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Dos and Don’ts 49 Ethics in publishing

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50 Ethical issues in submitted articles Ethics in publishing Most common don’ts 1. Duplicated publications 2. Plagiarism 3. Fraud: falsification and fabrication 4. Authorship issues

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51 Duplicated Publication Ethics in publishing • Don’t republish the same findings • Don’t submit the same paper to multiple journals simultaneously • Salami are for eating, not publishing • ”Salami slicing”: Fragmentation of results into multiple papers Plagiarism and Fraud • Plagiarism: Unreferenced use of previously published ideas and concepts • Including verbatim reproduction of text (yes, even your own) • Submissions are prescreened for plagiarism with software • Falsification: Distortion of data or results • Hiding outliers, selective removal of data points,… • Post-hoc analysis • Fabrication: Invention of data or results

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52 Authorship Ethics in publishing Definition*: 1. Substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, AND 2. drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content, AND 3. final approval of the version to be published *International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)

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53 Authorship Ethics in publishing Best Practices: • Discuss and agree on individual contributions and author order prior to submission • Changes post-submission (NEVER post-acceptance) are admissible, if explained and agreed by all • All listed authors are accountable for accuracy and integrity of all parts of the work • Reveal conflict of interest (financial, personal, academic, …) • Provide statement of individual contribution, if requested (or even if not)

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54 Need help? Ethics in publishing • WILEY Ethical Guidelines • Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): • Editors wants you to succeed! In doubt, seek editorial advice