images/tie-fighter.jpg': '../before/images/tie-fighter-large.jpg' } } }

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No content

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112 KB

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112 KB 70 KB

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112 KB 70 KB 26 KB

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1. Images Compression Format Responsive Images HTTP2 Approved

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1. Images Compression HTTP2 Approved

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1. Images Compression Format HTTP2 Approved

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1. Images Compression Format Responsive Images HTTP2 Approved

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Gruntfile ● grunt-contrib-imagemin ○ imagemin-mozjpeg ○ imagemin-zopfli ● grunt-webp ● grunt-responsive-images

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Stop! Psst! Fancy some more info on image optimisation? Check out

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Minify 2.CSS

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/* This is a comment */ h1 { font-size: 30px; line-height: 36px; } h1 small { font-size: 18px; /* Another comment */ } CSS

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h1{font-size:30px;line-height:36px}h1 small{font-size:18px}

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npm install grunt-contrib-cssmin

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cssmin: { dist: { files: [{ src: ['css/material-design.css', 'css/site.css'], dest: 'css/result.min.css' }] } Gruntfile.js

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But wait...

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Clean your CSS div { color:red; } a { color:red ;}

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Clean your CSS div,a{color:red}

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Clean your CSS .foo { background: url('images/test.jpg'); width: 100px; } .bar { display: block; } .baz { background: url('images/test.jpg'); width: 110px; }

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Clean your CSS .baz,.foo{background:url('images/test.jpg')} .foo{width:100px} .bar{display:block} .baz{width:110px}

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Browsers don’t care!

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Foundation CSS 22 % with whitespace optimizations 29% with all optimizations

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155 KB

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118 KB

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1 HTTP Request

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HTTP2 Approved

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cssmin: { dist: { files: [{ src: ['css/material-design.css', 'css/site.css'], dest: 'css/result.min.css' }] } Gruntfile.js

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cssmin: { dist: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'release/css', src: ['*.css', '!*.min.css'], dest: 'release/css', ext: '.min.css' }] } } Gruntfile.js

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118 KB

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Minify 2.CSS HTTP2 Approved

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CSS Minify Unused

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Before 107 KB After 30 KB

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91% Unused CSS

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91% Unused CSS

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Deliver only the goods that will be used !

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Chrome Developer Tools

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Chrome Developer Tools

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npm install grunt-uncss

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Gruntfile.js uncss: { dist: { files: { 'css/result.css': ['index.html'] } } }

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118 KB

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24 KB

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But wait...

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uncss: { dist: { options: { ignore: ['#header', 'mdl-layout__header'] }, files: { 'css/result.css': ['index.html'] } } } Gruntfile.js

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uncss: { dist: { options: { ignore: ['#header', 'mdl-layout__header'] }, files: { 'css/result.css': ['index.html'] } } } Gruntfile.js

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CSS Unused HTTP2 Approved

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CSS Minify Unused Critical

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HTML CSS JS Blocking Blocking

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No content

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“More Weight Doesn't Mean More Wait” Scott Jehl

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Finding the Critical Path

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No content

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14 KB

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No content

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/* inlined critical CSS */ loadCSS('deferred.css'); ...body goes here

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/* inlined critical CSS */ loadCSS('deferred.css'); ...body goes here

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1 Roundtrip 14 KB

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npm install grunt-critical

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critical: { dist: { options: { base: './', minify: true, dimensions: [ { width: 1300, height: 900 }, { width: 500, height: 900 }] }, files: { src: 'index.html', dest: ['index.html'] } } } Gruntfile.js

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HTTP2 Approved

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Gruntfile ● grunt-contrib-imagemin ○ imagemin-mozjpeg ○ imagemin-zopfli ● grunt-webp ● grunt-responsive-images ● grunt-contrib-cssmin ● grunt-critical

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CSS Summary Minify

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CSS Summary Minify Clean

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CSS Summary Minify Clean Unused

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CSS Summary Minify Clean Unused Critical

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JavaScript Minify

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/** * Upgrades a specific element rather than all in the DOM. * @param {HTMLElement} element The element we wish to upgrade. * @param {string} jsClass The name of the class we want to upgrade * the element to. */ function upgradeElementInternal(element, jsClass) { // Only upgrade elements that have not already been upgraded. var dataUpgraded = element.getAttribute('data-upgraded'); if (dataUpgraded === null || dataUpgraded.indexOf(jsClass) === -1) { // Upgrade element. if (dataUpgraded === null) { dataUpgraded = ''; } element.setAttribute('data-upgraded', dataUpgraded + ',' + jsClass); …. JS

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function upgradeElementInternal(a,b){var c=a.getAttribute("data- upgraded");if(null===c||-1===c.indexOf(b)){null===c&&(c=""),a. setAttribute("data-upgraded",c+","+b);var d=findRegisteredClass_(b);if(! d)throw"Unable to find a registered component for the given class.";var e=new d.classConstructor(a);e[componentConfigProperty_]=d, createdComponents_.push(e),d.callbacks.forEach(function(b){b(a)}),d. widget&&(a[b]=e);var f=document.createEvent("Events");f.initEvent ("mdl-componentupgraded",!0,!0),a.dispatchEvent(f)}}

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npm install grunt-contrib-uglify

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uglify: { target: { files: [{ expand: true, cwd: 'src', src: ['*.js'], dest: 'dest', ext: '.min.js' }] } } Gruntfile.js

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140 KB

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60 KB

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JavaScript Minify HTTP2 Approved

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HTML Minify

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Bulky Bricks

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\n \n
\n \n Bulky Bricks\n \n
\n \n \n Home\n HTML

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Bulky Bricks

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npm install grunt-contrib-htmlmin

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htmlmin: { target: { options: { removeComments: true, collapseWhitespace: true, collapseBooleanAttributes: true, removeAttributeQuotes: true }, files: { dest: 'index.min.html', src: 'index.html' } } } Gruntfile.js

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28.2 KB

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19.3 KB

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HTML Minify HTTP2 Approved

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Slide 280

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Gruntfile ● grunt-contrib-imagemin ○ imagemin-mozjpeg ○ imagemin-zopfli ● grunt-webp ● grunt-responsive-images ● grunt-contrib-cssmin ● grunt-critical ● grunt-contrib-uglify ● grunt-contrib-htmlmin

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All In One

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Slide 287 text Accelerated Mobile Pages

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Amsterdam Home page - 2 seconds & cost $0.01

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Amsterdam Home page - 2 seconds & cost $0.01 Product page - 1 second & cost $0.01

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npm install grunt-pagespeed

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pagespeed: { options: { nokey: true }, prod: { options: { url: "", locale: "en_GB", strategy: "desktop", threshold: 95 } } } Gruntfile.js

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Fail a Build

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language: node_js node_js: - "0.12" before_install: npm install -g grunt-cli install: npm install script: grunt test travis.yml

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{ "dependencies": { "grunt": "*", "grunt-pagespeed": "*" } } package.json

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Check every push

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No content

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Summary 1. Images

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Summary 1. Images 2. CSS

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Summary 1. Images 2. CSS 3. JavaScript

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Summary 1. Images 2. CSS 3. JavaScript 4. HTML

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Summary 1. Images 2. CSS 3. JavaScript 4. HTML 5. Testing

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Dean Hume @deanohume Robin Osborne @rposbo Thank you!