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Lotus For Rails Developers @jodosha / #lotusrb

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Indie OSS dev & Freelancer

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Why Lotus?

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Lotus Philosophy

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Features • Thread-safety • Full featured HTTP router • RESTful resources • Actions and views as objects • Actions callbacks • Code sharing • Exception handling • Sessions • Secure Cookies • HTTP Caching • Automatic MIME Types • 20+ Template engines • Partials and layouts • Presenters • Routing helpers • Form helpers • HTML helpers • Automatic markup escape • CSRF and XSS prevention • Force SSL • Entities • Repositories • Data Mapper • SQL and Memory adapters • Dirty Tracking • Reusable validations • Mailers • Multiple environments • Static assets • JSON body parser • Params whitelisting and validation • Code generators • Rack servers support • Application console • Database console • Powerful CLI • Migrations • RSpec, Minitest and Capybara support • Several architectures • And more..

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0 17,5 35 52,5 70 Ruby Rack Sinatra Lotus Rails Dependencies Memory

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On average, we use only a fraction of the features that a gem provides.

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Lotus depends on a few gems. You can be sure that all the loaded code is useful for your application.

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Lotus Foo Bar Baz Runtime dependency Transitive dependency

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For each gem that we require, we’re adding overhead to Ruby and Bundler.

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There is no faster code than no code at all.

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Less convenient

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Example: Constant Autoloading • Differences across environments • ActiveSupport’s dependencies.rb is ~800LOCs • lotus-controller gem is ~800LOCs • It took years to become stable • It modifies how Ruby VM loads code and features • It requires to “monkey-patch” Ruby Core

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Solution: Eager loading • Same behaviour across environments • It’s just 26LOCs • It isn’t a perfect solution • “Easy fix” via require

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No monkey-patching

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Don’t monkey-patch classes that you don’t own.

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All the application components can be unit tested.

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No need to maintain lotus-rspec or lotus- minitest gems.

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A complete framework

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Lotus goes beyond “Flat-MVC” by providing a set of collaborators for “Full-MVC”.

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Lotus toolkit

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Full stack web apps

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Lotus has a “Modular First” approach that helps you to scale your code.

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The Monolith is good for the first 5 years, but then a framework should make your life easy.

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Example #1

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This is the name of the application under apps/

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Web::Controllers::Home::Index For the app named Web we have Web::Action

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For the app named Web we have Web::View Web::Controllers::Home::Index Web::Views::Home::Index

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All the “exposures” and view’s public methods are available to the template.

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Exposure from the action

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Example #2

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One big ERb block

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In order to avoid coupling with any ORM, it just accepts symbols.

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We have the routes factory to not overload the view context with too many methods.

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No need to concat these two div blocks.

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Params validation is optional

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This is the same name that we have set to form_for.

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Separation between entities and repositories.

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No coupling with the routing system and the ORM

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Useful resources

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Thank you